Paul H's Quotes
Paul H has made 616 quotes!
"I'll say yes but I'll be honest." - Paul H (03/15/2024)
if he was asked to officiate a wedding but goes into rage over crying
"It's just training your mouth to chew something that's big." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H (02/15/2023)
"Oh no. You broke it. Look at all those cracks in it." - Paul H (09/02/2022)
becky's purse
"I'm in a sandwich mood. I just made a sandwich but I didn't eat it." - Paul H (03/02/2022)
"I mean, I might." - Paul H (03/02/2022)
sleep with ryan reynolds
"Okay. I'll hold your drink for you, babe." - Paul H (03/02/2022)
she asked paul to hold her drink but it was her food
"That's not a straw." - Paul H (03/02/2022)
bri was trying to drink from a sturrer
"Ketchup would have been the easier medium." - Paul H (09/03/2021)
forming a heart on an omlette; he used hot sauce
"Let's just deploy some people and come in and eat some stuff." - Paul H (09/03/2021)
"Am I dead, babe?" - Paul H (09/03/2021)
becky was after paul
"California is always on fire." - Paul H (09/03/2021)
"It's a good ab workout." - Paul H (09/03/2021)
their lawnchair
"I'm gonna share this." - Paul H (08/15/2021)
the dirty + your name
"I'll just let technology figure it out for me." "Does that work?" "Sometimes." - Paul H & Janny M (08/01/2021)
directions to dt fredrick
"We got a big fence." - Paul H (07/24/2021)
"Cause it's like, 'mmm, got water in here...'" - Paul H (07/24/2021)
plants grow up the water bulb
"Right between the butt checks." - Paul H (06/10/2021) (pic)
"One thing I keep track of is aces." - Paul H (06/10/2021)
in rummy
"You could smack the ass..." - Paul H (06/10/2021)
code names
"Gotta make sure all these springs are stiff. - Paul H (06/09/2021)
"Yes quotes are religious text." - Paul H (06/09/2021)
"Well you poured some out, I want it back in." - Paul H (06/09/2021)
"I'm not gonna fuck up this time." - Paul H (06/09/2021)
the mind
"Well they put in everclear..." - Paul H (06/09/2021)
cat 5 drink at hurricanes
"I think it's walk to dinner time." - Paul H (06/09/2021)
"We are living advertisements for that cat five." - Paul H (06/09/2021)
him and bri got pretty plastered
"That's why it's the dream and not the reality."
- Paul H (06/08/2021)
boat names cause they cost so much
"The spoon has been licked." - Paul H (06/08/2021)
"Yeah, Janis just destroyed all my dreams with that." - Paul H (06/08/2021)
"I understand arrows now." - Paul H (06/07/2021)
how to get out of the parking lot
"The internet has to be true." - Paul H (06/07/2021)
"Let us know if we're sharing too much." - Paul H (06/06/2021)
poop medicine...
"If I don't wear a belt you'll probably see it." - Paul H (06/06/2021)
butt crack
"I mean if you want me to be double fistin' then..." - Paul H (06/06/2021)
becky would have to drive
"You got a turtle and a penis..." - Paul H (06/06/2021)
"Why is she naked in front of the children?" - Paul H (06/06/2021)
"Queefs were apparently as loud as raves..." - Paul H (06/06/2021)
code names
"A piglet is probably louder than a queef." - Paul H (06/06/2021)
"There's a wedding over there..." "Yeah, we already talked about crashing it." - Paul H & Brian C (06/05/2021)
"I don't work on Saturdays." - Paul H (05/14/2021)
what was the highlight of paul's saturday
"It's super moist." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (04/17/2021)
the beer
"I'd probably assume she knows about it." - Paul H (04/17/2021)
one of the bartenders had a flour hand print on her butt
"It's a popular place to put stuff." - Paul H (04/17/2021)
up butts
"Where's Seth? So long as I'm above Seth." - Paul H (04/17/2021)
"It's like bondage... They lock you up..." - Paul H (04/17/2021)
"Killed by my own greed." - Paul H (04/09/2021)
"You gotta poop, you gotta poop, Janis." - Paul H (03/27/2021)
why bri was taking so long
"It's fresh, too." "Oh, yeah." - Brian C & Paul H (03/27/2021)
the port-a-pot
"I need to remember how to play this game." "No, you don't." - Paul H & Heidi C (03/27/2021)
playing dominion online
"That's where they stick the finger up your ass." "Yeah, that's nothing." - Brian C & Paul H (03/26/2021)
"It's pretty thick." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (03/26/2021)
becky's sour dough starter
"It's a natural bend." - Paul H (03/26/2021)
"I need to try this bad bubble gum after taste." - Paul H (03/26/2021)
mixed drinks
"I'll be having her tonight." - Paul H (03/26/2021)
"That sounds like a great charity." - Paul H (03/19/2021)
tits for tots
"How do you cut toe nails with semen?" - Paul H (03/19/2021)
"I don't know what the side effects are. This seems kinda fishy." - Paul H (03/19/2021)
cut toe nails with semen
"I don't know. I'm getting pet cemetery vibes from that." - Paul H (03/19/2021)
"Molly, do you have a drink?" "I've got water. Thanks." - Jen R & Paul H (03/12/2021)
she was asking molly
"I'm insulted that there's five people ahead of me." - Paul H (03/12/2021)
number of quotes
"That sounds pretty racist." - Paul H (03/12/2021)
white girl boobies
"Those are pretty ambiguous and sometimes you don't wanna know." - Paul H (02/26/2021)
"I mean, theoretically, he should be naked." - Paul H (02/05/2021)
"I don't remember how this works!" - Paul H (02/05/2021)
a rotery phone
"I might have seen that in a documentary." - Paul H (01/22/2021)
a bra used as a sling shot
"The body is wanna f**k." - Paul H (01/15/2021)
that was my body in among us
"I contemplated..." - Paul H (01/15/2021)
if he wanted to f**k me
"It would be impossible to get anything done." - Paul H (11/20/2020)
non stop orgasms
"It's not big enough." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H & Shawn R (10/30/2020)
twss said at the same time
"I know how to hide a boner." - Paul H (10/30/2020)
"There's snakes and all sorts of nonsense around there." - Paul H (10/23/2020)
in australia
"Even the trees have kill counts." - Paul H (10/23/2020)
in australia
"Not a good sex store." - Paul H (10/23/2020)
the sex store closed early
"Well yeah I put the win in there but it ate into the semicolon." - Paul H (09/25/2020)
"She found some word alright." - Paul H (08/30/2020)
"I think most people picked Matt." - Paul H (08/30/2020)
when his friends divorced
"What are you saying? I don't got it?" - Paul H (08/16/2020)
bri prefers becky's butt
"That would be a lot of good movie for a lot of people." - Paul H (08/14/2020)
ugh bad drunk handwriting... what is move?
