Tricia B's Quotes
Tricia B has made 738 quotes!
"I got a weapon now!" - Tricia B (09/17/2023)
there was a bee flying around; she got an umbrella
"Which Easter?" - Tricia B (09/17/2022)
how old the chocolate was... it was from an easter
"What are you trying to do? Make it fall? Like a poop?" - Tricia B (09/17/2022)
"Why did I get up?" - Tricia B (09/17/2022)
"Alright. One of you took my seat." - Tricia B (09/17/2022)
"It's your fault since you filled the other half." - Tricia B (09/17/2022)
bri's drink was mostly rum
"They sit you in like a swinging thing and you're in a chair..." - Tricia B (09/17/2022)
getting a secret clearance
"It's not ringing any bells... Get it? Tower?" - Tricia B (08/20/2022)
bri was talking about the ben stiller movie with the tower
"It's like, just lay there." - Tricia B (08/20/2022)
trying to get her kids to fall asleep some nights
"It's like a requirement to have a corgi on the Austin side of the family." - Tricia B (06/25/2022)
"It is really helpful." "My hand?" - Tricia B & Janny M (06/25/2022)
i was trying to keep the sun out of her eyes
"I didn't mean to make the short story long... Too late..." - Tricia B (06/25/2022)
"She's just choking. She's fine." - Tricia B (06/25/2022)
her daughter
"No, they'll scream. We'll hear them." - Tricia B (06/25/2022)
her kids were playing somewhere else... if they got abducted
"We weren't interested in Joe for Joe..." - Tricia B (06/25/2022)
hanging out w/ bri's brother
"You can't like lick my light fixtures...." - Tricia B (06/25/2022)
"You guys have all those shelves... Don't expand." - Tricia B (04/23/2022)
for their legos
"Oh! You have no idea!" - Tricia B (04/23/2022)
self breastfeeding devices are needed
"Don't you know who I am?" - Tricia B (04/23/2022)
if tsa were to stop her
"I don't know... talking about swingers and sisters..." - Tricia B (04/23/2022)
"They dug it... It was tropical... People died..." - Tricia B (04/15/2022)
explaining the panama canal to the kids
"It's only because we're in bars... at times..." - Tricia B (04/15/2022)
the kids know some things
"You're just gonna tell him and ditch him?" - Tricia B (04/15/2022)
"Anyway I was talking about our take out..." - Tricia B (04/15/2022)
"It's not that big." "That's what she said." - Tricia B & Janny M (04/15/2022)
"When I had babies... those people..." - Tricia B (03/05/2022)
her kids; they're people now
"Don't quote me on that." - Tricia B (03/05/2022)
"You could do a six limit and most people wouldn't get smashed... except for skinny minis." - Tricia B (03/05/2022)
how my work functions always has a two drink limit
"She almost got eaten by vultures once..." - Tricia B (03/05/2022)
their cat was outside
"She's gorgeous." "So is she when she turns it on." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/05/2022)
"His parents are hillbillies so I hope you understand." - Tricia B (03/05/2022)
"I don't think she was drinking because she's in A A." - Tricia B (03/05/2022)
one of her family members was texting weird at night
"She kinda gets off her rocker a bit..." - Tricia B (03/05/2022)
one of her family members
"I got something deep in my mouth." - Tricia B (03/05/2022)
"Who's octaboob?" "Me." - Tricia B & Sabrina P (03/19/2021)
"This is not a split." - Tricia B (03/19/2021)
orgasm every time you open email
"There are more people." - Tricia B (03/19/2021)
to take a picture while hiking Kilimanjaro; a dude would want a sexy time
"This is so hard!" "Says the physics major." - Tricia B & Brian C (03/19/2021)
question on murder trivia; right up her ally
"You know how to teach your dog? I taught my kids." - Tricia B (06/03/2017)
"Then you have a picture of a cat or something..." - Tricia B (06/03/2017)
"Those aren't exactly..." - Tricia B (08/29/2015)
travis' shorts looked like bathingsuit but they were not
"He only gets the big bottles." "That's what she said." - Tricia B & Janny M (08/29/2015)
"Of course. You gotta practice. You gotta keep in shape." - Tricia B (08/29/2015)
the practice you do in the bedroom
"She was doing her own thing and was selfish." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
the little mermaid
"Was that the day I twisted my ankle? No it had to be a different day." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
when she drank our cheap vodka in college
"He was always an evil, mean dick. That's so hard for me to swallow." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
"This is it. This is it. This is the crux of craziness." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
"Our kids are too smart. You told us too late." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
messing with the kids & teaching them wrong things
"No, there's too much proof." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
teaching her daughters the wrong things
"It's all poop related." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
"Mama pride." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
her kids are smart
"It looks like a head with arms and legs and a penis." - Tricia B (04/25/2015)
how her daughter draws a person
"You know stealing a kid is a lot easier than the whole nine months thing." "I know." - Brian C & Tricia B (04/02/2014)
"Really? No performance at all?" - Tricia B (04/02/2014)
telling natilie to do something
"I have children who smear yogurt all over." - Tricia B (04/02/2014)
"Wow. You didn't like that drink, did you?" - Tricia B (04/02/2014)
brian drank all his drink tricia made
"Sorry. That's a part of living in life." - Tricia B (04/02/2014)
"I can still see legs." - Tricia B (04/02/2014)
talking to cece
"It's not gross until they get older. Then it's like real people poop." - Tricia B (03/09/2013)
"I know you see it everyday but it still feels awkward." - Tricia B (03/09/2013)
"So I was there for like twenty minutes and it's barely scuffed. And it was one stair." - Tricia B (03/09/2013)
trying to do her deck
"They don't invest in houses out there..." - Tricia B (03/09/2013)
in nebraska, all trailers
"Okay, does this look like punch?" - Tricia B (12/28/2012) (pic)
"You all can eat. I'm not really guarding this..." - Tricia B (12/28/2012)
all the food
"It was a multi-floor disaster..." - Tricia B (12/28/2012)
"It's a good story. It's the only one I have." - Tricia B (12/28/2012)
"Blah blah blah... annoying... blah blah blah... good times..." - Tricia B (12/28/2012)
"Ox blood." - Tricia B (12/28/2012)
just cause she says it
"I stop being funny when I'm tired." - Tricia B (12/28/2012)
"Something did something..." - Tricia B (03/31/2012)
"We plant lettuce but we have bunnies... It gets big... and then it's gone." - Tricia B (03/31/2012)
bunnies eat lettuce
"I'm just no good at it. That's the guy's excuse." - Tricia B (03/31/2012)
"Speaking of boobs..." - Tricia B (03/31/2012)
"Oh gross." "I know." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/31/2012)
"How do you end it? ...End?" - Tricia B (03/31/2012)
the phone call on their new phone
"I can't help it. I'm brain washed." - Tricia B (12/31/2011)
she memorized the winnie the pooh songs
"He doesn't know how to flex." - Tricia B (10/29/2011)
travis, his captain america costume
"Be careful, honey, there's a lot of drunks out on the road." - Tricia B (10/29/2011)
as he was drinking a beer
