Person Info
Name: | Roshy R |
Description: | my cousin |
Know From: | Family |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 436 |
Making Quotes From: | Friday, March 7, 2003 - Saturday, September 9, 2023 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 1.8 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 21.3 |
Last 10 Quotes
"Alright, well, when I come to your house..." - Roshy R (09/09/2023)
still talking about the poop spot on the wall
"She's not very smart. There's not a lot going on in there." - Roshy R (09/09/2023)
her cat, weenie
"Oh, I'm sorry. Do any of you have a special needs cat?" - Roshy R (09/09/2023)
that poop spot was from weenie
"The Yaris was making some sounds and there was a weird smell..." - Roshy R (09/03/2022)
"They're like, 'Yeah, I'll go buy you a toaster from Walmart...'" - Roshy R (09/03/2022)
the toaster at her bagel place is broken
"She has a straight up Hitler mustache." - Roshy R (09/03/2022)
her cat
"Yeah, cause it's free. M hmm." - Roshy R (03/27/2016)
asking if dylan's case comes with his phone; she will get it
"I wash my hair so..." - Roshy R (03/27/2016)
she's good looking cause she washes her hair
"It's like the name of an album. Racoon in my back yard." - Roshy R (12/06/2015)
"Have you ever had it? It's disgusting. You should try it." - Roshy R (12/06/2015)