Quote Pool
When there's a recurring theme (if you will), of quotes, I'll put it here. A theme or what I'm calling a "Quote Pool" is when there are many quotes of the same nature, or quotes that start or end the same way.
If you can think of more, please recommend them to me!
"Oh! Look at the puppy! It's so cute!" "That's not a puppy. That's baby Yoda." - Janny M & Shawn R (11/23/2019)
"Ou, look at the puppy, ou!" "That's a kitty cat." - Janny M & Brian C (06/12/2016)
"Ou, look at the puppy." "It's a kid." - Janny M & Brian C (11/06/2010)
"Aww, look at the puppy." "It's actually a dragon." - Janny M & Leslie B (09/18/2010)
"Aww look at the puppy." "That's not a puppy. That's a hedgehog." - Janny M & Ernie A (08/28/2007)
"Ou, look at the puppy!" "That's not a puppy. That's a deer." - Janny M & Paul H (05/05/2007)
"That wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (02/10/2025)
her attacking us
"I would have satisfied it if I could." "That's what she said." - Larry K & Janny M (02/05/2025)
double in mexican train
"They're not that deep." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (01/01/2025)
the speakers
"I let it get too big." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (12/16/2024)
twss said at the same time
"There's no holes." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Jen R (11/23/2024)
"I saw you put it in your mouth." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (08/23/2024)
molly and taking a pill
"That's clearly wet." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (08/18/2024)
the cake
"It'll go down soon." "That's what she said." - Stacy M & Janny M (08/02/2024)
the drawbridge was making us late!
"I'm pretty good at swallowing quick." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (06/21/2024)
"It was really stiff this morning." "That's what she said." - Glenn H & Janny M (06/18/2024)
his knee from all the walking
"That was a salty one." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Glenn H (05/23/2024)
a french fry i ate
"It is embarrassing. I'm very uncomfortable in this position." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (05/21/2024)
being at the bottom
"Actually that's quite hard." "That's what she said." - Glenn H & Janny M (04/10/2024)
my mussle
"Oh, by the way, I have the small thing." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Heidi C (02/12/2024)
"I can't believe Steve lasted until three in the morning last night." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (02/12/2024)
"That was quick." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (01/08/2024)
"It becomes very thick and sticky." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Glenn H (12/31/2023)
"I have to admit, Shawn, this package is really nice." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Shawn R (12/24/2023)
nfl package we have
"Oh, he's still wet. I'm not watering him." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (09/08/2023)
her plants
"After two minutes it will be done and you can pull it out." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Helen E (08/25/2023)
making something
"Couldn't they have put the shield back up?" "It took a long time to get it up." "That's what she said. And anyway, that's what fluffers are for." - Janny M & Brian C (08/22/2023)
i think we were watching a movie
"I was complaining cause it was so wet." "That's what she said." "No!" - Glenn H & Janny M (07/02/2023)
in bangkok it rained a lot
"Sorry, I didn't want to touch it then stick it in your mouth." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (05/05/2023)
he gave me a candy
"And I'm doing this just with my finger... That's what she said." - Heidi C (05/01/2023)
her mouse wasn't working
"It's very soft." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (03/27/2023)
i made a noise and she couldn't hear it
"It actually went in smoothly." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/10/2023)
the pingo doce keychain card
"It's just training your mouth to chew something that's big." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H (02/15/2023)
"I needed two good hands to play." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Heidi C (02/14/2023)
"Well you are on top so..." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (01/09/2023)
"Oh my God this is the biggest one I've ever had." "That's what she said." - Eric W & Janny M (09/09/2022)
one of his chips
"You can only do so much with how wet it was." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (07/29/2022)
"It's not that far down." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (07/15/2022)
"Maybe it needs to be blown out?" "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Brian C (07/15/2022)
the strobe light wasn't working
"It will go down." "That's what she said." - Travis B & Janny M (06/25/2022)
the sun was in our eyes
"It's light weight." "That's what she said." - Kenny W & Shawn R (05/28/2022)
his jacket
"I'm giving my mouth a break." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (05/27/2022)
"Do you know how deep the lore is?" "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (05/20/2022)
"Damn. We're getting deep tonight." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Helen E (04/28/2022)
"It's not that big." "That's what she said." - Tricia B & Janny M (04/15/2022)
"Well where do you want me?" "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (03/11/2022)
she was getting in the way of the telescope
"This thingy goes deep." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (02/19/2022)
"Put it in deeper." "No, Matt." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Megan Wi & Janny M (02/03/2022)
the selfie stick that they were holding up for the zoom
"This might be too small. That's what she said." - Damion _ (12/18/2021)
one of the game pieces
"She was pulling out before I had even thought about it." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (11/13/2021)
the mind
"It is wet?" "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (10/30/2021)
milk spill
"That was a big one." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Brian C (10/22/2021)
"Is everybody in?" "That's what she said." - Janny M & Shawn R (10/15/2021)
"Well I guess I got it out of my hand now." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (08/28/2021)
"Damn it. It won't fit... Let me guess... That's what she said." - Jen R (07/16/2021)
the chair through the deck
"It's too f**king wet." "That's what she said." "Oh, stop." - Uncle George & Janny M (07/03/2021)
the fireworks
"Do you want me to move it? It's kinda tight." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (06/26/2021)
heidi said twss too
"I feel like I can't make my windows big." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Sabrina P & Brian C (06/18/2021)
twss said at the same time
"My body can't do once a week." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (05/01/2021)
staying up until 3 am