"A dick pic isn't weird." "Yeah. I've got those all over my wall." - Janny M & Paul H (08/14/2020)
"I like both." - Paul H (08/14/2020)
options in quiplash
"A substitute teacher isn't holding a money bag." "Yeah. They don't get paid!" - Brian C & Paul H (08/14/2020)
"Just cause the title's short doesn't mean the book is long." - Paul H (08/07/2020)
"That's not a strange thing to say." - Paul H (08/07/2020)
'my penis is getting hard' during a tickle fight
"There would be a lot of disappointed children." "Whatever." - Janny M & Paul H (08/07/2020)
killing the easter bunny
"That is Janis penis." - Paul H (08/07/2020)
"Give me the f**king skip button." - Paul H (08/07/2020)
"Too late. I already voted for buttholes." - Paul H (08/07/2020)
"It probably didn't lay any eggs." - Paul H (08/01/2020)
the fly in jen's drink
"It's extra protein right there." - Paul H (08/01/2020)
the fly in jen's drink
"He's practicing his breast stroke." - Paul H (08/01/2020)
the fly in jen's drink
"We'll let you know when he finally kicks." "Oh, he's kicking right now." - Brian C & Paul H (08/01/2020)
the fly in jen's drink
"You probably won't even taste it. It will go down really smooth." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H (08/01/2020)
the fly in jen's drink
"Why would you need a time machine to masturbate?" - Paul H (07/10/2020)
"Both of these are appropriate." - Paul H (07/10/2020)
"You always miss the shots you don't take." - Paul H (07/10/2020)
going back to try to kill hitler with a dildo shaped like a garaffe
"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with squirting, yeah." - Paul H (07/10/2020)
"I get like a s**t hand and nothing happens. Then I get a great hand and I have to discard." - Paul H (07/08/2020)
"My Dawson's Creek." "That's the vibe I was getting, too." - Damion _ & Paul H (07/02/2020)
"I thought I'd get more nos from that." - Paul H (07/02/2020)
"Just put a disclaimer on the song." - Paul H (07/02/2020)
a song sung backwards sings give crack to kids
"Looks kinda like Florida." - Paul H (07/02/2020)
"I love it." - Paul H (07/02/2020)
come see boobs
"Neither of these are odd." - Paul H (06/26/2020)
penises & elephant porn found in caves
"Is Becky Coochie?" "Oh, yeah." - Janny M & Paul H (06/26/2020)
"Arlene, are you speaking from experience?" "Certainly sounds like it." - Janny M & Paul H (06/26/2020)
"Dingle, dangle. Tomato, tomato." - Paul H (06/26/2020)
"It is!" "Yeah, f**k those people." - Diana W & Paul H (06/21/2020)
people who throw trash on the ground
"It's probably a combination of the two, honestly." - Paul H (06/21/2020)
what alf does now; smokes crack or jacks off
"I don't know if the B is on the butt..." - Paul H (06/21/2020)
"But farting on someone?" "Never rude." - Stacy M & Paul H (06/21/2020)
"It's one hundred thousand dollars for sucking a pink dildo. I would do it for a lot less." - Paul H (06/05/2020)
"I'm pretty sure you'd get exactly what you expect... I'm not speaking from experience or anything..." - Paul H (06/05/2020)
if you google midget porn
"Aren't those the same thing?" - Paul H (06/05/2020)
anyone not on the zoom call and dumb people
"He's like on your tavern getting drunk and you have to play 'em." - Paul H (05/12/2020)
the wine merchant
"I like him. Good flavor." - Paul H (05/12/2020)
wine merchant
"I think I got other plans..." - Paul H (04/28/2020)
dominion strategy
"This hand is looking spicy." - Paul H (04/23/2020)
"That was not worth it." - Paul H (04/23/2020)
"Yeah, wall that s**t up, yeah." - Paul H (04/20/2020)
wall is a card i think
"It's a very religious game." - Paul H (04/20/2020)
"You're Montebankin' it!" "Yeah." - Janny M & Paul H (04/17/2020)
"What kind of razor is that?" - Paul H (04/17/2020)
bri's drawing
"How do you draw cottage cheese?" - Paul H (04/17/2020)
"I don't know if these Pages were worth it. I feel the Witch plan was probably better." - Paul H (04/10/2020)
"I'm never buying a Baron again. They're garbage." - Paul H (04/10/2020)
"She does not like electricity... At least not there..." - Paul H (03/27/2020)
"It might be a wet dream but I might.." - Paul H (03/06/2020)
building somewhere in catan
"I'm gonna build a settlement so I can get more bambi's." - Paul H (03/06/2020)
i coined the phrase bambi's for sheep in catan
"I could rummage through it..." - Paul H (02/14/2020)
becky's purse trying to find something
"It all came out!" "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H & Brian C & Shawn R (02/14/2020)
twss said at the same time; the ice came out really fast!
