Person Info
Name: | Nick M |
Description: | paul's uncle nick |
Know From: | Annonymous |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 24 |
Making Quotes From: | Sunday, August 4, 2002 - Sunday, August 22, 2004 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 1.0 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 11.7 |
Last 10 Quotes
"How long has that been there?" "Days..." - Paul H & Nick M (08/22/2004)
a played card in rummy
"What? That's a prerequisite for that?" - Nick M (08/16/2003)
u don't wanna know
"With the queen of spades. That's omen." - Nick M (08/16/2003)
it was
"Wow. I put a card down. I think I'm going to faint." - Nick M (08/15/2003)
"You're responsible for finishing that puzzle." "I'm going." - Nick M & Mr Harich (08/15/2003)
"It's like 'there it is!'" - Nick M (08/15/2003)
"You're almost there." "Don't lie to these people." - Mr Harich & Nick M (08/15/2003)
long ass steps!
"See, they already moved it. Had to do that." - Nick M (08/14/2003)
"You did a good job. Let it go." - Nick M (08/14/2003)
"Everybody's yelling at me for buying a kite." - Nick M (08/13/2003)