"Did you put water in a martini glass? You're doing it to be cool." - Tricia B (10/29/2011)
"I'm not usually a trash picker..." - Tricia B (10/29/2011)
she picked a beer can out of the trash to recycle, i do the same thing
"...And then we have alone time... to do chores and watch Deep Space Nine." - Tricia B (10/29/2011)
their nights with cece
"I love your costume!" - Tricia B (10/29/2011)
they didn't wear a costume
"Okay so he's a boy so talk about beers or masturbation or something." - Tricia B (10/29/2011)
my bri bri was left
"I think this is more your speed." - Tricia B (09/17/2011)
baby french book
"I want one of those." "I know. I've been saying that!" - Janny M & Tricia B (09/17/2011)
cece's jumper
"I want it contained." - Tricia B (09/17/2011)
cece's waste
"I hate science." "You're a scientist!" "I know." - Tricia B & Janny M (09/17/2011)
"The things you'd never think you'd say." - Tricia B (09/17/2011)
when you have a kid
"She's out of it. She's busy eating the captain." - Tricia B (09/17/2011)
cece was eating the captain from star trek
"Do you want to hold her now that she's happy?" - Tricia B (02/12/2011)
cece was fussy before
"There's more." "Yeah, I'm trying not to notice." - Janny M & Tricia B (02/12/2011)
dead plant leaves
"So this is breast milk..." - Tricia B (02/12/2011) (pic)
"I got a little excited there." - Tricia B (02/12/2011)
her bottle squirted
"As I was talking to my mom about it, I'm reading a book with like five baby butts." - Tricia B (02/12/2011)
they took a picture of cece's baby butt and put it online
"It sounds like a poem when you're reading it." "It is a poem!" - Janny M & Tricia B & Brian C & Travis B (02/12/2011)
tricia & bri & travis said "it's a poem" at the same time... FIRST QUADRUPAL QUOTE!
"But there's three of us... Oh wait, there's four of us." - Tricia B (02/12/2011)
"Our daughter's gonna have a third vagina!" - Tricia B (02/12/2011)
she has a second?
"No, it's not." - Tricia B (02/12/2011)
sulibusy is the way to go
"If you have an off shouldn't it turn you off?" - Tricia B (10/30/2010)
the baby toy
"I always laugh at Leslie." "What?" - Tricia B & Leslie B (10/30/2010)
"So you're going to miss your quote-a?" - Tricia B (10/30/2010)
someone hid my quotes sheet
"I date a lot of people." "Well, I knew that." - Leslie B & Tricia B (10/30/2010)
"I only have two buns in my body anyway." - Tricia B (10/30/2010)
brian said bones not buns
"She's like 'where's mine?'." - Tricia B (10/02/2010)
cecelia's white russian
"Oh, you got my boobs." - Tricia B (10/02/2010)
in a pic, i didn't really
"They call it cluster feeding but it's cluster annoying." - Tricia B (10/02/2010)
"It must have been a huge poop." - Tricia B (10/02/2010)
travis changing cece's diaper
"I'd like to say he never talked like that but he did before." - Tricia B (10/02/2010)
before cece, travis still talked to himself
"I wasn't eating pies every week like Travis' mom." - Tricia B (10/02/2010)
"There's no pictures, you can come." - Tricia B (08/08/2010)
her grandmother didn't want to come in the house because of pictures
"He doesn't high five, so..." - Tricia B (08/08/2010)
what will travis' reaction to the baby be?
"Wow, these are really well wrapped." - Tricia B (08/08/2010)
the present wasn't... it had places where it wasn't wrapped
"Is that the dip you had before?" "Like that Leslie like organismed over? Yeah." - Tricia B (06/26/2010)
"What was that?" "That was an imitation of the goal the other day." - Janny M & Tricia B (06/26/2010)
"Half her quotes are about boobs usually." - Tricia B (06/26/2010)
"Uh, beer before liquor?" - Tricia B (06/26/2010)
"Didn't I just laugh at this like thirteen times before?" - Tricia B (06/26/2010)
they kept saying the same things
"I am not catering to your headache tomorrow morning." - Tricia B (06/26/2010)
"Oh come on, I have a belly, you can hold a beer." - Tricia B (06/12/2010)
having travis play with a handy cap, a beer in his hand, ping pong
"I like how he aims for your head every time." - Tricia B (06/12/2010)
joe aimed for bri's head in ping pong
"We need the money, honey." - Tricia B (06/12/2010)
i was ready to give $2 to the person who drank the corrona
"Stop causing trouble." "I'm not." - Travis B & Tricia B (06/12/2010)
"That one, she looks drugged, like usual." - Tricia B (06/12/2010)
lol, me
"Coors Light truck? Really?" "Yeah, you say that every time." - Janny M & Tricia B (02/19/2010)
they have a coors light truck next to them, it's the neighbors
"I'm still trying to forget it." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
our time at la tomate
"I made a fish stew once... Everyone made fun of me." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
"If I looked like that, I'd be a whore too." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
"She's all rainbows and sunshine..." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
one of our friends
"He doesn't get girl smells here." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
"Ouu, oh, pretty." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
the ace was down
"We have soda... and it doesn't cost three dollars." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
soda cost $3 at carrabbas
"I have to play for everyone else too." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
she was reminding brian that some of his cards played
"I want a quick baby that my body just expels." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
"My baby is not a fruit cocktail." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
"Now that I'm pregnant, boobs are the topic of the day." - Tricia B (02/19/2010)
"Travis is our electrician." - Tricia B (10/24/2009)
"What are you doing?" "I'm showing them your rear." "No one wants to see that." - Travis B & Tricia B (10/24/2009)
"She's better with no obstacles." - Tricia B (10/24/2009)
penny their cat can play fetch
"He's so funny, your husband." - Tricia B (08/26/2009)
talking to me
"It fell off." - Tricia B (08/26/2009)
tricia dropped her lemon on the floor
"There, it's pretty." - Tricia B (08/26/2009)
fixed the comforter so it looks pretty
"Once upon a time she was a friend so it's a friend of a friend..." - Tricia B (11/01/2008)
"What are you doing?" "My nail fell off." - Janny M & Tricia B (11/01/2008)
she then threw it off the balcony
"I feel like this is a confession booth." - Tricia B (11/01/2008)
"I've got back problems." "Yeah, of course carrying those things around." - Tricia B & Brian C (11/01/2008)
"Now he's going to be reading about my boobs for three hours." - Tricia B (11/01/2008)
her dad visiting this site
"I went to say his name and I said yours." - Tricia B (11/01/2008)
my name :)
"Travis, not Janis?" - Tricia B (11/01/2008)
"How did it get into your eye?" - Tricia B (07/19/2008)
brian exploded a soda
"It's like haha, you don't do that in regular life." - Tricia B (07/19/2008)
the valentines mixup dinner
"I don't like landfills." - Tricia B (10/27/2007)
"It's a sex scene." "It's too early in the movie." - Tricia B & Travis B (10/27/2007)
"We had a travel agent. Her name was Julie but now we can't find her." - Tricia B (10/27/2007)
"But she spelled it backwards!" - Tricia B (10/27/2007)
the word BOOB
"Ah!" - Tricia B (10/27/2007)
she screamed during a scary part of the movie, but she was in the bathroom, that was funny!