"Well, we made it on top." "That's what she said." - Corey K (04/23/2021)
"It's super moist." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (04/17/2021)
the beer
"This is a hard one." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (04/17/2021)
"It's pretty thick." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (03/26/2021)
becky's sour dough starter
"Do you want me to beat it for a little while? ...That's what she said." - Janny M (03/20/2021)
airing the fire
"How big is that thing?" "That's what she said." - Eric W & Janny M (03/01/2021)
elon musk's submarine
"That's all I'm doing is buying money... but it's not coming up." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (01/30/2021)
"I like them bigger than that." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (11/21/2020)
heidi said twss the same time as me
"I don't feel like performing again." "That's what she said." - Sabrina P & Janny M (11/06/2020)
"It's not big enough." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H & Shawn R (10/30/2020)
twss said at the same time
"I'm not very good with two." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (10/01/2020)
juggling two balls
"I'm already wet." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Shawn R (09/06/2020)
"I can work with my hand... That's what she said." - Janny M (09/05/2020)
"I can't push that hard." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Helen E (08/27/2020)
"You probably won't even taste it. It will go down really smooth." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H (08/01/2020)
the fly in jen's drink
"That would be really hard to do." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _ (07/26/2020)
record the time in my quotes
"I'm only gonna do it a couple of times." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (07/24/2020)
play his leprechaun
"That was a little premature maybe." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Brian C (07/18/2020)
"I think there's room for one more." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _ (07/15/2020)
in the jackbox room
"Oh, weird. Where's my little white thing?" "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (07/08/2020)
"Oh. I'm tired of having that thing in any hand." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (06/20/2020)
the Raze card
"These are so hard." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _ (06/14/2020)
"You just have to stick it in..." "That's what she said." - Adam J & Sébastien T (02/14/2020)
"It all came out!" "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H & Brian C & Shawn R (02/14/2020)
twss said at the same time; the ice came out really fast!
"Okay, take it out." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (02/07/2020)
"Shawn, be quick. I need to pee." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (02/07/2020)
"Come on. In or out." "That's what she said." - Dr Dana W & Janny M (01/18/2020)
brodie won't make up his mind
"Matt... ten seconds..." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Megan Wi (01/16/2020)
"Go. Get it in, Matt. Jeez!" "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (01/16/2020)
get the ball into the goal
"That's a lot of pressure." "That's what she said." - Long D & Bryan S (01/01/2020)
for the first quote of the decade
"Less than one minute." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Helen E (12/31/2019)
till 2020
"Will it fit?" "That's what she said." "What?" - Jen R & Brian C (12/24/2019)
"The duke doesn't go in." "That's what she said." - Jason H & Janny M (11/08/2019)
"The inches matter. Which is ridiculous." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Shawn R (10/26/2019)
car tires
"This is so heavy!" "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (10/18/2019)
the wood
"Uh, it crashed." "No! I just touched it!" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Sabrina P & Janny M (10/15/2019)
the computer which we were using to stream the debate
"These nuts are so warm in my hand." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Brian C (10/13/2019)
hot cashews
"I wasn't that far in." "That's what she said." - Matt An & Janny M (09/30/2019)
"...And it just felt weird in my mouth..." "That's what she said." - Charles Lo & Janny M (09/14/2019)
"But it's gonna get warm and stuff." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Helen E (08/16/2019)
"So you want a big one like that, Kurt?" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Mike O (08/09/2019)
a big pourch
"Too deep." "That's what she said." "Haha." - Megan Wi & Janny M (08/02/2019)
her beer
"Do you want some of my McFlurry? It's rather large." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Matt Wi (07/31/2019)
"That was weird." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (07/18/2019)
"You have to use a downward motion." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (07/12/2019)
how to get the beer can off the holder
"If I could have touched them, I would have." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Matt Wi (07/12/2019)
"It needs to be stirred. It's still way too wet." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (07/01/2019)
"About six inches up, six inches down." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (06/29/2019)
the tv; that was a good one!
"Is that going in or out?" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (06/29/2019)
"Is it all dry in there?" "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (06/29/2019)
megan spilled a drink on her dice card
"I'm stuck here." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Matt Wi (06/29/2019)
"I can't seem to grab it or anything... I know, that's what she said." - Diane I (06/24/2019)
the window; she was doing a screen share
"You're still sticking out." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Helen E (06/21/2019)
bri's parking job
"Is it going in?" "No." "That's what she said." - Aaron E & Sabrina P & Janny M (06/15/2019)
force feeding the kitten
"It's not wide enough." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (06/08/2019)
"Doesn't matter. As long as it goes in." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (06/01/2019)
the basketball
"Dude, I'm already wet enough." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (05/03/2019)
it was raining outside
"It's never been this complicated before." "That's what she said." - Jason H & Janny M (04/26/2019)
"It's not high enough." "That's what she said." - Bear M & Erin L (04/13/2019)
"I thought that was gonna give me more." "That's what she said." - Patrick D & Janny M (04/12/2019)
"Please tell me you're dry." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/23/2019)
brian's shoes were wet
"I can even three finger this one." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (03/22/2019)
"You should try the other hand." "Maybe later." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H (03/22/2019)
paul kept drawing 3 of the same colors in on azul
