Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

On This Day

Currently displaying 49 quotes for August 31.

Saturday, August 31, 2019   (5 years ago today) -- went to shepardstown west virginia with becky; bri met up later; walked around; bar hopped; had a great time; escape room in leesburg afterward!





Friday, August 31, 2018   (6 years ago today) -- work from home; went over erin & bears for a hang out

"Yeah, some kids, f**k em?" "Right?" - Janny M & Erin L (08/31/2018)

"She's like a sophomore." - Erin L (08/31/2018)
ella in preschool

"Wait. You need oven mitts to smoke weed?" - Janny M (08/31/2018)

"Ella. Don't throw bricks, please." - Bear M (08/31/2018)

"Well, what do you want me to say?" - Bear M (08/31/2018)
cardboard bricks that ella was throwing

"Scotch makes me very angry." - Bear M (08/31/2018)

"Don't yell at me." "I didn't. I growled." - Erin L & Bear M (08/31/2018)

"It gets confusing when you smell a lot of stuff." - Erin L (08/31/2018)
sure it does... but she was talking about candles

"He goes to church when he needs votes." - Erin L (08/31/2018)
her dad

Saturday, August 31, 2013   (11 years ago today) -- my party! lots of folks were there!

"We got you your elephant beer." - Brian C (08/31/2013)

"We don't say that no more." - Uncle George (08/31/2013)
he doesn't say i love you to his wife

"Well just keep drinking..." - Dawn B (08/31/2013)

"Are you thinking?" - Janny M (08/31/2013)
b was stumped

"I throw pennies away." - Erin L (08/31/2013)

"I'm thinking flame thrower..." - Bear M (08/31/2013)
to get rid of all the flies around the food

"Oh there's cake? You should have told me that before I got drunk." - Dawn B (08/31/2013)

"I'm lovin it!" - Shawn R (08/31/2013)
the mcdonalds forks

"This is the best ninety nine cents I've ever spent!" - Bear M (08/31/2013)
temporary tatoos we put on

"A win's a win." - Shawn R (08/31/2013)

"You played with that many balls on a Friday?" - Shawn R (08/31/2013)
a story he told

"Paul totally got into it." "What? ...Not until college." - Janny M & Paul H (08/31/2013)
backstreet boys

Wednesday, August 31, 2011   (13 years ago today)

"If you want to take a shower..." "No. I'll just stay stinky." - Janny M & Wynne G (08/31/2011)
her electricity is still out

"Everybody's making fun of me but what else is new?" - Wynne G (08/31/2011)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010   (14 years ago today)

"I have a question for you... Not you... But one day I will." - Dan B (08/31/2010)
he wasn't talking to me

Friday, August 31, 2007   (17 years ago today)

"It's not gay unless you make eye contact." - Mike R (08/31/2007)

"Chasing people to get insurance... They should be chasing me!" - Monique S (08/31/2007)
just was kinda funny i thought

Thursday, August 31, 2006   (18 years ago today) -- very un eventfull birthday

"She likes to make things jealous." - Janny M (08/31/2006)
talking about candi

"Woah... that guy has a penis." - Janny M (08/31/2006)

"That's a trait of women..." "What? Penis's?" - Brian C & Leslie B (08/31/2006)

Sunday, August 31, 2003   (21 years ago today) -- gosh, busy day, got back here & did a lot of stuff w/ paul, david, les, & chris, then played a rather long game of rummy while still the need to unpack everything!

"Dylan, there's two other doors... one of them you just push open. So easy." - Aunt Janet (08/31/2003)

"Yeah, you're on a mountain... lucky." - Aunt Janet (08/31/2003)

"Stop raping the campus." - Chris Sm (08/31/2003)

"You injured my boob!" - Jackie F (08/31/2003)
will she ever stop talking about her boobs?!?

"Oh, wow. Cars actually stop for you... unlike in Equador." - Leslie B (08/31/2003)

"I just glanced over, none of them were hot, so I looked away." - Janny M (08/31/2003)

"So, I'm fat? That's what you're saying?" - Leslie B (08/31/2003)

"She's not imaginary... she's just not real." - Leslie B (08/31/2003)

"Look at those womans balloons!" - Leslie B (08/31/2003)

"What is six of eleven?" "Five?" - Chris Sm & Leslie B (08/31/2003)
u don't wanna know

"You grabbed my boob!" - Tricia B (08/31/2003)
obviously boobs were getting hurt today... glad mine weren't!

"You're just looking for excuses to touch her." - Leslie B (08/31/2003)

"I know what you're doing!" "What? Peeing?" - Janny M & Tricia B (08/31/2003)

"G W L... doctor of love." - Chris Sm (08/31/2003)
he sounded like a radio station

"I'm thinking in the wrong direction." "As usual." - Paul H & Janny M (08/31/2003)

"Well, Dave, spank my naked ass." - Leslie B (08/31/2003)