"Are you looking at my husbands balls?" - Tricia B (10/27/2007)
"There we go with the boobs again." - Tricia B (10/27/2007)
"From this mirror, I look good. From that mirror I'm like 'Eww, where'd I gain all this weight?'" - Tricia B (10/26/2007)
"Now they wave. They say 'hey'." - Tricia B (10/26/2007)
"No, we'll leave him down here, there's a couch." - Tricia B (10/26/2007)
the drunk guy
"Six thirty foot orgy." - Tricia B (10/26/2007)
"Oh, please don't be this one." - Tricia B (01/27/2007)
drawr that was hard to open
"Paul, I love the way you work that pizza with your mouth." - Tricia B (07/14/2006)
tricia quote!
"Oh my gosh! We're going to die... How much have you had to drink tonight?" - Tricia B (01/27/2006)
bri was driving crazilly
"It's like a make out pad..." - Tricia B (01/27/2006)
"That sounds like a song... Oh yeah, it is a song." - Tricia B (01/27/2006)
love shack
"How much is Sheetz now?" "I know, I had to fill up!" - Janny M & Tricia B (01/27/2006)
"I don't spit." - Tricia B (01/27/2006)
"I'm sorry, don't look at my boobs." - Tricia B (01/27/2006)
how can we not?
"Ou, your nails are sharp... You're not doing anything with that hand tonight!" - Tricia B (01/27/2006)
"Ah! There's two!" - Tricia B (01/27/2006)
2 aces were in the discard pile
"Oh, no!" - Tricia B (01/27/2006)
lol brian took her card
"He love you long time..." - Tricia B (12/31/2005)
"With water, she usually drinks like ten." "No, I do." - Travis B & Tricia B (12/31/2005)
"This is my thing, I like to sing." - Tricia B (12/31/2005)
"Kiss her neck and lick her ear... that turns girls on." "How do you know?" "Cause I'm a girl!" - Tricia B & Janny M (12/31/2005)
"You learn the most amazing things in the bathroom!" - Tricia B (12/31/2005)
"Get on the bed... oh, it's wet there..." - Tricia B (12/31/2005)
"I wanna see her run into something." - Tricia B (12/27/2005)
"You heard it from the box... never!" - Tricia B (12/27/2005)
"I hate the ocean, you step on living orgasms." - Tricia B (10/15/2005)
"I put my thing in hair all the time." - Tricia B (09/17/2005)
"You need to do your sexual noise!" "Oh, I haven't done that in a long time." - Janny M & Tricia B (09/17/2005)
"No, Leslie does it all the time..." - Tricia B (06/11/2005)
"Do you want to check boobs?" - Tricia B (05/07/2005)
yes my precious hat
"He's in the... Lu..." - Tricia B (05/06/2005)
"So you kinda like shovel, right?" - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
"Oops! Hit a car..." - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
"Look, you pour it on top and it just... sits there." - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
was cutting bris hair... water... yea
"I haven't had a quote in years." - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
"That's what happens when you blow it." - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
"I have to watch what I say..." - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
"You know, this cleavage, you're never seeing it again." - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
"It's always about my boobs, isn't it?" - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
"Come on, do you really wanna see my boobs?" - Tricia B (03/10/2005)
"Push a seven, get a seven." - Tricia B (01/30/2005)
"Come on, I'm showing my boobs." - Tricia B (01/21/2005)
"Mine is really though, I wanna like sand it off." - Tricia B (01/17/2005)
"I'm sure she got a sexual innuendo out of it." - Tricia B (01/17/2005)
"I was trying to refill your water before you got dry." - Tricia B (01/17/2005)
"This is confusing... there's words on here." - Tricia B (12/31/2004)
the cards we were playing w/
"The objective of spoons is to get a spoon." - Tricia B (12/31/2004)
news to me
"Yeah, I wish you'd shut up." - Tricia B (12/31/2004)
"I feel like such a lesbian..." - Tricia B (10/12/2004)
"Oh, speaking of lesbian sex..." - Tricia B (09/26/2004)
"Wow, you're creative! She just did that same joke." - Tricia B (09/26/2004)
"Don't do that, you're scary... You make me cry." - Tricia B (09/24/2004)
"Yeah, when you're dreaming." - Tricia B (09/24/2004)
"It like has like saddle bags." - Tricia B (09/24/2004)
our couch
"It doesn't need to be enlarged anymore." - Tricia B (09/24/2004)
"It's up to Tricia... if you have enough energy." "Oh, I always have enough energy." - Janny M & Tricia B (08/29/2004)
"It's so much better than that." - Tricia B (08/29/2004)
"I heard the sex word!" - Tricia B (08/29/2004)
"Oh, it looks hot." - Tricia B (08/29/2004)
"Your brother asked you to marry you?" - Tricia B (08/29/2004)
"Please get married, so I can look pretty." - Tricia B (07/28/2004)
"It was okay, I mean I wouldn't have cried if I didn't go." - Tricia B (07/24/2004)
seth's party
"That's a blackmail picture." - Tricia B (07/04/2004)
"Here, smell this... it smells like nothing." - Tricia B (07/04/2004)
"Paul, get on your hands and knees." - Tricia B (07/04/2004)
"Flash them with my light..." "Sa..." - Janny M & Tricia B (07/03/2004)
put it together!
"All we need to do is cut the trees down... do you have an ax?" "Yeah, it's in my purse." - Janny M & Tricia B (07/03/2004)
"That's a half hour, sweets." - Tricia B (07/03/2004)
"Where is it?" "Where is what?" Where's my pencil?" - Tricia B & Brian C (05/11/2004)
"Then you got a tree to the right of you or left, this way." - Tricia B (04/09/2004)
"You know, somebody does stink... I think it's the table." - Tricia B (04/09/2004)
"Can I touch it?" "No." "Oh." - Paul H & Tricia B (03/26/2004)
"That's all you want from me." - Tricia B (03/25/2004)
she knows
"It's like they're sitting on trees." - Tricia B (03/23/2004)
"Candi find the orange." - Tricia B (03/23/2004)
"I'm like the only one who looks stupid." - Tricia B (03/22/2004)
"Ha, there's the wood." - Tricia B (03/19/2004)
"No, no, undo." - Tricia B (03/18/2004)
"They'd just think I'm pathetic." - Tricia B (03/18/2004)
"He's unsexual... I don't know." - Tricia B (03/18/2004)
"Shove it." "Where?" - Janny M & Tricia B (03/18/2004)
"Ew. It's Mary Kate and Ashley?" "I know." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/12/2004)
"Good in bed? You know, stupid stuff like that." - Tricia B (03/12/2004)
"I can't type and do it at the same time!" - Tricia B (03/12/2004)
make sexual noises! yes
"Stop, stop, my boobs are out." - Tricia B (03/12/2004)
"Why is everything on that page about my boobs?" - Tricia B (03/12/2004)
cause they're soo big... i mean... pretty!