"I could go all night sometimes." "That's what she said." - Bear M & Brian C (03/20/2019)
"I've never seen one that big before." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/01/2019)
gummy bear bag i bought
"Why doesn't this thing stay up?" "That's what she said." - Steve Gr & Damion _ (02/16/2019)
"Do you want something wet in your car?" "That's what she said." - Uncle George & Janny M (12/14/2018)
"Well you want it extremely hard." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (12/08/2018)
"That's a good head." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Megan Wi (12/02/2018)
"I would be willing to sniff that." "That's what she said." - Sabrina P & Janny M (11/28/2018)
"I have some big ones in here so I hope that'll help." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (11/23/2018)
"I'm never gonna complete that one. It's just too big." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (11/02/2018)
"It wasn't the biggest one I've seen but it by far wasn't the smallest one I've seen." "That's what she said." - Aaron E & Janny M (10/28/2018)
the zombie crawl in dtss
"That thing moves pretty quick." "That's what she said." - Damion _ & Janny M (10/20/2018)
"You have to touch it though." "That's what she said." - Damion _ & Janny M (10/20/2018)
"It looked wider from the side." "That's what she said." - Shy R & Janny M (09/14/2018)
the sholder that we pulled over on to take a picture
"They're usually larger than that." "That's what she said." - Dinese E & Janny M (09/13/2018)
"It's too wide for me." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (09/08/2018)
"The bags are wet so..." "That's what she said." - Stacy M & Janny M (09/08/2018)
"It's wet everywhere!" "I know. That's what she said." - Janny M & Mike O (08/17/2018)
"Why is one of them puffy?" "That's what she said." - Aunt Janet & Janny M (08/12/2018)
bags of food
"Every time I grabbed a double." "That's what she said." - Patrick D & Janny M (08/11/2018)
"Janis, can you feel the water?" "Yeah, I touched it. It's nice... That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (08/10/2018)
"It even has a foam tip." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (08/10/2018)
"Are you out yet?" "I'm out." "Haha." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (07/22/2018)
"It just popped up." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (07/04/2018)
the mattress cover
"I can still feel it." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (07/03/2018)
"How'd it get down?" "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (07/01/2018)
"Is it wet?" "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (06/30/2018)
"Ugh. You got it on me." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (06/30/2018)
"It better not be wet." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (06/22/2018)
her chair
"I thought it would be longer." "That's what she said." - Helen E & Janny M (06/06/2018)
"Maybe you wanna grab one of these big ones?" "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (05/05/2018)
"It was a huge piece of meat." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Brian C (04/14/2018)
"I don't know why I'm so dry." "That's what she said." - Helen E & Janny M (04/06/2018)
she has dry skin
"They can't get up the hill." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Mike O (03/23/2018)
"You said it when I was in my motion." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/23/2018)
gutter ball
"I can start it. I just can't finish it." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Brian C (02/23/2018)
two card one in cah
"The knife kinda sucks. You have to go deep." "That's what she said." - Bear M & Janny M (02/16/2018)
"You got that off before I could." "That's what she said." - Joe K & Brian C (02/16/2018)
i said twss to bear before joe could
"It doesn't have white on it." "That's what she said." - Kim K & Janny M (02/16/2018)
"Oh my goodness! Why is this so wet?" "That's what she said." - Erin L & Janny M (02/09/2018)
something with ella
"I'm gonna help you fit it in." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (02/02/2018)
"Are you close already?" "That's what she said." - Janny M & Mike O (02/02/2018)
close to 7 cards in catan
"I can't get it up." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (02/02/2018)
he couldn't get the card off the table
"I think it's bigger..." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (01/31/2018)
a tahoe
"His cup's smaller." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (01/14/2018)
"I can't get it in." "That's what she said." - Donald OW & Janny M & Mike O (01/05/2018)
his seatbelt; twss said by me & mike at the same time
"I can barely hit the seventh position." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (12/31/2017)
in trumbone
"It won't fit any other way." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (12/23/2017)
their bed in their bedroom
"Oops! That's not supposed to open." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (12/22/2017)
kurt's sunroof
"If you wanna go, you better go." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (12/22/2017)
mike wasn't going to make the light unless he went
"It's in his bush." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (12/22/2017)
where donald's toy was
"So what you have to have, to have to have six inches." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (12/22/2017)
"I don't know why the wood's not catching. It's not wet." "That's what she said." - Shawn R (12/09/2017)
"I swallowed that down the wrong pipe... That's what she said." - Damion _ (11/18/2017)
his coffee
"I don't know how I got so wet." "That's what she said." - Gillian B & Janny M (11/04/2017)
"Yeah, we could pull out." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Mike O (11/03/2017)
"Wow. The bigger, blacker box. I've never seen one this big." "That's what she said." - Jon S & Janny M (11/03/2017)
"Well all I saw was it was a long one." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Mike O (11/03/2017)
"He's like me. I'm too thick to get in." "That's what she said." - Bear M & Janny M (10/20/2017)
"It went in smooth the first time... That's what she said." - Janny M (10/20/2017)
the key to their door
"It won't come out." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (10/14/2017)
"It was more than a squirt." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (10/07/2017)
"Then it dries. Then it's mildew." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Mike O (10/03/2017)
he forced that one
"It's actually not that bad. It's pretty soft." "That's what she said." - Patrick M & Janny M (10/01/2017)
a cake thing they had at the buffet place
"I want it longer." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (09/23/2017)
"Don't put that on. It's too wet." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (09/09/2017)
the wood
"Now my hands are all sticky." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (09/09/2017)
whip cream
