Person Info
Name: | Layla S |
Description: | coworker, pretty cool gal |
Know From: | Work |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 75 |
Making Quotes From: | Thursday, September 10, 2015 - Friday, October 12, 2018 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 2.0 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 24.3 |
Last 10 Quotes
"It's a kamikaze." "Gazuntite." - Layla S & Alex B (10/12/2018)
"You ask the best questions. I ask the second best." - Layla S (10/12/2018)
"I say, 'No. Gross.'" - Layla S (09/08/2017)
if pepsi is okay instead of coke
"Oh, B O O H O O..." - Layla S (09/08/2017)
"Why am I writing code when I could be eating ice cream for a living?" - Layla S (09/08/2017)
"I used to get really angry... then I started working on this project..." - Layla S (03/21/2017)
i know what she means
"That's that kinda trash move that state would pull." - Layla S (03/08/2017)
new jersey
"That's the second time today." "You said something witty?" - Thomas O & Layla S (02/15/2017)
"You two should be friends." "We probably should." - Alex B & Layla S (01/20/2017)
the person sitting next to us
"I didn't know I was eating lunch with Snopes." - Layla S (01/20/2017)