"Oh no! I'm leaking money!" - Tricia B (03/11/2004)
"Man, now I can't eat with that hand." - Tricia B (03/03/2004)
"Guys, guys, act thirty." - Tricia B (02/27/2004)
"Check this out, huh." - Tricia B (02/27/2004)
"You talk a lot." "Thank you." - Tricia B & Josh H (02/27/2004)
"Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down." - Tricia B (02/27/2004)
"I don't even think we even have a waitress." - Tricia B (02/27/2004)
"The buns warm." - Tricia B (02/27/2004)
"No, that's, that's second grade." - Tricia B (02/27/2004)
"Her boobs are points." - Tricia B (02/27/2004)
"I was looking at some pictures, my boobs used to be so small." - Tricia B (02/15/2004)
"My first quote ever that doesn't make me look gay!" - Tricia B (02/05/2004)
"Your boyfriend's gay." - Tricia B (02/05/2004)
"Sorry poopsie." - Tricia B (01/25/2004)
"Who? Janis?" - Tricia B (01/25/2004)
"Oh, is that why I got asked out today?" - Tricia B (01/19/2004)
"Can I stick my finger in your cream?" - Tricia B (01/19/2004)
"The roof, the roof, the roof, is close to the road." - Tricia B (01/08/2004)
"This is the best I've ever had." - Tricia B (01/08/2004)
"Wow, look at those boobs!" - Tricia B (01/08/2004)
no thanks
"I can't make sounds." - Tricia B (01/03/2004)
"She puts her head on you and your pants get all moist." - Tricia B (01/03/2004)
"Why aren't these poofing up?" - Tricia B (12/31/2003)
"Oh, I get it. It's a time, not a countdown." - Tricia B (12/31/2003)
it took her a while to realize this
"I have my phone, but it seems to be gone now." - Tricia B (12/22/2003)
"My car is clean, that sounds like a pick up line." - Tricia B (12/22/2003)
"Cause it's hot!" - Tricia B (12/22/2003)
"Alright! I can't wait to get menopause!" - Tricia B (12/22/2003)
"Wow, this really is an orgy, isn't it?" - Tricia B (12/22/2003)
"He was talking about his butter knife in public, again?" - Tricia B (12/22/2003)
"Underwear... down here, buddy." - Tricia B (12/16/2003)
"Strange people!" - Tricia B (12/16/2003)
"I have a feeling..." - Tricia B (12/14/2003)
"Masturbation... what is this?" - Tricia B (12/14/2003)
"Oh, thank you guys, I love my balls!" - Tricia B (12/14/2003)
"Dad? Are you in there?" - Tricia B (12/14/2003)
"She doesn't have one of those, I've checked." - Tricia B (12/10/2003)
"Well, this is the worst game ever." - Tricia B (12/05/2003)
"This isn't Uno." - Tricia B (12/05/2003)
"Oh my gosh. I wish I loved you." - Tricia B (12/04/2003)
"Oh, she's hot!" - Tricia B (12/04/2003)
"I didn't realize this bra did that." - Tricia B (12/02/2003)
"My butt's very sensitive." - Tricia B (11/25/2003)
"Don't blow me." - Tricia B (11/25/2003)
"Ew, ew, ew... that's coke!" - Tricia B (11/25/2003)
"Are you talking about my boobs again?" - Tricia B (11/25/2003)
"I feel like a piece of meat." - Tricia B (11/25/2003)
"Eat. Just open your mouth and chew." - Tricia B (11/25/2003)
"Wow, that looks appetizing." - Tricia B (11/24/2003)
her sandwich was like crushed
"But, I'm the one with the boobs." - Tricia B (11/24/2003)
"They want me gone." - Tricia B (11/22/2003)
"Do I look like I drink diet?" - Tricia B (11/22/2003)
"...Enough to put your butt in." - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
"Janis, we could never be married." - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
i'm glad she said that first
"Your Dad would." - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
counterfit moneys
"Bond, Tricia Bond." - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
"Like a woman." - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
"I was pretty noisy last night with Tyler." - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
"That is so crass... why do you stay with him?" - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
"Paul's seen it... and experienced it in other ways." - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
"By this much, by like a penis." - Tricia B (11/21/2003)
"Sunbathing when there is no sun?" - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"And every other guy that I've been with..." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"Didn't I sleep with someone earlier?" - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"You suck!" "I know." - Janny M & Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"I can't sing." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
she coughed before lol
"Yes, hello, it's like he just woke up." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"Man, I wish I wanted that." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"I thought you said tramp." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"Get rid of your low cards." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"I was going to say feed isn't a technical word." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"They're not that permanent. I don't know what you're talking about." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"What? You've taken pictures of my..." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"But he's felt them." "Please don't remind me." - Janny M & Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"Don't. Don't." "I can't remember one." - Brian C & Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"I'm not a man." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"No, no, no... ew... germs." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"Leslie's... condoms..." - Tricia B (11/19/2003)
"No, because then people will think that I'm handicapped or something." "You are... actually." - Janny M & Tricia B (11/16/2003)
"Women only want me for my juice." "Woah!" - Paul H & Tricia B (11/16/2003)
"...And there was a tiny squeeze." - Tricia B (11/16/2003)
"Okay, I can do anything except dead animals." - Tricia B (11/16/2003)
"Free anal?" - Tricia B (11/15/2003)
"You know what... you look very rainbow today." - Tricia B (11/15/2003)
"Hey guys! ...I guess not." - Tricia B (11/14/2003)
"Yeah, I couldn't see that coming." - Tricia B (11/12/2003)
"Would you two get a room?" "Mine's open." - David E & Tricia B (11/12/2003)
"I love her door!" - Tricia B (11/12/2003)
don't worry, that's not a sexual enduendo
"He gets skinnier and fatter in every scene!" - Tricia B (11/12/2003)
"Woah! That's freaky!" - Tricia B (11/12/2003)
"And it looked like a..." - Tricia B (11/10/2003)
"And crayons and stamps... I remember!" - Tricia B (11/09/2003)
"Look how pretty this is!" - Tricia B (11/09/2003)
her ice cream
"Look! Silicon breasts!" - Tricia B (11/06/2003)
only she'd notice
"Well, you wouldn't put a no." - Tricia B (11/06/2003)
"This is nice and stiff." - Tricia B (11/06/2003)
"I thought he was going to feel me up." - Tricia B (11/02/2003)
"There's nothing to go behind!" - Tricia B (10/31/2003)
