Person Info
Name: | Stacy M |
Description: | my sister |
Know From: | Family |
Top Person?: | Yes |
Active?: | Yes |
Number Of Quotes: | 433 |
Making Quotes From: | Monday, July 22, 2002 - Monday, December 2, 2024 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 1.6 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 19.4 |
Last 10 Quotes
"They're kinda like choose your own adventure." - Stacy M (12/02/2024)
crest white strips; no instructions!
"That's also a lot of white for a place that's so saucy." - Stacy M (11/29/2024)
"Let me fact check myself..." - Stacy M (08/06/2024)
two year cruise with two deaths and nine divorces
"Well I wouldn't wear a toga anyway." - Stacy M (08/06/2024)
she had problems trying to put on a toga at the museum
"This town looks like it's on a post card." - Stacy M (08/03/2024)
luz view from the boat
"It'll go down soon." "That's what she said." - Stacy M & Janny M (08/02/2024)
the drawbridge was making us late!
"Where did that go?" - Stacy M (08/01/2024)
"It's definitely an older generation flaw... Like they didn't install their updates." - Stacy M (03/20/2024)
"It's the Bowie backstory that got me." - Stacy M (01/11/2024)
"Damn it!" - Stacy M (08/04/2023)
in quiplash it wasn't hat related crimes