Person Info
Name: | Arlene A |
Description: | former coworker & good friend |
Know From: | Work |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | Yes |
Number Of Quotes: | 290 |
Making Quotes From: | Saturday, December 17, 2016 - Thursday, September 5, 2024 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 3.1 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 37.6 |
Last 10 Quotes
"She was like a tornado so she just like did damage and moved on." - Arlene A (09/05/2024)
"I don't want to be ageist or anything..." - Arlene A (09/03/2024)
"Well I'm super loaded... I got a Honda Civic. I wear Sketchers." - Arlene A (09/02/2024)
getting a prenup
"What can I say about Nancy that's a positive?" - Arlene A (09/02/2024)
"I didn't want to tell her the bad news..." - Arlene A (08/11/2024)
there isn't anywhere to build in tampa and her friend wants to build a house
"Aunt Jamima got cancelled." - Arlene A (05/01/2024)
"It was a legit swamp." - Arlene A (01/16/2024)
"He doesn't really sound like that. He has an Italian accent... He's Italian." - Arlene A (09/14/2023)
her dad
"I don't make pasta so f**k it." - Arlene A (07/03/2023)
she got rid of her wooden spoons which help with boil overed water from pasta
"I think he's single. And he has a house... So ca ching!" - Arlene A (07/03/2023)
her coworker