she had to go bathroom
"Yes... it's hard to forget." - Tricia B (10/29/2003)
the time that print touched her boob
"The rummy queen has not played rummy all semester." - Tricia B (10/27/2003)
"Don't eat spinach and yogurt." - Tricia B (10/27/2003)
"No! We're talking about boobs." - Tricia B (10/27/2003)
"Ah! Ah! Too many kisses!" - Tricia B (10/27/2003)
"I'm going to stop wearing pants." - Tricia B (10/27/2003)
"No, I won't have a threesome?" - Tricia B (10/23/2003)
"She'd do that even if she's cold." - Tricia B (10/23/2003)
"It can blink, too." - Tricia B (10/20/2003)
her poor eye
"Dude, you look like s**t." "Yeah, thanks." - Josh H & Tricia B (10/20/2003)
"You have pink feet like babies." - Tricia B (10/20/2003)
"Our anniversary is Valentines Day." - Tricia B (10/20/2003)
"What are the odds of Leslie wearing pants?" - Tricia B (10/20/2003)
"We're having fun imagining." - Tricia B (10/20/2003)
"And we work, like the Chinese." - Tricia B (10/18/2003)
"Gosh, Paul, lose some weight." - Tricia B (10/13/2003)
"You're not naked, are you?" - Tricia B (10/06/2003)
"Not my onion!" - Tricia B (10/06/2003)
"I want pot." - Tricia B (10/06/2003)
"Tricia, your feet smell!" "I know." - Janny M & Tricia B (10/06/2003)
"I don't know where to begin?" - Tricia B (10/01/2003)
"Why is my nipple tingly?" - Tricia B (10/01/2003)
"Did he melt?" - Tricia B (10/01/2003)
"This phone sucks!" - Tricia B (10/01/2003)
"I can do it without touching myself." - Tricia B (10/01/2003)
"Keep these for the carrot!" - Tricia B (10/01/2003)
"You're not black." - Tricia B (10/01/2003)
"Ah! He's grabbing my butt! Sick fruit!" - Tricia B (09/22/2003)
"What were you doing?" "Adam." - Janny M & Tricia B (09/21/2003)
"Who gave who a foot job?" - Tricia B (09/21/2003)
"That's good. Let her stew a little while." - Tricia B (09/21/2003)
"What? We're having an orgy?" - Tricia B (09/20/2003)
"How do you know? Oh, yeah. I forgot that one time." - Tricia B (09/19/2003)
"Don't get closer to me." - Tricia B (09/09/2003)
"You're such an American." - Tricia B (09/09/2003)
"You look like a cow." - Tricia B (09/09/2003)
"That wasn't hard work." "Uh, huh." - Janny M & Tricia B (09/09/2003)
"He doesn't even know me." "Now he does." - Janny M & Tricia B (09/09/2003)
"I was all drugged up..." - Tricia B (09/08/2003)
"I'm not only a hooker now, but a crack whore." - Tricia B (09/08/2003)
"He's always here early, he's a big dork." - Tricia B (09/08/2003)
paul, freshmeat
"Unite!" - Tricia B (09/05/2003)
"What? We're having an orgy?" - Tricia B (09/05/2003)
"This would be great for my imaginary room." - Tricia B (09/04/2003)
"I have pot." - Tricia B (09/04/2003)
i gave her a pot
"I didn't know cookies did that!" - Tricia B (09/04/2003)
"You can take me from behind and I don't care." "Ouu!" - Paul H & Tricia B (09/04/2003)
"You grabbed my boob!" - Tricia B (08/31/2003)
obviously boobs were getting hurt today... glad mine weren't!
"I know what you're doing!" "What? Peeing?" - Janny M & Tricia B (08/31/2003)
"A health thing? In Taco Bell?" - Tricia B (08/25/2003)
"It just doesn't fit. - Tricia B (08/25/2003)
"You're the only person I know who can make a french fry sound like a carrot stick." - Tricia B (08/25/2003)
"Look how far back he is. I'm not waiting for him." - Tricia B (08/25/2003)
"Aren't we getting a little old for that?" "No." - Tricia B & Janny M (08/25/2003)
making the truck drivers honk
"...So, it doesn't sound like you're inviting yourself." - Tricia B (08/25/2003)
"That's my room number plus a zero!" - Tricia B (08/25/2003)
"Am I bothering you?" "Not yet." - Tricia B & Mr Austin (08/25/2003)
"Janis, touch him again. He makes funny noises." - Tricia B (08/06/2003)
"Go, go!" "Ah! Don't go. Don't go." - Janny M & Tricia B (08/06/2003)
"I've been trying to pick up that seed." "Instead, I'll eat soy sause." - Janny M & Tricia B (08/06/2003)
"I dare you to suck on that paper." "I was thinking about it." - Janny M & Tricia B (08/06/2003)
"Yeah, but we can't drink in clubs." "It's easy enough." - Janny M & Tricia B (08/06/2003)
"It's not virgin, I've heard." - Tricia B (08/06/2003)
"He's going to dream about me, tonight, I just know." - Tricia B (08/06/2003)
lol, u don't wanna know
"I had an orgasm just looking at it." - Tricia B (08/05/2003)
talking about my site that i'm making
"It's not flat." - Tricia B (08/01/2003)
"If you play straights, it has to be a flush." - Tricia B (07/31/2003)
"There goes that beginners luck." - Tricia B (07/31/2003)
"You just want the kickers." - Tricia B (07/31/2003)
"The coat could suffocate her." - Tricia B (07/31/2003)
"The suspense music is too loud." - Tricia B (07/31/2003)
"Dad, did we get a new toilet seat?" - Tricia B (07/27/2003)
"Nine? B S." - Tricia B (07/27/2003)
"You... idiot... she's such an idiot." - Tricia B (07/27/2003)
"Oh, I would. I would so do her." - Tricia B (07/27/2003)
"Haha. Wohoo." - Tricia B (07/26/2003)
"You have Janisisms." - Tricia B (07/24/2003)
"No, not unnecessary... either get an apartment or live in your parents back yard." - Tricia B (07/24/2003)
"Ha! Hit you with trash bags." - Tricia B (07/24/2003)
"Holes! No, that's alright." - Tricia B (07/24/2003)
"Just watch them and stop listening to your own voice." - Tricia B (07/24/2003)
"Let me touch it." - Tricia B (07/24/2003)
"I have a thong from here." - Tricia B (07/24/2003)
"When you dance on that, it sounds like you're dancing on dippers." - Tricia B (07/20/2003)
"Paul, would you wear these?" "Please?" - Janny M & Tricia B (07/20/2003)
tight underwear
"You know, you're such a wuss buying a stick." - Tricia B (07/20/2003)
"I'll sit back here with the underwear." - Tricia B (07/20/2003)
"You and your eighties music." - Tricia B (07/19/2003)
"Well my menu's better than yours." "Shut up about your menu superiority." - Janny M & Tricia B (07/19/2003)
"What is that place like statues are us or rent a statue?" - Tricia B (07/19/2003)
"Your smell reminds me of Frostburg." - Tricia B (07/18/2003)
"My fingers stink. They smell like cheap sex." - Tricia B (07/18/2003)
"Why?" "Cause it's dork some." - Janny M & Tricia B (07/16/2003)
"I can't see past his head." - Tricia B (07/16/2003)
"I'm turning around for no good reason." - Tricia B (07/16/2003)
"Guys, save that for the hotel room." - Tricia B (07/16/2003)
"Oh! I almost ran into that car!" - Tricia B (07/16/2003)
"Uh! I went there when I was dying." - Tricia B (07/16/2003)
"She won't make any moves. It's driving me crazy." - Tricia B (07/16/2003)
"There's a body in there." - Tricia B (07/16/2003)
there was a trashcan on the back of a car
"Why do people always feel the need to scare people after they've said I know you're there?" - Tricia B (07/16/2003)
"I gotta go or else I'll pee my bed." - Tricia B (07/14/2003)