"That's pretty deep." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (08/16/2017)
the grand cancyon
"This is probably the biggest light one I've seen." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (08/11/2017)
the spatcula
"It's still wet. You can see how wet it is." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (08/06/2017)
the wood we were putting on the fire
"Like I said it's a hard wood." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Brian C (08/05/2017)
"It's not that big, Shawn..." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (08/05/2017)
"Ask her. I'm taking it real slow." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (08/04/2017)
"Oh hell no. I'm not putting that s**t in my mouth again." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (08/04/2017)
95% alcohol stuff
"Mine's only a little wet. I'll e okay... That's what she said." - Janny M (08/04/2017)
my chair; it was starting to rain
"It's smaller than I thought it was going to be standing behind me." "That's what she said." - James B & Janny M (08/02/2017)
his moltres he chose as his buddy
"How deep is it though?" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (07/28/2017)
"Don't touch it!" "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (07/28/2017)
"I can get a bigger one." "That's what she said." - Erin L & Bear M (07/23/2017)
"It needs to be wet." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Shawn R (07/22/2017)
"You have to go inside to get it." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (07/07/2017)
the ice
"Yeah I reached from all over the place, too." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (07/07/2017)
to try to draw a good domino
"It's so stuffed in there." "That's what she said." - Luke J & Janny M (07/01/2017)
"Make sure it hasn't gotten dry." "That's what she said." - Kim Mo & Janny M (06/18/2017)
her pasta salad
"My lighter's small." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (06/17/2017)
"It's not gonna light. It's too wet." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (06/17/2017)
"Put your mouth on the hole." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Brian C (06/17/2017)
"My God I've never seen one that big before." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (06/17/2017)
misquito eater
"I'm gonna have to take it all off." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Brian C (06/09/2017)
"I don't know if there are sharks." "I'll go deeper." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Bear M & Brian C & Janny M (05/28/2017)
twss said at the same time
"Those strawberries look a little limp." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (05/27/2017)
"Don't. That's sticky." "It's not sticky." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Brian C & Shawn R (05/13/2017)
"It's a little stiff." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (04/28/2017)
"It doesn't look that big." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (04/28/2017)
"I never realized how small he looks." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (04/28/2017)
"It gets more stiff as it gets wet." "That's what she said." - Mel O & Janny M (04/22/2017)
her hair i think
"You can see how deep it is." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (04/22/2017)
the grand canyon
"Is it all the way in?" "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (04/22/2017)
"Did you get it all the way in?" "Yes." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Brian C & Janny M (04/22/2017)
"It's really wet and moist..." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (04/16/2017)
"It helps if you had a little fryer." "That's what she said." - Bear M & Janny M (03/03/2017)
"We haven't done a load yet." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Mike O (02/24/2017)
new washer... not sure how this is a twss quote
"If you're not here tomorrow, I'm to instruct them to do everything through the back, right?" "Yes." "Come on, let's hear it." "That's what she said." "That's right." - Janny M & Brian C (02/23/2017)
"I can make 'em bigger." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Brian C (02/05/2017)
"She's probably got wood in her hands." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (02/04/2017)
"Okay. Now I need to blow it." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (01/20/2017)
"Will it come up?" "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (01/13/2017)
accidental paint on the floor
"I said I was tipsy and needed something to do... is it up?" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (01/13/2017)
bri texting dana since it's the launch of her game
"All he's gonna do is just swallow." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C (12/03/2016)
giving benji steak
"Put your little thing on it..." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (11/04/2016)
"We need more wood." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Brian C & Jen R (10/14/2016)
brian & jen said twss at the same time
"Well I get wet?" "That's what she said." - Kim Mo & Janny M (10/08/2016)
she went to get a soda
"I still have one hole left." "That's what she said." - Layla S & Janny M (09/29/2016)
"I've had much worse operations in my mouth." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (09/13/2016)
"You're just not going deep enough." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (08/19/2016)
"They're a little bit bigger, too." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (08/19/2016)
i think it was cookies
"I wanna see your face when you swallow it... That's what she said." - Heidi C (08/06/2016)
"How is he gonna wiggle into that?" "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M (07/31/2016)
"I need to go back to math school." "That's what she said." "Is that what you said?" - Donald OW & Mike O (07/30/2016)
donald was talking to me at the end
"Janis, you might as well slap it in there." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (07/30/2016)
"You're like half way there." "That's what she said." - Todd J & Janny M (07/22/2016)
"Are we using these little ones?" "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (07/22/2016)
"Wait. Something goes in there." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Brian C (07/22/2016)
a bag; putting the game away
"Okay, whatever. Put 'em in." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Brian C & Janny M (07/22/2016)
twss said at the same time
"I was in a bad position when I started." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (07/22/2016)
position in the game
"Why isn't it going in right?" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (07/15/2016)
"These go in this one." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (07/02/2016)
"They need to trim that bush." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Brian C (06/14/2016)
a tree was blocking a road sign
"That was one of the worst things I've ever put in my mouth." "That's what she said." - Jackie C & Janny M (06/13/2016)