"I'm doing it the way I like it." - Paul H (02/14/2020)
"Oh, Becky. Where's my pants?" - Paul H (02/09/2020)
"Who names their child D?" "I know, right?" - Paul H & Janny M (02/08/2020)
"I've got no problem with that." - Paul H (02/08/2020)
becky going topless
"What are you guys doing? Just talking and throwing up?" "Yeah." - Janny M & Paul H (02/08/2020)
"The curses cancelled each other out, right?" - Paul H (11/29/2019)
nick cage
"I wish someone would eat my last banana." - Paul H (11/29/2019)
"Rob that cradle." - Paul H (11/29/2019)
arlene didn't want to ask out the young guy at the bounce place
"You always miss the shots you don't take." - Paul H (11/29/2019)
"You write fast. And your handwriting is better than mine." "It's better than mine, too." - Janny M & Paul H (11/29/2019)
arlene's handwriting
"Yeah, I can hear the douchebag..." - Paul H (11/29/2019)
interpol the band
"Damn, Paul." "Yeah, all that hummus." - Janny M & Paul H (10/25/2019)
dolphin noises sounded like gas
"I'm fully engaged. I don't care if I look dorky." - Paul H (10/25/2019)
on the eliptical
"That's part of his charm, though." - Paul H (09/14/2019)
monica lewinsky blow job
"There's food in the middle of the table." "Well, I guess we can't play." - Janny M & Paul H (08/30/2019)
the instructions said put cards in the middle of the table
"Yeah, this definitely sounds like an indy film because it makes no sense." - Paul H (08/30/2019)
playing buy the rights
"They're cannibal bishops." - Paul H (08/30/2019)
paul bishops his bishops in dominion
"You could buy two curses and get two victory points." - Paul H (08/30/2019)
"...Or a curse..." - Paul H (08/30/2019)
he was trying to get becky to buy a curse
"It tastes like a penis." "Really?" - Janny M & Paul H (08/16/2019)
all days off beer
"Can I get a spell book?" "Paul already knows the terminology." "Yeah. I'm a f**king wizard." - Paul H & Janny M (08/16/2019)
"So who's the wrongest?" - Paul H (08/16/2019)
"She keeps her pants on on this one?" - Paul H (08/16/2019)
drinking game
"That'd be so many drinks for me." - Paul H (08/16/2019)
"I'm sorry swampass." - Paul H (08/16/2019)
we had to give each other nicknames that had ass in them; bri was swampass
"Arnold Schwarzenegger did get around." - Paul H (08/16/2019)
"So we had a woman quit while throwing a chair." "Cool!" - Brian C & Paul H (07/26/2019)
bri's work story
"Horses are allowed to s**t wherever they want. They're animals!" - Paul H (07/26/2019)
"I'd like to see this ordnance." - Paul H (07/26/2019)
where horses can't poop
"Yeah but I'd just take a trail that doesn't have all donkey s**. One has to exist." - Paul H (07/26/2019)
the grand canyon
"Because we brought up the Grand Canyon then we started talking about poop." - Paul H (07/26/2019)
cause the grand canyon naturally leads to conversations about poop
"This is a serious cider." - Paul H (07/26/2019)
it was a dry cider
"That's like an instant demolish right there." - Paul H (07/26/2019)
garage in front of the house
"Can we talk later?" "No." "Cool." - Janny M & Paul H (07/26/2019)
"It's just my room of requirement." - Paul H (07/12/2019)
his junk room that he hasn't unpacked
"Keep the Tesla though. That thing is awesome." - Paul H (07/12/2019)
"People don't wanna pay like a billion dollars." - Paul H (07/12/2019)
"You have to use a downward motion." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (07/12/2019)
how to get the beer can off the holder
"This is twenty nineteen. You get whatever you want." - Paul H (07/12/2019)
"If you're a drummer, you don't have fingerprints." - Paul H (07/12/2019)
"Have you heard of Awesome Games Done Quick?" "Yes." "Awesome!" - Mike Fi & Paul H (07/12/2019)
"She's not coming." "That's what he said." - Steven Ce & Paul H (07/12/2019)
someone to their wedding
"Why would you wanna go to Salisbury?" - Paul H (07/12/2019)
me; steve went to salisbury lol
"Black fag brewing..." - Paul H (07/12/2019)
that was a whoops
"That's not a quote. God damn it." - Paul H (07/12/2019)
the black fag quote
"It's well under there, yeah." - Paul H (07/12/2019)
pot under the rainbow picture
"What is that compared to like a fifty thousand dollar purchase?" - Paul H (06/06/2019)
paying off our house compared to buying a tesla
"I guess you could say they... lost... the continuity there." - Paul H (06/06/2019)
talking about the show lost
"Welp, now I f**ked this up..." - Paul H (06/06/2019)
"No, stay in there. It's safe in there." - Paul H (06/06/2019)
telling me to stay in the elevator
"Signs that you're an alcoholic... car growler." - Paul H (04/12/2019)
have a growler in your car just in case
"Just let me sit there and accept the consequences." - Paul H (04/12/2019)
"I mean, free stuff sounds good." - Paul H (04/12/2019)
dominion free card
"That silver's a village bicycle right now." - Paul H (04/12/2019)
"I am not making a sexual advance there." "Can you grab the tip there?" - Janny M & Paul H (04/12/2019)
"That sounds like a very Soviet Union thing to do." - Paul H (04/05/2019)
"I would say it tastes like unicorn s**t." - Paul H (04/05/2019)
"That's probably the best six you'll ever have." - Paul H (03/22/2019)
"You can't pull out." - Paul H (03/22/2019)
"My legitimate silver!" - Paul H (03/22/2019)
the nobel bregade was stealing all our silver; paul only had the one legitimately
"It's not a bug, it's a feature." - Paul H (03/22/2019)
boeing max planes
"I can even three finger this one." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (03/22/2019)
"Hmm. I could be like really dumb." - Paul H (03/22/2019)
"You should try the other hand." "Maybe later." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H (03/22/2019)
paul kept drawing 3 of the same colors in on azul
"Silver." "Done." - Paul H & Tamea U (03/22/2019)
"It's kinda poop... Mhmmm." - Paul H (03/22/2019)
"You can just rebuild. There's jobs right there." - Paul H (03/08/2019)
if florida gets flooded; rebuild!
"Yeah, you're getting the thief immediately afterward..." - Paul H (03/08/2019)
"I didn't think you'd pick my erection in the middle." - Paul H (03/08/2019)
paul held out his hand for bri to steal
"That makes the whole thing." - Paul H (01/25/2019)
whity tighties in south park
"There's nothing more American than whity tighties." - Paul H (01/25/2019)
"I have no idea what the underwear situation is in other parts of the world." - Paul H (01/25/2019)
"Should have put the vodka in before the marshmallows." - Paul H (01/25/2019)
"How do you know that?" "Cause I'm a nerd." - Janny M & Paul H (01/04/2019)
"There's three attack things on the board so there's gonna be a lot of bloodshed." - Paul H (01/04/2019)
"He's not looking too good." - Paul H (01/04/2019)
"I mean, the pee made it through." - Paul H (01/04/2019)
we were playing a scribblish type game
"Here's the devil terrorizing a young couple." - Paul H (01/04/2019)
"And then it's a lesbian birthday party!" - Paul H (01/04/2019)
"The good thing about boxed wine is that you can squeeze out the last few drops... true alcoholic style." - Paul H (11/23/2018)
"We don't have to be fancy..." - Paul H (11/23/2018)
"They're pretty much her entire torso." - Paul H (11/23/2018)
bri's drawing of a woman with big boobs
"There's so much candy here. How do you not get fat?" "Uh, don't eat it." - Arlene A & Paul H (11/02/2018)
"There needs to be a black there..." - Paul H (11/02/2018)
"English?" "Whites." - Brian C & Paul H (11/02/2018)
paul speaks in correct terms when playing lords of waterdeep
"Those spots are so juicy." - Paul H (11/02/2018)
"Time to go balls out!" - Paul H (11/02/2018)