"Oh, no. I didn't mean to do that. Game. Undo." - Tricia B (07/14/2003)
"They're porno." "Rewind it." - Tricia B & Janny M (07/07/2003)
"Look at those boobs!" - Tricia B (07/07/2003)
"Don't write that down. People already think I'm gay." - Tricia B (07/07/2003)
"Adrian... with the hair." - Tricia B (07/06/2003)
"Do you know what's on this table?" - Tricia B (07/06/2003)
"It's a hat rack that was in need of a hat." - Tricia B (07/06/2003)
took my hat, again
"You always make fun of me for having cat fur." - Tricia B (07/06/2003)
"I don't want to get wins unethically." - Tricia B (07/06/2003)
"That guy is ugly." "Yeah, who would marry him?" - Janny M & Tricia B (07/06/2003)
the guy on that sliced meat commercial, lol
"That doesn't look like Baltimore... oh, yeah. It's Seattle. - Tricia B (07/06/2003)
"Wasn't this the E T music?" - Tricia B (07/06/2003)
"They kinda are happy curtins, though." - Tricia B (07/06/2003)
"This is how you're really supposed to play... she was just being stupid." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"You're winning?" - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"She's probably has a new love interest for the week." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
talking about leslie
"Oh, wait. It has healthy stuff in it." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
the icecream
"Did you just diss her dancing?" - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"I like this carpet... Can I have it for my dorm room?" - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"Oh, look... I'm doing something." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"You guys look like belly dancers." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"Do I look like I'm on crack?" - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
she asked everyone
"That is the porn star one." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"This is a sexest deck." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"What is that? The womans chair?" - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"It's like her life, though." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"A man. One man." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"Let's bomb them and call it freedom." - Tricia B (07/05/2003)
"I wanna go play with my plant." - Tricia B (06/30/2003)
"There's supposed to be five mile per hour winds!" - Tricia B (06/30/2003)
"Haha. I was like 'should you turn your car around?'" - Tricia B (06/30/2003)
well it broke down... duh... well i thought of that too, so
"Janis!" "Which one?" - Tricia B & Janice F (06/30/2003)
not to b confussed w/ the 1 & only janis... there was another, tricias friend, janice... but i'm the
"Oh. Five percent. That's no fun." - Tricia B (06/30/2003)
she warned me
"Where do I click?" "Click on the image." "Oh, that makes sense." - Tricia B & Janny M (06/30/2003)
"And then there's like a hundred cats." - Tricia B (06/30/2003)
beanie babies in my car
"That's my self proclaimed trade mark phrase." - Tricia B (06/30/2003)
"No, she picked up the jack and put down the six... pay attention." - Tricia B (06/30/2003)
"How come they got a green arrow?" - Tricia B (06/30/2003)
"Dad, can you do an outline on mine?" "I wasn't going to do anything today, but all well." - Tricia B & Mr Austin (06/28/2003)
"There's different kinds... like my porn star one." - Tricia B (06/27/2003)
"It's not that bad, is it? It's not like one of those old lady ones." - Tricia B (06/27/2003)
"I'm not touching your boob, am I?" - Tricia B (06/27/2003)
"Here... you're used to vibrators." - Tricia B (06/17/2003)
"Okay... what grade are we in? Second?" - Tricia B (06/17/2003)
"You need some medicine." - Tricia B (06/16/2003)
"I hate it when I have random guy's numbers." - Tricia B (06/09/2003)
"Who was in your car?" "I don't know, but those aren't mine." - Janny M & Tricia B (06/09/2003)
she had panty hose in her car... i wonder about her
"There ain't no woman like the one I've got. Oh wait. I don't have a woman." - Tricia B (06/09/2003)
"Yeah, I'm glad they get to raise their prices. But it hurts my pocket book." - Tricia B (05/31/2003)
"Ew, you're one of those sit up front people?" - Tricia B (05/31/2003)
"Dessert menu? I should have known you better as to get not real food." - Tricia B (05/31/2003)
"We'll go outside if you want." "I won't." - Linda T & Tricia B (05/31/2003)
"There like ho ho's... or like those debbie cakes." - Tricia B (05/31/2003)
"No, no... Vadka, vadka." - Tricia B (05/31/2003)
"Is that snow?" "No." "Oh yeah, it's not Frostburg." - Tricia B & Janny M (05/31/2003)
"At least my friend wants to give me head." "Like a head of cabbage?" - Tricia B & Leslie B (05/20/2003)
"Good night, everybody." - Tricia B (05/20/2003)
she sounded like a sorority girl
"Hold on a minute... I gotta take off my pants." - Tricia B (05/20/2003)
"Look at this salt... it's like a salt parade." - Tricia B (05/20/2003)
"I look like a bag lady." - Tricia B (05/19/2003)
"Deal, shuffle boy." - Tricia B (05/19/2003)
"She's a weakling... that's why." - Tricia B (05/19/2003)
"He likes the men." "Yeah, he really does." - Chris Sm & Tricia B (05/19/2003)
"I got five." "At least I got ten." - Brian C & Tricia B (05/19/2003)
"You go around... let us in." - Tricia B (05/18/2003)
"I use bags, where have you been?" "On Earth." - Janny M & Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"I gotta stop listening into people's conversations." "I know, I'm just going to concentrate on my handage." - Janny M & Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"Yeah, it's for shagging." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
her carpet
"Three? Gosh even I need four to be satisfied." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
u don't wanna know
"They look like little breast bumps." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"Gosh! I hate my boobs!" - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"Never masturbate... yeah." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"Your men are useless." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"Oh, it's not that sad." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"It's like an erection in the wrong direction." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"Give her an orgasm, everyday." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"Oh, that was almost funny." - Tricia B (05/16/2003)
"Still... you have to put on clothes." "I know, it sucks, doesn't it?" - Tricia B & Janny M (05/15/2003)
"He was looking at Tricia's back of her head." "Ou, that's freaky." - Janny M & Tricia B (05/15/2003)
"You're a bad influence, Janis." "Fine, I'm getting some." - Chris Sm & Tricia B (05/15/2003)
she got icecream... bery bery unhealthy, isn't it?