dandy lion wine
"And my pants are still at your place." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (06/12/2016)
"Did you screw it in for a while?" "That's what she said." - Dr Dana W & Janny M (06/11/2016)
"It was way down in there." "That's what she said." - Dr Dana W & Janny M (06/10/2016)
"This won't fit." "That's what she said." - Amrutha E & Alex B (05/28/2016)
"All he's doing is jabbing pens into my cork." "That's what she said." - Layla S & Janny M (05/27/2016)
"Sorry about it getting wet." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (05/21/2016)
"Don't step on the wood." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (05/13/2016)
"Next time I'll bring a hard surface." "That's what she said." - Jason F & Leslie B (05/07/2016)
to play cards on at the drive in movie theature
"I'm just gonna do this standing up." "That's what she said." - Leslie B & Janny M (05/07/2016)
deal cards since we didn't have a table
"They got stuff coming out of the hole." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Janny M (05/05/2016)
"That was a good magic trick but it was on top." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (04/30/2016)
"Just keep poking it until it comes out." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Janny M (04/20/2016)
"Go down. Go down." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Jeff D (04/01/2016)
"No, you have a chip. You have to stick it in." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (04/01/2016)
"That's pretty deep!" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/20/2016)
"They're both up." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/19/2016)
"That's why I try to go under you now." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Jeff D (03/19/2016)
"Is that enough to get it up?" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Stacy M (03/12/2016)
one of the perfect ones
"Why you gotta poke it?" "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (03/12/2016)
"Dude this is twice the size of yours... That's what she said." - Janny M (03/04/2016)
"It's that something we'd have to go through the H O A for?" "Not if it's retractable." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Brad F & Janny M (03/04/2016)
"That's a big head." "That's what she said." - Janny M & David Ga (03/03/2016)
"I know what it was like before..." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Mike O (02/27/2016)
"Well it didn't go down deep enough." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (02/27/2016)
"I've seen more hands than I have in my entire life." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Jeff D (02/26/2016)
i've been playing a lot of hearts
"It'll go down fairly easily. It just won't go back up." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (01/23/2016)
"Well there is a chain, there's just nothing to put it into." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Brian C (01/23/2016) (pic)
"Why am I wet here?" "That's what she said." - Janny M & Jeff D (01/17/2016)
"You're quick on the trigger this morning." "That's what she said last night, too." - Janny M & Brian C (01/16/2016)
joking about a one night stand for jeff
"I had my fruit for the year." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (12/31/2015)
in his drink
"It's so small... well that's what she said." - Mike O (12/24/2015)
"I feel something wet." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (12/11/2015)
"Why are these really hard?" "That's what she said." - Aunt Janet & Janny M (12/06/2015)
"I'll go down now." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (12/04/2015)
"I only had ones in my hand..." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (12/04/2015)
"It's rock hard." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (10/29/2015)
"I don't want it. I don't need it." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Mike O (10/16/2015)
"The holes aren't big enough." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Brad F (10/02/2015)
"My intent was to do a longer one..." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Janny M (09/30/2015)
"It's not that hard." "That's what she said." - Noah H & Janny M (09/26/2015)
"Do you wanna save that breast?" "That's what she said." - Walt W & Janny M (09/25/2015)
"It's so slippery..." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Janny M (09/23/2015)
the board at denisens... we were playing cornhole
"So how do you pull it out?" "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (09/05/2015)
"Somebody needs to tame that jungle." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Brian C (09/05/2015)
shawn's neighbors yard
"He only gets the big bottles." "That's what she said." - Tricia B & Janny M (08/29/2015)
"I can't just keep it in my mouth." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H (08/29/2015)
"I wore 'em hard." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Janny M (08/27/2015)
"So how did you order?" "Meat, cheese, bun." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Brian C (08/07/2015)
"He got it in the hole once." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Janny M (08/07/2015)
"She could not come." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Jeff D (07/31/2015)
"You need something big." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Jeff D (07/23/2015)
"And you got it near the hole, that's good." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & David Ga (07/23/2015)
"That thing is going in." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (07/23/2015)
"I don't think you're big enough." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (07/18/2015)
"The tip of that thing just slides right off the balls... That's what she said." - David Ga (07/16/2015)
"Don't get something too big... That's what she said." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Leslie B (07/02/2015)
"We weren't interested with the up and down." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (06/27/2015)
"Nobody wants to be licked right now." "That's what she said." - Dr Dana W & Janny M (06/19/2015)
zoey licking bri and i
"It's doing it! It's doing it!" "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (06/14/2015)
"How big is it?" "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (06/06/2015)
"Your horn doesn't work." "It does. It's just extremely stiff." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (05/02/2015)
"Do you see how big it us compared to the can?" "That's what she said." - Danny H & Janny M (03/17/2015)
"It goes better on top." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (03/12/2015)
"Maybe they're too big." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (03/07/2015)
"This was wet, this was wet... All this was wet." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (02/28/2015)
"This one's dry." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (02/28/2015)