last turn of the game
"Wait. We're missing a card... Wait, that's cause I'm holding it." - Paul H (11/02/2018)
"That was a different environment. This is not a vassal-friendly environment." - Paul H (11/02/2018)
he didn't bank on the vassals this game
"It just feels so good." - Paul H (10/26/2018)
adjusting the ball on his hat
"That chiropractor is a quack!" - Paul H (10/26/2018)
bri's mom's chiropractor told her to get a water bed for back pain
"Nice. Spicy." - Paul H (10/19/2018)
"That is exactly what I told the insurance company." - Paul H (10/05/2018)
bri's story about paul hitting the deer
"I don't think the term is gendered." - Paul H (10/05/2018)
"If it's plow or get plowed." - Paul H (10/05/2018)
"These ducks are not going to give a blow job." "They are thinking about it." - Arlene A & Paul H (10/05/2018)
"Well tenderizing meat to tenderizing 'meat.'" - Paul H (10/05/2018)
meat said like meeeeeat
"All Arlene needs is a brick." "That's what... she said...?" - Paul H & Janny M (09/21/2018)
"I feel like peer pressure is okay..." - Paul H (09/21/2018)
trying to get arlene to drink
"It has nothing to do with masculinity." - Paul H (09/08/2018)
his umbrella
"Does Tinder count?" - Paul H (06/03/2017)
what social media he's on
"An aircraft carrier is gonna be a prize target." - Paul H (06/03/2017)
"I don't feel like that has to be a sign." - Paul H (08/29/2015)
don't throw beer in the garage
"I'm cool enough." - Paul H (08/29/2015)
for not smoking a cigar
"Structural virginity." - Paul H (08/29/2015)
"I can't just keep it in my mouth." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Paul H (08/29/2015)
"You can't scratch your a*s for forty dollars." - Paul H (05/31/2015)
per diem rates
"It's not a pleasant process I don't recommend it so brush your teeth." - Paul H (02/06/2015)
a root canal
"Everyone can try my monkey." - Paul H (02/06/2015)
he got this good monkey ale beer
"Make Brian a woman." - Paul H (02/06/2015)
in the walking dead game
"Hmm... that's unfortunate." - Paul H (02/06/2015)
no extra stuff
"It seems like this requires team work. This might be a problem." - Paul H (02/06/2015)
the walking dead game; we're used to competing
"And why are zombies eating ammo in the first place?" - Paul H (02/06/2015)
"I don't know why there's a smiley face." "Eh, I had extra time." - David Ga & Paul H (02/06/2015)
"It's like all this money is turning him on but he has to pee." - Paul H (02/06/2015)
"That'll happen." - Paul H (02/06/2015)
sexual humiliation in my butt
"How would you get out of your head?" - Paul H (02/06/2015)
doing yourself
"She's saying since you're older, your value as a human being is less." - Paul H (01/23/2015)
how bri needs to change some of the requirements on something
"The thing is if you attack me, you earn my ire..." - Paul H (01/23/2015)
in small world
"It's like people can't swim." - Paul H (01/23/2015)
"Where'd you get that rule from?" "Um, the rule book." - David Ga & Paul H (01/23/2015)
"They just like put some hard liquor in it and put some sugar and you're done." - Paul H (01/23/2015)
"What if your kid discovers the next energy source? You're going to have to have a bunch of kids to get to that kid." - Paul H (03/21/2014)
"My parents didn't have a basement." - Paul H (03/21/2014)
"That's a food of tubular sort." "What?" - Paul H & Megan Wi (03/21/2014)
"Not a bad choice. Sixty nine is a good position." - Paul H (03/21/2014)
in catan
"I'm gonna build a sheep road." - Paul H (03/21/2014)
he had tons of sheep and a sheep port
"I forgot one of those sheep was actually a sheep." - Paul H (03/21/2014)
"You can build a city out of wheat." - Paul H (03/21/2014)
"Yeah, I'm doing my sheep dance." - Paul H (03/21/2014)
"I actually didn't clean up any of these..." - Paul H (03/21/2014)
"Paul totally got into it." "What? ...Not until college." - Janny M & Paul H (08/31/2013)
backstreet boys
"You clean out people! You're just part of the trash." - Paul H (05/25/2013)
leslie on fb defriending people
"It sounds like my kind of show with magic sex and dragon sex." - Paul H (05/25/2013)
game of thrones
"What are you doing down there?" "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (05/25/2013)
"Um, this guy's dead..." - Paul H (05/25/2013)
"I like the penis vision." - Paul H (05/25/2013)
my drawing
"I guess if you really stretch it..." - Paul H (05/25/2013)
"That was my best attempt at drawing a penis cupcake, Seth." - Paul H (05/25/2013)
"I could be really erotic right now." - Paul H (05/25/2013)
"Mmm. It's looking good." - Paul H (05/25/2013)
the discard pile
"Was that Seth? No. It was just a noise." - Paul H (01/11/2013)
"Let's see what this board's about." - Paul H (01/11/2013)
gotta assess the board in catan
"One wheat please." - Paul H (01/11/2013)
he was the banker
"Don't think that I won't target my own town." - Paul H (01/11/2013)
the robber in catan
"He didn't really go to the moon." - Paul H (01/11/2013)
some old astraunut
"That's quite the Merry Christmas there." - Paul H (01/11/2013)
"Playing with balls." - Paul H (01/11/2013)
"Like tasty... Girl scouts." "That's not offensive, it's true." - Janny M & Paul H (01/11/2013)
i didn't mean the cookies
"I think this lover is actually your truck..." - Paul H (10/19/2012)
bri's lover
"It's round... it's not chunky..." - Paul H (10/19/2012)
a full moon
"You're so wet." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M (10/19/2012)
"Is this what you find wet or what makes you wet?" - Paul H (07/13/2012)
"A big penis is just like pointing at me." - Paul H (07/13/2012)
"I'm complaining about him complaining about him..." - Paul H (07/13/2012)
"We're having a sheep party here." - Paul H (07/13/2012)
"They have a drive-thru pizza?" "Bold ideas!" - Janny M & Seth W & Paul H (11/12/2011)
god father's pizza, seth & paul said 'bold ideas' at the same time
"Four dollar profit!" - Paul H (10/22/2011)
"I need to bank on the future." - Paul H (10/22/2011)
"Why can't I go to jail?" - Paul H (10/22/2011)
i kept going to jail so i wouldn't land on paul's property
"Hey, we've got beer." - Paul H (09/16/2011)
if people were looking into seth's apartment, we're playing board games
"What he's doing now is called terrorism." - Paul H (09/16/2011)
"And no major accidents that they know of." - Paul H (09/02/2011)
seth's old honda... we know of one
"I'm not b***hing, I'm insulting you." - Paul H (09/02/2011)
"I'll have wood when someone rolls a four." - Paul H (09/02/2011)
"This is mean too... This is an extremely favorable day, just perfect for romance." - Paul H (05/20/2011)
fortune cookie
"Five! Get 'em!" - Paul H (05/20/2011)
"Yeah, I should probably take mine off the table." - Paul H (05/20/2011)
his penises in risk
"All of these turned into butt sex." - Paul H (05/20/2011)
"I drew the pole in a bad place." - Paul H (05/20/2011)
pole volting picture in scribblish
"Who drew the first penis?" - Paul H (05/20/2011)
"Are you sure you didn't subconsciously draw a penis?" - Paul H (05/20/2011)
"What the f**k? They're all penises!" - Paul H (05/20/2011)
"And vaginas are just complicated." - Paul H (05/20/2011)
"That wasn't my bussum." - Paul H (05/07/2011)
"Like close the browser... Close I E." "Well that's your problem." - Seth W & Paul H (05/07/2011)
seth was talking to his dad on the phone
"Aids induced troops..." - Paul H (05/07/2011)
his troops in africa
"This is a really mean spirited game." "I didn't start that way." - Paul H & Seth W (05/07/2011)
"But M and O are next to each other in the alphabet." - Paul H (05/07/2011)
really? they are?