"Ou, happy." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
u don't wanna know
"Lay down with him." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"You have a boyfriend... do I have to babysit you?" - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"Yet? But I plan to tonight." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"I know what I'm going to be hearing from now on." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
this was clean, supprisingly
"Snappy pants are just like begging to be un snapped." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"Salsita likes her privacy." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
i couldn't sleep w/ her
"People need to learn how to use a car." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
noisy in night
"Oh, I wish I had a woman." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"Leslie, do it with me." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"Don't write that down, I'm not a lesbian!" - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"I was about to say, those don't match, but they do." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"Aces are like jewelry, they look good on anyone." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"Why are you glowing? You have a boyfriend!" - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
after salsita talked to mike
"She wants to poll dance." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"I was going to hit you with this but I can't." - Tricia B (05/14/2003)
"I really wanted that one, too." - Tricia B (05/13/2003)
"He's got a little production line going there." - Tricia B (05/13/2003)
"Oh, baby, oh, baby." - Tricia B (05/13/2003)
"We should, cause I'd be a millionaire." - Tricia B (05/13/2003)
playing rummy 4 $$
"Ou, pretty." - Tricia B (05/13/2003)
"I can see your hand, it's erect almost." - Tricia B (05/13/2003)
"You have erectile dysfunction." "Mine's just not happy." - Jackie F & Tricia B (05/13/2003)
"It's too sexy for its pants." - Tricia B (05/13/2003)
"That's like the meanest thing I've ever heard in my life." - Tricia B (05/12/2003)
"I was so horny today... I was." - Tricia B (05/12/2003)
"Spooning?" "Waterballooning." - Tricia B & Leslie B (05/12/2003)
"You sure you wanna do it? We've already done enough damage." "No, we didn't." - Tricia B & Janny M (05/09/2003)
water balloon fight tonight
"Run, Tricia, run." "I am." - Janny M & Tricia B (05/08/2003)
that's her running?
"Oh. This'll make it look yummier." - Tricia B (05/07/2003)
"It's like a dildo." - Tricia B (05/06/2003)
water balloons
"Oh, you're gonna have sex now? I'll leave." - Tricia B (05/06/2003)
talking to leslie & greg
"Now pull it up like you would putting on a condom." - Tricia B (05/05/2003)
water balloons... yea
"Of all the cards, that was the perfect one." - Tricia B (05/04/2003)
last time i discard the ace of hearts
"You used your masculinity to force me into lesbian actions." - Tricia B (05/03/2003)
"I'm white." "Oh, please, you're red right now." - Tricia B & Janny M (05/03/2003)
she was sun burnt
"Marvel at his beauty for me." "I can't. He's not beautiful to me." - Janny M & Tricia B (05/03/2003)
"You don't think it's hard for me cause I have to carry around nails and boobs and stuff." - Tricia B (05/03/2003)
"You remember the color of his boobs?" - Tricia B (05/02/2003)
"Well don't put them together you re." - Tricia B (05/01/2003)
"Mother of pearl." - Tricia B (05/01/2003)
"I made lots of money drinking concoctions." - Tricia B (04/30/2003)
"Ew, your boob! You made me touch your boob!" "You should have let go." - Tricia B & Katie Ha (04/30/2003)
"Don't say anything funny or else you'll end up on the internet." - Tricia B (04/30/2003)
"If you were a guy, you'd be a premature ejaculator." - Tricia B (04/30/2003)
"Leslie's got the women, I think." - Tricia B (04/30/2003)
"Well, they used to, Janis still does." - Tricia B (04/30/2003)
"She's like the erect card, she always has it up." - Tricia B (04/30/2003)
"Anyone who can get a raise out of a bra strap is pathetic." - Tricia B (04/28/2003)
"Who else do you know making out in the mail room?" - Tricia B (04/28/2003)
"It's like she hasn't been out in the world in years." - Tricia B (04/28/2003)
"Oh, ho ho ho, Merry Christmas." - Tricia B (04/28/2003)
"For some reason he gets amused." - Tricia B (04/28/2003)
"I'm not even paying attention." "Penis, penis, penis." - David E & Tricia B (04/28/2003)
"Janis, you're my baby." - Tricia B (04/28/2003)
"Dude, we don't have any men, someone is hording men." - Tricia B (04/28/2003)
"David, I think you should do something sexually nice for her tonight." - Tricia B (04/28/2003)
talking about leslie
"Yeah, you've seen me without a lot of things on, Don." - Tricia B (04/26/2003)
"I have to cradle it now... I need a boob sling." - Tricia B (04/26/2003)
"Oh yeah! That's right. I forgot I was in college." - Tricia B (04/26/2003)
"That's just mean... stop making comments about my fat... it's been all day now." - Tricia B (04/26/2003)
"I have a bottle in my bag, probably not a good idea to be bouncing up and down." - Tricia B (04/26/2003)
"That's a really good looking dream." - Tricia B (04/26/2003)
"You know what is fun?" "Having sex..." - Tricia B & Janny M (04/25/2003)
"I can get rid of my high cards, or I can get rid of my low cards." - Tricia B (04/23/2003)
"Yes! Bingo!" - Tricia B (04/23/2003)
"My mother gave this to me. I don't know what she's suggesting." - Tricia B (04/23/2003)
it was a carrot
"You're not that smart." "Shut up! I will be one day." - Janny M & Tricia B (04/16/2003)
"Never mind, I can squeeze." - Tricia B (04/16/2003)
"Get up and dance." "If you pay me." - Tricia B & Janny M (04/16/2003)
"I didn't break five hundred, did I?" "Why would you?" - Janny M & Tricia B (04/16/2003)
"I know how to pop it." - Tricia B (04/09/2003)
"Streaking is bad." "Not where I'm from." - Chris Sm & Tricia B (04/09/2003)
"How did you get it to pop?" "I put it in the microwave." - Leslie B & Tricia B (04/09/2003)
"Sure... gets me your good graces." - Tricia B (04/08/2003)
she likes jeepers better than smarterchild
"If there's anything I know, it's men." - Tricia B (04/07/2003)
"Don't write on my box boob." - Tricia B (04/07/2003)
"I don't want to go under her." "Don't worry, everyone does." - Katie Ha & Tricia B (04/07/2003)
that's terrible, talking about me
"No, because then people can walk in and see me naked when I don't want them to." - Tricia B (04/07/2003)
"Who has all the jacks? Oh, there's only one out." - Tricia B (04/05/2003)
"He's hording spades!" "They're clubs." "Whatever." - Janny M & Tricia B (04/05/2003)
"You can't have all the girls, Janis." "You have to share them with me." - Chris Sm & Tricia B (04/05/2003)
"He's feeding him, you, cards." - Tricia B (04/05/2003)