"No. It came all the way in." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (02/27/2015)
"Come on, douche bag. Pull out." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (02/27/2015)
he was trying to get out of the parking lot
"Penis is in." "That's what she said." - Bear M & Janny M (02/26/2015)
"Because it's built to go in." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (02/15/2015)
the space shuttle pod
"Okay. Let me get this thing lubed up then hopefully it'll run." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (02/03/2015)
the piece for the heater
"I'm surprised it doesn't work. We only used it a few times." "That's what she said." - Dawn B & Brian C (01/28/2015)
their deep fryer
"So you had a dry Austin?" "That's what she said." - Maggie St & Janny M (01/13/2015)
"Brian, how wet are you?" "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (12/26/2014)
his chair was wet
"Put a stick in it." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (12/26/2014)
the fire
"I'm gonna stick it right there... That's what she said." - Bear M (12/15/2014)
"Don't fill me up this time, please." "That's what she said." - Jen R & Janny M (11/29/2014)
"Oh wow. You were short." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (11/28/2014)
my train was only 1
"I don't care if they get off." "That's what she said." - Brian L & Janny M (11/25/2014)
"Does it matter what hole they go in?" "That's what she said." - Meredith S & Janny M (11/15/2014)
"She only went two deep." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Brian C (11/14/2014)
"No, he wanted it deeper." "That's what she said." "Why, I even got that." - Brian C & Janny M & Jen R (11/08/2014)
"Where'd the wood come from?" "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (09/12/2014)
"It was not that hard." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (09/07/2014)
"Go get my fluids." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (08/15/2014)
"That was probably the worst possible position." "That's what she said." - Jason H & Janny M (08/09/2014)
"I'm trying to recompensate for last time." "That's what she said." - Jason H & Janny M (08/09/2014)
"Just put it in!" "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (08/03/2014)
"I'm going to have to take half of it home; it's too big." "That's what she said." - Cindy O & Janny M (08/01/2014)
her sandwich
"I didn't think that thing was gonna be that big." "That's what she said." - Cindy O & Janny M (08/01/2014)
"It doesn't matter unless you have a big one at the beginning..." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (08/01/2014)
"No everybody is bigger than that." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (07/19/2014)
"It's much better up the butt." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Brian C (07/17/2014)
"All aboard!" "That's what she said." - Janny M & Brian C (07/11/2014)
"Only with you guys do I eat meat, actually." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Shawn R (07/05/2014)
"It's touching, it's on." "That's what she said." - Ray Zz & Frank H (07/04/2014)
"So it has to go in just like that." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (06/27/2014)
"But it's too small." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (06/21/2014)
matt's lighter for his grill... it's actually pretty big
"They're a lot bigger." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M (06/21/2014)
birthing balls
"It's pretty much just soft." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (06/06/2014)
"I know that but I gotta work it up." "That's what she said." - Bear M & Janny M (05/23/2014)
"I've seen smaller." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/04/2014)
smaller ovens
"Wait. Don't I have to put it in first?" "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/01/2014)
"I'm the only one who didn't put out." "That's what she said." - Jason F & Janny M (02/15/2014)
"It has a lot of head." "That's what she said." - Megan Wi & Janny M (02/02/2014)
"Or limp?" "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (01/24/2014)
cindy's food
"Wow. It's so big." "It is." "That's what she said." - Meredith S & Brian C & Janny M (01/03/2014)
"I was trying to feel around for it." "That's what she said." "I was just going to say that." - Janny M & Brian C & Matt Wi (12/20/2013)
"I hate that big fat tongue." "That's what she said." - Kim Mo & Janny M (11/10/2013)
"Our fire's bigger than yours." "That's what she said." - Uncle George & Frank H (11/09/2013)
"If it's good, you're gonna want bigger." "That's what she said." - Jack Z & Janny M (11/07/2013)
"I don't think I like this position." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (10/24/2013)
"It was a rim shot." "That's what she said." - Butch R & Janny M (10/12/2013)
"It's even bigger now." "That's what she said." - Butch R & Janny M (10/12/2013)
"It didn't want to go down." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (10/11/2013)
mexican train
"Look how far that thing is shooting." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (09/21/2013)
water shoots for corn
"What are you doing down there?" "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (05/25/2013)
"This thing is so sensitive. Anything will turn it on... That's what she said." - Janny M (05/12/2013)
a light stick bri bri bought me
"You see how little it is?" "Yeah, it is small... That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (05/10/2013)
"It kinda just fits down in the holes." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (04/26/2013)
"I can't believe they're like small." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (02/01/2013)
"The other way, Kurt." "That's what she said." - Cindy O & Mike O (01/18/2013)
"You found a hole, now stick it in." "That's what she said." - Cindy O & Janny M (01/04/2013)
"I found something hard in it." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Dawn B (12/31/2012)
"You're so wet." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (10/19/2012)
"They're closing the Gap... No?" "I expected more." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Seth W (10/05/2012)
gap in china, closing the gap... pun
"Kim, don't put that piece in there. It's too big." "That's what she said." - Uncle George & Janny M (09/15/2012)
"I don't like leaving them wet." "That's what she said." - Uncle Neil & Janny M (09/08/2012)
"Remember, not too big." "That's what she said." - Wynne G & Ron So (08/15/2012)
"Wow. They really are small." "That's what she said." - Peter F & Janny M (07/31/2012)
"Look Janny. Additional parking in the rear. That's what she said." - Brian C (07/20/2012)
a sign at the restaurant we went
"No cause that's dry." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (07/20/2012)
"The hand that you're beating it with, stick it out." "That's what she said." - Joe C & Janny M (07/14/2012)
"Yeah, multiple heads is challenging." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (07/03/2012)