"F minus minus." - Paul H (04/29/2011)
grading seth's student's papers
"I'm just going to write 'Please see me after class' on all of these." - Paul H (04/29/2011)
paul grading seth's papers
"Damn Taylor Swift." "You knew this was happening, Paul." - Paul H & Seth W (04/29/2011)
rocking out to t swift in the car
"It's easy to come up from behind, too." "Yeah." - Paul H & Seth W (04/29/2011)
seth was way out of it
"They're special edition monkeys." - Paul H (04/15/2011)
barrel of monkeys
"Damn Argentinians!" - Paul H (04/15/2011)
argintina won
"You scrolled too much." "F**k you." - Paul H & Seth W (04/15/2011)
"I love my shoe? It looks like a state." - Paul H (04/15/2011)
"They just get frozen in the ice cream and become gummy cicles." - Paul H (04/14/2011)
"He's trying to touch his junk." "Pretty much." - Janny M & Paul H (01/15/2011)
"Well, I'm f**ked." - Paul H (07/31/2010)
"I'm gonna need another beer." - Paul H (07/31/2010)
i traded for two monopolies but didn't have the capital
"Yeah, I'm normally this stupid." - Paul H (07/31/2010)
"It's not a red eye... It's a normal eye." - Paul H (07/17/2010)
"Okay. If you don't mind it getting all cheesed up." - Paul H (07/17/2010)
borrowing someone's knife
"I won't be stupid again, I promise." - Paul H (07/17/2010)
he spilled beer which put out the candle
"It's not gonna explode if you pour beer on it." - Paul H (07/17/2010)
"You can make out if you want." - Paul H (07/17/2010)
"That's true too. Seth sees when penis..." - Paul H (07/17/2010)
"Maybe I can take April's mom." "That's what she said." - Paul H & Adrienne K (07/17/2010)
"My breasts hadn't reached maturity yet." - Paul H (07/17/2010)
"He was like 'okay I'll put on clothes'." "Eww." "I'm a bachelor." - Seth W & Janny M & Paul H (07/09/2010)
"Seth has attacked my very important countries." "What? Siam and India?" - Paul H & Seth W (07/09/2010)
with one guy on each
"I understand you're scared of it." - Paul H (07/09/2010)
his cannon
"Paul, did you lose your dick?" "I'll get it back." - Brian C & Paul H (07/09/2010)
"Maybe if you strengthen your boarders..." - Paul H (07/09/2010)
why brian was being invaded
"That dick's not going anywhere." - Paul H (07/09/2010)
"You got Utah, you got lots of places." "Utah?" - Paul H & Seth W & Janny M (07/09/2010)
utah said at the same time, it's not a country in risk
"I can't find it... It's gonna melt down there." - Paul H (04/09/2010)
he dropped his ice cream
"We're women, jeez." - Paul H (01/06/2010)
the guys were taking so long to get ready
"Both of these sound conceded." - Paul H (11/21/2009)
apples 2 apples, bank account or hair
"Romeo and Juliet were not lucky." "You just have to omit the ending." - Paul H & Seth W (11/21/2009)
"Wow, you hate nature more than Hillary Clinton?" - Paul H (11/21/2009)
seth did
"There's actually less dick in the comic book." - Paul H (11/17/2009)
"Have they already made love?" "Yeah." "Damn it." - Brian C & Paul H (11/17/2009)
"This is like sex in potato form here." - Paul H (08/09/2009)
outback bacon & cheese fries
"I'm just bad in public in general." - Paul H (08/09/2009)
"Is that what you do with it?" "Uh, probably not." - Janny M & Paul H (07/30/2009)
he had a sushi filled with eggs so he put the eggs on other things
"The word 'f**k' is definitely required when talking about Internet Explorer." - Paul H (07/30/2009)
"This isn't getting better..." - Paul H (03/17/2009)
dimitri defending his grandmother straddling
"Ah, you can see." - Paul H (02/14/2009)
there was a lot of frost on the windshield, not visible
"According to the sounds, yes." - Paul H (02/14/2009)
sex noises coming from their room at college, they were having fun
"The Chrysler's was the easiest." "I guess because they expected it to break down." - Janny M & Paul H (02/13/2009)
the jack was really hard on the prius
"It's better than those balloons." "That's true." - Janny M & Paul H (02/13/2009)
i forgot what we were talking about :(
"Hermit crabs are monsters." - Paul H (02/13/2009)
"It's more fusha than pink." - Paul H (02/01/2009)
"So you weren't listening. I see how it is." "Yeah." - Janny M & Paul H (01/04/2009)
"He smiles too much." "He does. I wanna just like punch him in the face." - Janny M & Paul H (01/04/2009)
the mentalist guy
"I think the horn guys gotta pack his horn up." - Paul H (01/04/2009)
"I don't put middle words in my sentences when I'm drunk." - Paul H (12/31/2008)
"I really need to get hearing fixed." - Paul H (12/31/2008)
"Ah, my crotch." - Paul H (08/30/2008)
brian shot a nerf thing
"Alright, my period's right there." - Paul H (07/25/2008)
wii fit
"Why do I have this thing in my pants?" - Paul H (07/25/2008)
"Hey, that's a nipple!" - Paul H (07/25/2008)
poor paul. this is something marc would say.
