On This Day
Currently displaying 33 quotes for January 31.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 (2 years ago today) -- went to lisbon to visit wynne who with her friend were vacationing in portugal! cafes; wine; went out to a restaurant for sunset; more wine & games
"I'm like, 'you're emailing me for God sakes. How secure can that be?'" - Wynne G (01/31/2023)
how some of her team puts data in a database but they insist on other stuff being secure
"Good. She can now drink even more than I'm drinking." - Wynne G (01/31/2023)
karen got her passport back!
"Oh are those dry?" "I hope so cause I'll be wearing those underwear tomorrow." - Karen R & Wynne G (01/31/2023)
doing laundry in europe
"There's not a good translation since it's hot down there." - Wynne G (01/31/2023)
in portuguese; no one wears beanies in brazil
"I think you need to clip the nipple, so to speak." - Wynne G (01/31/2023)
the olive oil was new
"His wardrobe was getting weird." - Wynne G (01/31/2023)
tom working from home
"Well we're going to wash the dishwasher anyway so let's go crazy." - Wynne G (01/31/2023)
i didn't want to dirty another glass
Monday, January 31, 2022 (3 years ago today)
"B A T. Watch this be porn." - Eric W (01/31/2022)
going to bat.com
Friday, January 31, 2020 (5 years ago today) -- work; matt came over for some games & drinks; played dominion, later risk
"There's not enough alcohol in this house." - Janny M (01/31/2020)
matt drawing his whole hand in dominion
"Undo it! Undo it." - Matt Wi (01/31/2020)
"This is gonna f**k me so hard." - Matt Wi (01/31/2020)
"I think they're gonna die." - Matt Wi (01/31/2020)
his troops in risk
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 (7 years ago today) -- took the day off from work to go to the dc auto show w/ megan & matt; happy hour afterward
"We still need room for strollers and s**t." - Megan Wi (01/31/2018)
in their new car
"I think it's bigger..." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M (01/31/2018)
a tahoe
"Ew. It's all sweaty." - Megan Wi (01/31/2018)
matt got a hat and gave it to megan
"That's a Countach." "Watch your mouth!" - Brian C & Megan Wi (01/31/2018)
"Matt. Don't you fight with me about cookies." - Megan Wi (01/31/2018)
she wanted cookies
Monday, January 31, 2011 (14 years ago today)
"Don't do it with styles off." - Peter F (01/31/2011)
demo the website, it looks crapy without styles
"You have two buts." "But that's what happens..." - Janny M & Peter F (01/31/2011)
Saturday, January 31, 2009 (16 years ago today)
"She smells like she's been drinking all night." - Jen R (01/31/2009)
dekota, her dog
"I wanna get laid so we're going to bed early." - Shawn R (01/31/2009)
"I'm not fabreezing my dog." - Jen R (01/31/2009)
Thursday, January 31, 2008 (17 years ago today)
"Yeah, it's funny because I have fried nipple rings." - Dimitri D (01/31/2008)
"Did I just say the media would report the truth? Jesus!" - Ernie A (01/31/2008)
"You mention his name, there goes half an hour." - Masoud D (01/31/2008)
Monday, January 31, 2005 (20 years ago today) -- some classes, some leslie & seth
"I hope no body." - Dr Lemmert (01/31/2005)
when he said who'se in his office right now
"I don't wish death, I just wish injury." - Leslie B (01/31/2005)
"I mean bangs as in... well..." - Leslie B (01/31/2005)
"Yes, I like touching myself in the middle of rummy games." - Seth W (01/31/2005)