"Can you give him something to lick?" "That's what she said." - Erin L & Janny M (06/30/2012)
"The thing is she doesn't like balls." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M (06/29/2012)
"I was touching it all this morning." "That's what she said." - Kim Mo & Janny M (06/22/2012)
"I thought you ordered a big one." "That's what she said." - Dave N & Janny M (06/08/2012)
why is this a quote? it's not that funny
"Let me concentrate on Kurt first." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (06/01/2012)
getting kurt his resources
"I could barely do three balls." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (05/25/2012)
"That just changed my direction." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M (05/11/2012)
"I don't wanna hold it like that." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Janny M (05/04/2012)
"Bring them home to get nice and hard." "That's what she said." - Aunt Ruth & Janny M (04/08/2012)
the cupcakes
"I can only do three." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/31/2012)
"At least I thought they were bigger." "That's what she said." - Uncle George & Janny M (03/11/2012)
the hot dogs when he was a kid
"It's not a large enough object." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (03/10/2012)
"That thing does not look ten inches." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (02/23/2012)
the cake he got for me for our anniversary
"It was hard before I touched it." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (01/26/2012)
i forgot the context of this quote
"That's a lot of foam." "No. That's a lot of white stuff... That's what she said." - Janny M & Dawn B (12/31/2011)
"I can't stop touching that." "That's what she said." - Erin L & Janny M (10/28/2011)
part of someone's halloween costume
"It's not a little one." "That's what she said." - Howard T & Janny M (10/25/2011)
"It's about as small as it's gonna get." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (09/10/2011)
"I didn't realize how big it was." "That's what she said." - Megan W & Janny M (07/13/2011)
her ice cream
"Yeah I knew you'd whip it out again... That's what she said." - Janny M (05/28/2011)
"How do you do it? How do you do it?" "That's what she said." - Janny M & Jake T (04/15/2011)
"It's the motion that stretches it out." "That's what she said." - Dwight P & Janny M (03/18/2011)
"My options are about yeay big." "That's what she said." - Uncle George & Janny M (03/18/2011)
"You get a better feel for the nut..." "That's what she said." - Uncle George & Janny M (03/16/2011)
"I've seen much smaller than that." "That's what she said." - Mike S & Janny M (03/12/2011)
"You need to hold it longer than that... That's what she said." - Janny M (03/12/2011)
"It took long enough." "That's what she said." - Adam L & Leslie B (02/19/2011)
"Dude. This has not been your hole." "That's what she said." - Joe C & Janny M (02/13/2011)
wii golf
"I lasted longer than you." "That's what she said." - Seth W & Janny M (02/04/2011)
"It feels good when I'm upright." "That's what she said." - Adam L & Leslie B (01/14/2011)
"I only have two hands... That's what she said, that's right." - Trivia Lady At Saphire (01/12/2011)
"Just put it on the rim and taste it." "That's what she said." - Drew T & Nichole T (01/12/2011)
"I made a mess." "That's what she said." "Twice." - Drew T & Janny M (01/12/2011)
"You're holding it out like you're giving it to me... That's what she said." - Janny M (01/07/2011)
"It sucks when it's soft." "That's what she said." - Dawn B & Janny M (12/03/2010)
playing wii carnival
"It barely went in." "That's what she said." - Dawn B & Janny M (12/03/2010)
playing wii carnival
"But it's not that big... That's what she said." - Janny M (12/03/2010)
big screen
"I don't think I can take it anymore." "That's what she said." - Dawn B & Brian C (12/03/2010)
"It didn't go in the hole." "That's what she said." - Dawn B & Brian C (12/03/2010)
"Since I had to stop the motion, it messed me all up." "That's what she said." - Patrick M & Janny M (11/26/2010)
his dice roll
"I work at it. Hard." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Seth W (10/23/2010)
"It's probably too small." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Patrick W (09/27/2010)
"That one's too thick for me." "That's what she said." - Roshy R & Janny M (09/26/2010)
she gave me her old drawing pen
"I'm now above Leslie." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Leslie B (09/18/2010)
"Let's switch positions." "That's what she said." - Leslie B & Janny M (09/10/2010)
switching chairs for cards
"No, come on, Brian. Put it away." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Leslie B (08/27/2010)
brian's camera
"Come on, Brian, go faster." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Seth W (07/31/2010)
"Maybe I can take April's mom." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Adrienne K (07/17/2010)
"It wasn't in all the way, I guess." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M (05/11/2010)
the perfect one!
"Like this is way too much meat." "That's what she said." - Patrick W & Dimitri D (04/30/2010)
"Oh, it's harder." "That's what she said." - Leslie B & Janny M (04/24/2010)
"You have to stroke it and massage it..." "It's going too fast." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Eileen D (04/20/2010)
"I'm usually on top." "That's what she said." - Patrick W & Janny M (04/13/2010)
"It was easy in and then bad out." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Patrick W (04/09/2010)
"It felt like it was gonna go in... That's what she said." - Janny M (04/09/2010)
"It's a lot smaller than I thought it was gonna be." "That's what she said." - Patrick W & Janny M (04/06/2010)
he was talking about my scooter
"How is that even going to fit in your mouth?" "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Patrick W (03/31/2010)
"Wow, look at you. You're getting good at this... That's what she said." - Dimitri D (03/31/2010)
"It wouldn't be quick for me." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Patrick W (03/31/2010)
"Oh man, that was good." "That's what she said." - Patrick W & Janny M & Dimitri D (03/31/2010)
dimitri & i both said twss
"Luckily I had some last night." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Seth W (03/27/2010)
"It's very stiff." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Patrick W (03/25/2010)
"Oh man, I got the table wet." "That's what she said." - Patrick W & Janny M (03/25/2010)
"It's like gooping off the side." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Dimitri D (03/10/2010)
"You have to hit it harder." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Patrick W (03/02/2010)
"The batteries will outlast you." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Janny M (03/02/2010)
"I need to get something in me..." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Seth W (02/21/2010)
"I can only do it on one side." "That's what she said." - Travis B & Janny M (02/19/2010)