"Those are the last of my nuts." - Paul H (07/25/2008)
"If anything, that'll get him votes." - Paul H (12/08/2007)
seth plotting a negative commercial about bri
"God, I'm stupid today." - Paul H (12/08/2007)
"That's nitrogen... Uh, I forget what it does." - Paul H (11/10/2007)
"Cats are great to dance with." - Paul H (11/10/2007)
"Ou, look at the puppy!" "That's not a puppy. That's a deer." - Janny M & Paul H (05/05/2007)
"Don't put high point cards down... Don't pick high point cards up!" - Paul H (05/15/2006)
"Oh crap, you just gave me a wet dream." - Paul H (03/06/2006)
"Do you know how to put it in, Paul?" "No, I don't know how to put it in... I need help!" - Janny M & Paul H (03/06/2006)
"I was sand bagging these just to be cool." - Paul H (03/04/2006)
"She's not smart." - Paul H (02/26/2006)
woman on svu doesn't recognize the constitution, yet she claims she has constitutional rights
"And you're singing 'I Feel Like A Woman'." "Well, I do." - Seth W & Paul H (06/11/2005)
"Friendship does end." - Paul H (06/11/2005)
"Hum... library closed at ten P M, that definitely hints at a fire..." - Paul H (04/07/2005)
"I'm a blowing machine!" - Paul H (03/17/2005)
"Uh, some soda..." - Paul H (03/05/2005)
when the waitress asked paul what kind of soda he wanted lol
"I love you, Seth." - Paul H (02/10/2005)
ahh a gay quote finally!
"It sounds like an important beep." - Paul H (01/17/2005)
"I'm glad I don't have to wear a dress." - Paul H (12/31/2004)
"Honestly, David, you hold the cards here." "What cards?" - Paul H & David E (12/14/2004)
i drove him out of asia
"We're gawking at an ambulance." - Paul H (09/27/2004)
"You're right, it's feminine." - Paul H (09/27/2004)
"That's not funny." "Yeah, it is cause I'm laughing." - Janny M & Paul H (09/03/2004)
"No, don't touch my curls." - Paul H (08/29/2004)
"Well, if you don't like it then throw something." - Paul H (08/29/2004)
"I don't want to bend the bones." - Paul H (08/27/2004)
"Why is he dressed up like the Mask Of Zorro?" "I don't know... it's a Disney movie." - Janny M & Paul H (08/27/2004)
"What do you need to shave to go fishing?" - Paul H (08/25/2004)
"My fantasy." - Paul H & Janny M (08/24/2004)
svu we said it at said @ the same time... it's sick
"I'll take any chance I can get... cause I'm desperate!" - Paul H (08/23/2004)
"How long has that been there?" "Days..." - Paul H & Nick M (08/22/2004)
a played card in rummy
"We can eat down in her bed..." "No you can't." - Paul H & Mrs Harich (08/22/2004)
"Sixty nine... I'd be proud to have that on my lawn!" - Paul H (08/21/2004)
"So like is Tricia coming over or did I put my pants on for nothing?" - Paul H (08/20/2004)
"I should go on birth control." - Paul H (07/04/2004)
"Wow, it's weird doing it with this hand." - Paul H (07/03/2004)
"I can handle two people." - Paul H (07/03/2004)
"Hum, that's not pleasant." - Paul H (05/04/2004)
"I don't need an eraser... I don't make mistakes." - Paul H (05/02/2004)
"Rape with a plunger... hum..." - Paul H (05/02/2004)
"Quiz me, quiz me!" - Paul H (04/28/2004)
i'd like to quiz him!
"D, dush." - Paul H (04/28/2004)
"They can't argue because they're dead." - Paul H (04/28/2004)
"At least I'm beating Salsita." - Paul H (04/25/2004)
"You're doing better than me." - Paul H (04/25/2004)
"I'm noticing a fad here." - Paul H (04/25/2004)
"Maybe if you did that on the other side." - Paul H (04/25/2004)
"Don't eat donuts with a fork... it bothers me." - Paul H (04/18/2004)
"At least I'm not negative!" - Paul H (04/14/2004)
"You really have a one track mind... there's only one train, and that's the sex train." - Paul H (04/14/2004)
talking about urs truely
"I'm just doing finger exercises." - Paul H (04/07/2004)
"No, no!" - Paul H (04/07/2004)
"Is everyone being nice to everyone but me?" - Paul H (04/07/2004)
"Wow, another hand of crap." - Paul H (04/07/2004)
"Yeah! I'm back in the game!" - Paul H (04/07/2004)
85 behind
"I went up to negative five!" - Paul H (04/07/2004)
"Man, but I want a woman!" - Paul H (04/06/2004)
"Hurray, I lose." - Paul H (04/05/2004)
"I'm not feminine in any way." - Paul H (04/02/2004)
"Josh, you have such a large mouth." - Paul H (03/29/2004)
"Can I touch it?" "No." "Oh." - Paul H & Tricia B (03/26/2004)
"And then you do that just to spike me." - Paul H (03/14/2004)
"Then drum with the beat!" - Paul H (03/14/2004)
"Isn't it a little late to be specking with cards?" - Paul H (03/08/2004)
"Oh, now I can't see my cards." - Paul H (03/08/2004)
"What? I didn't get perfect?" - Paul H (03/07/2004)
"Everything I want goes away." - Paul H (03/06/2004)
"I haven't been drinking at all." - Paul H (03/05/2004)
"What? Someone went out?" - Paul H (02/27/2004)
"Wait. Is that a six or a one?" - Paul H (02/18/2004)
"I'm not one to use polls." - Paul H (02/12/2004)
"Everyone knows I would win." - Paul H (02/12/2004)
"She can ride my carpet anytime." - Paul H (02/10/2004)
what a pickup line!
"Janis is shuffling... I wonder who's dealing." - Paul H (02/09/2004)
"My hand does make love to me... many times a day." - Paul H (02/09/2004)
"I like girls with glasses." - Paul H (02/09/2004)
"You can have a lot of fun with one of those things." - Paul H (02/09/2004)
we won't mention what it is
"I am so on top of you, Paul." - Paul H (02/09/2004)
i bet she is
"College is a great time to experiment!" - Paul H (02/08/2004)
josh agreed
"The phone does not have an anus." - Paul H (02/08/2004)
"You don't have to do much blowing to get higher than a three." - Paul H (02/07/2004)
"I can't defeat such large penises." - Paul H (02/07/2004)
i think he can
"Wish that was my christmas." - Paul H (02/02/2004)
"That's why I didn't get anything with ketchup today." - Paul H (02/02/2004)
"Ural dead." - Paul H (01/28/2004)
"Stuff isn't a very interesting name for it." - Paul H (01/25/2004)
"Everything just goes straight for my crotch." - Paul H (01/13/2004)
"Hahahaha. You know? Oh, yeah." - Paul H (01/08/2004)
"It's penis science." - Paul H (01/07/2004)
"No, I felt like going through all that trouble." - Paul H (01/07/2004)
"Yeah, I really want a new hand." - Paul H (12/29/2003)
"This is a sex free car." - Paul H (12/26/2003)
"I have to take off my pants." - Paul H (12/17/2003)
"That gives me an idea." - Paul H (12/16/2003)
"My coconut speech I got a B on?" - Paul H (12/15/2003)
"Aunt Ruth... oh, that's mine." - Paul H (12/14/2003)
"An exact size replica." - Paul H (12/13/2003)
reliving the tricia/paul boob thing that happened during the summer, we talk about that a lot
"I rather just stroke my knife." - Paul H (12/12/2003)
"You know what I need, a heterosexual pencil sharpener." - Paul H (12/12/2003)
"Paul does have nice boobs." "I do." - Janny M & Paul H (12/06/2003)
"There was no squeezage involved." - Paul H (12/03/2003)
"I know what touched my hand." - Paul H (12/03/2003)
"So you're saying that anytime anything touches Tricia, they touch her breasts?" - Paul H (12/03/2003)
"Of course, she's going to write it down... she's evil." - Paul H (11/24/2003)
"Mm... that late." - Paul H (11/21/2003)
"What? It's hard to miss them." - Paul H (11/21/2003)
"Oh, now I wanna see it." - Paul H (11/20/2003)
a kevin spacey movie w/ sex scenes!
