Person Info
Name: | Diana W |
Description: | stacy's friend in NY |
Know From: | Friend Of A Friend |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 20 |
Making Quotes From: | Friday, May 15, 2020 - Friday, September 17, 2021 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 1.2 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 14.9 |
Last 10 Quotes
"All cops are horny." - Diana W (09/17/2021)
"Weird s**t always happens in Canada." - Diana W (09/17/2021)
cirque de sole was created in canada
"Done." - Diana W (08/06/2021)
"I wish I could claim to be your dick." - Diana W (07/02/2021)
matt's dick
"Yay, art history!" - Diana W (07/02/2021)
she knew the answer in trivia murder party
"The problem is if he looks like Jeff Bezos..." - Diana W (05/21/2021)
"Well played, Stac." - Diana W (03/19/2021)
dick caught in fence sent me to the er
"I'm very pleased with it." - Diana W (01/08/2021)
she ordered a shirt with the missile deep throat!
"He plays bass." "Bass guitar?" "Fair enough." - Diana W & Eric W (01/08/2021)
"I'm a woman of many talents and I'm proud of this one..." - Diana W (12/25/2020)
her ability to deepthroat a missile (talking points)