"That's what she said... Haha. That's what she said." - Janny M (02/18/2010)
i accidently said that's what she said
"It's gonna be all wet and stuff... That's what she said." - Patrick W (02/05/2010)
"It's getting all nipply." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Patrick W (02/05/2010)
"I've never seen it that big before... That's what she said." - Janny M (02/05/2010)
line at chipotle
"He's gonna be working his ass off." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Dimitri D (02/05/2010)
"I think it's a foot long... or maybe an eight incher..." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Patrick W (01/28/2010)
"Now you got my mouth watering... That's what she said." - Janny M (01/22/2010)
flaky crossants
"Now I gotta get that taste out of my mouth." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Patrick W (01/12/2010)
the taste of hummas
"Man, I'm getting deeper and deeper. Hold on." "That's what he said." - Heidi C & Janny M (01/15/2024)
"I thought I could just bake it and stick it in." "That's what he said." - Brian C & Heidi C (09/08/2023)
"If I would have gotten it up the first time." "That's what he said." - Steven Ce & Janny M (08/28/2022)
in mini golf
"Okay. It's almost completely down." "That's what he said." - Brian C & Janny M (08/27/2022)
"Mommy you got it all wet." "That's what he said." - Molly R & Janny M (08/14/2022)
"I shouldn't have pulled this guy out. Now he won't go back in." "That's what he said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (08/05/2022)
a toy
"I wasn't aiming for that hole, I was aiming for a another hole... That's what he said..." - Arlene A (06/08/2022)
playing golf
"It's too wide." "That's what he said." "Damn it." - Jen R & Janny M & Shawn R (04/17/2021)
he wanted to say it
"I'm gonna go out then come back in." "That's what he said." - Matt An & Janny M (04/02/2021)
"What the f**k? Where's the hole?" "That's what he said." - Jen R & Shawn R (03/26/2021)
"I have a good idea... let's get all the way out then all the way back in..." "That's what he said." - Heidi C & Janny M (03/28/2020)
"I have a good idea... let's get all the way out then all the way back in..." "That's what he said." - Heidi C & Janny M (03/28/2020)
"I can't see the hole." "That's what he said." - Patrick D & Shawn R (08/10/2019)
"She's not coming." "That's what he said." - Steven Ce & Paul H (07/12/2019)
someone to their wedding
"I need like thirty seconds to finish up." "That's what he said." - Brian C & Janny M (07/11/2018)
"The hole's not big enough." "That's what he said." - Janny M & Shawn R (12/01/2017)
i set him up
"I'm going to pull out so you can get in." "That's what he said." - Brian C & Janny M (10/19/2017)
he parked too close in his car; i couldn't get in it
"Are you going to open your mouth for me?" "That's what he said." - Jason H & Janny M (07/02/2016)
feeding our nephew
"Don't worry, I'll be super quick." "That's what he said." - Dr Dana W & Brian C (06/12/2016)
"I already put mine in the baggy." "That's what he said." - Janny M & Brian C (08/20/2014)
"Sammy, your wet." "That's what he said." - Kurt W & Brian C (12/06/2013)
"You need something hard." "That's what he said." - Jen R & Janny M (04/20/2013)
"Take it." "That's what he said." - Brian C & Dawn B (12/03/2010)
"I'm really close." "That's what he said." - Janny M & Dawn B (12/03/2010)
"Oh, just letting you know, I should be in and out Monday night." "That's what he said." - Brian C & Janny M (05/07/2010)
"You wanna hit that... That's what he said." - Janny M (04/20/2010)
ketchup bottle
"If only I hit it harder... That's what he said." - Janny M (04/16/2010)
"Click on your face." "I don't have a face." - Jason H & Janny M (06/02/2021)
"Your face is like the sister on that show." "Thank you. She's gorgeous." - Janny M & Heidi C (05/25/2019)
"The look on your face was enough." - Sabrina P (09/16/2018)
the massaging chair was uncomfortable
"Your face stinks." - Mike O (05/04/2018)
"F**k you, f**k your face..." - Damion _ (03/11/2018)
bri is for privatizing booze in moco
"I'll come back with another present that goes on your face again." "I don't know what that means." - Gabriel B & Trevor B (11/03/2017)
father/son play
"Your face looks like a guy." - Mike O (11/03/2017)
talking to Donald
"You have a sparkle on your face." "Oh, thanks. I go to Monday morning strip clubs." - Janny M & Matt E (06/05/2017)
"Shut your face." "Faces don't shut." - Mike O & Kurt W (10/21/2016)
"I wanna see your face when you swallow it... That's what she said." - Heidi C (08/06/2016)
"Your face is a waste of time." - Mike O (02/06/2016)
"Your face is tacky." - Mike O (10/16/2015)
"Get a little chocolate on your face..." - Mike O (07/10/2015)
"You don't like this steering wheel?" "It's feminine, it's sticky." "It's old." "So is your face." - Uncle George & Janny M (12/13/2014)
"I couldn't see." "Open your eyes." "Shut your face." - Mike O & Cindy O (09/27/2013)
"Okay. Drink your drink." "Shut your face." - Mike O & Kurt W (09/20/2013)
"Makes no fricken sense." "Neither does your face." - Brian C & Janny M (04/12/2013)
"Show me your face, not your butt." - Kurt W (10/26/2012)
his dog
"Your face needs to be funny." "I think it's very funny." - Janny M & Roshy R (09/25/2010)
"Your face doesn't get paid." - Dimitri D (03/10/2010)
"Is there something wrong with your music?" "Is there something wrong with your face?" "I think that's self evident." - Janny M & Leslie B & Brian C (03/05/2010)
"It's all mushy." "So is your face." - Leslie B & Janny M (03/05/2010)
"Every time I look at your face, it reminds me of your face." - Dimitri D (01/28/2010)
"Jen, how would you like it if we took your toy and threw it in your face?" "She probably wouldn't do anything with it." - Brian C & Shawn R (07/24/2009)
"Kinda like your face you know... all off beat." - Janny M (04/04/2009)
"I'm really frustrated with this." "Your face." "That too." - Stacy M & Janny M (12/24/2008)
"I'm getting tired of ties." "I'm getting tired of your face." "Yeah, me too." - Howard T & Janny M (10/21/2008)
"Your face is like a box." "Thank you... Is that supposed to be an insult? I like boxes." - Janny M & Stacy M (01/18/2008)
"Your face is too much yellow..." "... It's true." - Janny M & Stacy M (01/18/2008)
"You know what's not cool, Janis?" "What? Your face?" "Yeah, yeah! My face." - Dimitri D & Janny M (11/20/2007)
"Oh, I'm sorry, no wonder your face is messed up." - Janny M (10/26/2007)
travis' family tree
"You throw rocks at my window, I'll throw paint balls at your face!" - Marc G (09/30/2007)
"I don't see your face playing." - Janny M (09/11/2007)
"It's funny." "So is your face." "I know, you tell me everyday." - Marc G & Janny M (08/10/2007)
"You need to google heatmizer." "You need to google your face." - Ernie A & Janny M (07/19/2007)
"Oh, in your face, uh!" - Marc G (07/08/2007)
"Well something's not right here." "Maybe it's your face." - Ernie A & Janny M (04/24/2007)
"Can I draw a penis on your face?" - Leslie B (11/03/2003)