"She likes the gay ones." - Paul H (11/19/2003)
"Oh yeah." - Paul H (11/16/2003)
i can walk around in the girls bathroom
"Women only want me for my juice." "Woah!" - Paul H & Tricia B (11/16/2003)
"Stop grabbing me there!" - Paul H (11/16/2003)
"But they don't have Uncle Ben's rice." - Paul H (11/16/2003)
"Then it'll look like a backwards integral sign." - Paul H (11/14/2003)
"I'm not that easy." - Paul H (11/09/2003)
"I wasn't aware of that when I made that purchase." - Paul H (11/07/2003)
"Stop f**king please?" - Paul H (11/02/2003)
"That's a nice shirt." "That's some nice trash." - Paul H & Stacy M (11/01/2003)
"There's ketchup all over my shirt." - Paul H (11/01/2003)
"At least Seth isn't here to give any gay quotes." - Paul H (10/31/2003)
"Hey, my butt is communal property." - Paul H (10/31/2003)
"Hey! I remember that car!" - Paul H (10/31/2003)
"You're not writing... ow!" - Paul H (10/28/2003)
"There's only one sexual way to share food... Leslie, demonstrate." - Paul H (10/19/2003)
"Leslie's just a little turned on now." "A little?" - Paul H & Janny M (10/19/2003)
"That's the last time I help you." - Paul H (10/17/2003)
"Yeah, we can't have that happen." - Paul H (10/17/2003)
"Are you still sucking?" "Yes." - Leslie B & Paul H (10/16/2003)
"She needs the ten! See that erection in her hand?" - Paul H (10/12/2003)
"I'm in second with fifteen!" - Paul H (10/07/2003)
"What's with discarding royalty?" - Paul H (10/07/2003)
"Spankoriffic." "Is that a request?" - Paul H & Chris Sm (10/05/2003)
"I'll do it for you, Paul." "Cool." - Seth W & Paul H (10/01/2003)
"What? Do you think Paul owns any good movies?" - Paul H (09/28/2003)
"I'm getting a lump there, now, go, she might enjoy it." - Paul H (09/26/2003)
"And there's two girls." "Bad party." - Janny M & Paul H (09/25/2003)
"Careful. I don't have hands to screw it on." - Paul H (09/25/2003)
"Wonderful. I think I'm done eating." - Paul H (09/21/2003)
talking about necrofeliac
"No, you look like a mushroom." - Paul H (09/21/2003)
"Oh yeah, Bush, oh yeah." - Paul H (09/20/2003)
"Ou, I get a pillow." "You can have two more if you want." - Paul H & Leslie B (09/19/2003)
"I'm not copying your score." "It's called flirting." - Paul H & Chris Sm (09/18/2003)
"What services... wink, wink?" - Paul H (09/18/2003)
"He's got seventy five points... he's harmless." - Paul H (09/17/2003)
"I beat Bush!" - Paul H (09/16/2003)
"You're beating David." - Paul H (09/16/2003)
"That's not correct." - Paul H (09/14/2003)
"You're such a sexual predator, Janis." - Paul H (09/14/2003)
"I like thongs." - Paul H (09/09/2003)
tricia wears one... but i don't know
"He could have purposely ran over the shoe." - Paul H (09/08/2003)
"You can take me from behind and I don't care." "Ouu!" - Paul H & Tricia B (09/04/2003)
"You have a very wet butt." "Thanks." - Paul H & Leslie B (09/04/2003)
"Do they play cards?" "Yeah." "They're fine." - Paul H & David E (09/03/2003)
"Thank you, David." "Hey, you took my country!" - Paul H & David E (09/03/2003)
"I'd have to multi color it out." - Paul H (09/01/2003)
"I had the other M." - Paul H (09/01/2003)
"I'm thinking in the wrong direction." "As usual." - Paul H & Janny M (08/31/2003)
"I liked him better when he was a bird." - Paul H (08/28/2003)
"How can the little hump kill me?" - Paul H (08/28/2003)
"Let's watch this in honor of his running for governor." - Paul H (08/28/2003)
an arnold movie
"You don't understand a lot of things." - Paul H (08/27/2003)
"What flavors do they have?" "They have vanilla and vanilla." "Well, in that case, I'll have vanilla." - Paul H & Janny M (08/27/2003)
"Where'd your Dad go?" "I think he went inside. I think he saw Crispy Creams donuts sign." - Janny M & Paul H (08/17/2003)
"It's a live performance. They have to say 'woo'." - Paul H (08/17/2003)
"Nick, have you seen my shirt?" "I don't wear it." - Paul H & Nick M (08/13/2003)
"See, we didn't even have to go to Overcroak. They did the shopping for us." - Paul H (08/13/2003)
we didn't make it... tooooo long of wait for faerie thingy
"Don't hit it too hard." Thank you." - Paul H & Lisa M (08/13/2003)
"Wednesday... it's hump day." "Is there humping involved?" - Paul H & Janny M (08/12/2003)
"Buster, no!" - Paul H (08/10/2003)
"Affordable dreams? I wish my dreams were affordable." - Paul H (08/09/2003)
"Shotgun! Oh, yeah. I'm driving." - Paul H (08/06/2003)
"Cool! A stretch limo." "That's what I said." - Janny M & Paul H (08/06/2003)
i waved, & the dude driving waved back!!!
"I dare you to draw a pornographic picture on there." "How much money?" - Janny M & Paul H (08/06/2003)
we always draw on our tables @ tsunamis
"I'm sure she would like him to come." "In what way?" - Paul H & Janny M (08/06/2003)
"You do realize that I'm going to be in your room a lot?" "Yeah." - David E & Paul H (08/04/2003)
pauls bringing sega, n64, i'm bringing ps1, snes, good bunch i thinky
"Yeah, the person didn't seam to care at all." - Paul H (08/04/2003)
when i went down the slide backwards
"I put the alien on the car and someone swiped it." - Paul H (08/02/2003)
"Poor kid... now he needs..." "Years of theropy." - Paul H & Janny M (08/02/2003)
"This is like the fifth time her brother almost died." "I know... you'd think she'd be used to it by now." - Janny M & Paul H (08/02/2003)
"Why are you shutting the door?" "Cause we're loud." "You're the loud one." - Janny M & Paul H (08/02/2003)
"Are you making fun of me, again?" "No... yes." - Janny M & Paul H (07/30/2003)
"Someone always has to lose an arm." - Paul H (07/30/2003)
"Oh, gee. A locked door. Let's not check in there." - Paul H (07/30/2003)
"Do they really need the smoke effects?" - Paul H (07/30/2003)
"Are they legal ones?" "Most of them." - Mrs Harich & Paul H (07/30/2003)
thinking of bringing fireworks up to hattaris!
"I like your stick, Paul." "Oh, you like my stick? Wanna see it again?" - Janny M & Paul H (07/20/2003)
"Do you think my phone number is cool? What kind of question is that?" - Paul H (07/18/2003)
"This is Tricia's house." "Oh, I thought it was my house." - Janny M & Paul H (07/16/2003)
"What's that van doing?" "He's driving." - Paul H & Janny M (07/15/2003)
"There's no like lane markers." - Paul H (07/10/2003)
"Yeah, I have Bob Marley in my car." "What? He's in your car? I don't see anyone in your car." - Janny M & Paul H (07/10/2003)
"I'm not putting any away message up." - Paul H (07/09/2003)
"She probably just uses the sign for kicks." - Paul H (07/09/2003)
rookie drivers, a lady was driving
"Hey, not next to the dancers." - Paul H (07/05/2003)
"Meow. I want food." - Paul H (07/04/2003)
"How can water run? It doesn't have any legs." - Paul H (07/04/2003)
only paul
"It's mine to stroke." - Paul H (07/03/2003)
"They're not high beams, they're my daytime running lights." - Paul H (07/03/2003)
"She hung up, what a bitch." - Paul H (06/25/2003)
"Hold on. I gotta go to the bathroom and powder my nose. This might take thirty or fourty minutes." - Paul H (06/25/2003)
"Everything is like fat." - Paul H (06/25/2003)
"We're standing in a circle... wanna play?" - Paul H (06/21/2003)
"Which scratch mark is yours?" "It's the white one, you can't miss it." - Janny M & Paul H (06/21/2003)
"If it does take us back on fifty, I have a plan." "What's your plan?" "Cry." - Paul H & Janny M (06/18/2003)
"It was with food, therefore, it's mine." - Paul H (06/18/2003)
"Oh, look. A mushroom house." - Paul H (06/18/2003)
stole my mushroom house!
"Cause bones can't hurt me... I'm too high." - Paul H (06/18/2003)
"If you stand on the donut, it'll take you with it." - Paul H (06/17/2003)
"Let me think really hard about it..." "I'd rather not." - Janny M & Paul H (06/15/2003)
u don't wanna know, lol
"You're going to make me crash into a car." "Like you haven't done that before." - Paul H & Janny M (06/15/2003)
flirting w/ him while he was driving... lol
"Point with your other hand." - Paul H (06/15/2003)
so he can poke me!
"I liked Dunkin Donuts." "I did, too. They had donuts." - Janny M & Paul H (06/15/2003)
"Well, for once, your Dad's right." - Paul H (06/11/2003)
"Remember the last time? I had to go across the world to get back." - Paul H (06/11/2003)
"I should just stay here so they can't pull through." - Paul H (06/11/2003)
"Ah. I jumped too high. The physics in this game are a little off." - Paul H (06/11/2003)
"Don't die on the screws this time, Janis." - Paul H (06/11/2003)
"I want a chain saw." - Paul H (06/08/2003)
"Wow, business is booming." - Paul H (06/08/2003)
we didn't have any people
"A pinball machine that says Paul?" "Yes." - Janny M & Paul H (06/08/2003)
"Join me in some synchronized chair dancing?" "I don't have a chair." - Janny M & Paul H (06/08/2003)
"He has orange eye, can't you tell?" - Paul H (06/07/2003)
"Why don't you cry about it?" "I think I will, thank you." - Janny M & Paul H (06/07/2003)
"Get the egg, you moron." - Paul H (06/07/2003)
"Mel Brooks is so hot." "Don't you mean Mel Gibson?" - Paul H & Janny M (05/30/2003)
"Three hundred channels and they choose to watch the weather channel." - Paul H (05/30/2003)
"I know where I'm going." "I must be waving the pencil." - Paul H & Janny M (05/28/2003)
"Oh, yeah, I'm going to walk around the mall in these." - Paul H (05/28/2003)
realllly comfy slippers! i'm not kidding, i'm soooooo getting a pair
"I had probation before judgement." "That sounds bad." - Paul H & Janny M (05/28/2003)
"I just like carrying it around and swinging it." - Paul H (05/28/2003)
fun noodle
"Why? Because I'm a freak?" - Paul H (05/28/2003)
"I'm not that much of a dork." - Paul H (05/28/2003)
i asked him if he was going to help w/ broandeck band
"Don't eat my pants." - Paul H (05/28/2003)
"I should really watch where I'm driving." - Paul H (05/28/2003)
"You don't wanna be seen pushing around a broom in a theature? Cause I do." - Paul H (05/28/2003)
"Oh, yeah. I can make it." - Paul H (05/28/2003)
trying to get the car turned around... he's a bad driver!
"Y isn't relevant." "Than why did you put it in your calculator?" - Janny M & Paul H (10/21/2002)
than Y... it was funny :P
"My head is going to get tired... I better stop shaking it." - Paul H (08/05/2002)
"It's a poop shell." - Paul H (08/04/2002)
"Where does it go?" "I don't think it does go." - Paul H & Janny M (08/04/2002)
"I just love undressing Obe Wan with my eyes." - Paul H (06/07/2002)
"Way to uphold the law, mister police officer." - Paul H (06/07/2002)
after the police officer in mega bomberman died
"Someone try to dunk me!" - Paul H (06/06/2002)
"I'm in love!" - Paul H (06/02/2002)
"Are you addicted to neopets?" "No, I'm not addicted to neopets... I could stop anytime!" - Janny M & Paul H (06/02/2002)
"Yoda kicks ass for a small old guy." - Paul H (05/24/2002)