"Ou. Who put down the four?" "You." - Janny M & Tricia B (04/04/2003)
"Unless he picks up some whoppers." - Tricia B (04/04/2003)
"Janis, it's your turn to put out." - Tricia B (04/04/2003)
"I don't think he can see me." "Pull your shirt up, that'll get his attention." - Tricia B & Chris Sm (04/04/2003)
"Why do I always get the lemon of the hand?" - Tricia B (04/04/2003)
"I visited my friend, Max." "You have a friend?" "Ouch." - Janny M & Tricia B (04/02/2003)
"It's the vodka of sugar." - Tricia B (04/02/2003)
"You sound like a chimpanzee." "Having an orgasm." - Chris Sm & Tricia B (04/02/2003)
"You're just hording kings." - Tricia B (04/02/2003)
"We should have like a pizza eating contest." "No, I'm fat enough." - Janny M & Tricia B (04/02/2003)
yea, i think i'd win
"She likes it... wet." - Tricia B (04/02/2003)
"It's nice and warm in my dorm room." "Is that a pick up line?" - Janny M & Tricia B (03/31/2003)
"Who is this creep that's like creeping along?" - Tricia B (03/31/2003)
"Look at my bottles. I feel like a proud mother." - Tricia B (03/31/2003)
"It's not fitting." - Tricia B (03/31/2003)
"I have this nice little rock garden in my car." - Tricia B (03/31/2003)
"What in the world? Who broke my bed?" - Tricia B (03/30/2003)
it was a piece to that weird-ass game
"Why am I on the floor with David?" - Tricia B (03/30/2003)
"Anyone wanna be my man? ...I'm talking to them." - Tricia B (03/30/2003)
"Oh, I need deodorant. And smell nice for no one." - Tricia B (03/21/2003)
"Sounds like a booty call, huh?" - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"Somebody arrange the spoons so I can reach them." - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"To do new people?" - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"Janis, you want to go to bed with me?" - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"Wow, look at this pen, it goes up and it goes down." "Kinda like a..." - Tricia B & Janny M (03/20/2003)
"It coats your stomach and makes you go la la la." - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"Getting to the finish line is bad." - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"We want to longate... like some things." - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"What you wear to take a shower?" "Nothing." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"Yo man!" "I love you?" - Tricia B & Jordan W (03/20/2003)
"Oouu! My breast!" - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"Decisions, decisions. That's a good one." - Tricia B (03/20/2003)
"You smell good, again." - Tricia B (03/19/2003)
"Away message... food." - Tricia B (03/19/2003)
"Zero." "Me too, good." - Justin K & Tricia B (03/18/2003)
"Fifty five plus zero is..." - Tricia B (03/18/2003)
"Bitches love me cause they know that I can rock." "The couch?" - Janny M & Tricia B (03/18/2003)
"Yeah, he was just a wet dream." "He can wet me anytime." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/18/2003)
"Why are you molesting my phone all the time?" - Tricia B (03/18/2003)
"Alright, this so doesn't look sexy." - Tricia B (03/17/2003)
"I must not have shuffled very well unless when it comes to my cards." - Tricia B (03/17/2003)
"I'm negative ten." "Good." - Leslie B & Tricia B (03/17/2003)
"How she touch me down there... I like it." - Tricia B (03/17/2003)
"She's taking stuff from me!" "Good." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/17/2003)
"Look, there are naked people on here!" - Tricia B (03/17/2003)
"Ouu... I like him!" "It's a her!" - Tricia B & Janny M (03/17/2003)
"You must think this is all we ever do... oh wait... it is." - Tricia B (03/17/2003)
talking to a neighbor
"He like radiates mess." - Tricia B (03/17/2003)
"Why does that look good?" "Because it's a four!" - Janny M & Tricia B (03/17/2003)
"Oh, I wanted the women!" - Tricia B (03/16/2003)
"Lets do it couch to couch here." - Tricia B (03/16/2003)
"Don't those levers look a little..." "Penisy?" - Tricia B & Janny M (03/16/2003)
"This part is a little Willy Wankay." - Tricia B (03/16/2003)
"Something smells good and it must be you cause you're the only thing foreign in my room." - Tricia B (03/16/2003)
talking about me! hurray! i smell good :)
"Invisible person can see?" - Tricia B (03/16/2003)
"Why'd you make that look good?" "Because it looks good." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/16/2003)
"Oh, give it to me!" - Tricia B (03/16/2003)
she said this several times
"You suck!" "How would you know?" - Janny M & Tricia B (03/16/2003)
"Tell Tricia what you just said." "No, don't." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"...Since I've entered your quotemosphere." - Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"Look at hers... they're tiny, mine are big." - Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"It has orgasmic value." - Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"Baby in the red dress... red dress on." - Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"Are threes she's now?" - Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"I didn't lick it, I whispered." - Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"I'm not talking about late night, I'm talking about late night!" - Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"Who has the women?" - Tricia B (03/15/2003)
"You wanna take a shower with me?" - Tricia B (03/14/2003)
to me, no
"In rummy, I do." - Tricia B (03/14/2003)
"Wuuu! I am sex!" - Tricia B (03/14/2003)
i am!
"Well, no, I think it's cool." "You would." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/14/2003)
"Because Janis knows what I like." - Tricia B (03/14/2003)
i know what everyone likes!
"Because like that ace is worth fiveteen points!" - Tricia B (03/14/2003)
"It's more like a flood." - Tricia B (03/13/2003)
"This is what I need, but I don't need this huge thing!" - Tricia B (03/13/2003)
"But they're seasonal... they die." - Tricia B (03/13/2003)
"They'd break." "Well, if they fall." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/13/2003)
"They're panty savers!" - Tricia B (03/13/2003)
"Do you need a sensual massage?" "No! Not from you." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/13/2003)
"Peanut butter!" "Of course it is!" - Janny M & Tricia B (03/12/2003)
"Take them... you can't lie now." - Tricia B (03/12/2003)
"You just called me Regis." - Tricia B (03/12/2003)
i was like 4 queens, final answer, regis
"When are these seven's coming from?" - Tricia B (03/12/2003)
"It's a five. What's so sexy about a five?" - Tricia B (03/11/2003)
"Look at my gay columns." "Yeah... they're gay." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/11/2003)
"That wasn't sexual, that was a purr." - Tricia B (03/11/2003)
"These are just wet dreams now." "They were always wet dreams." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/11/2003)
"What's one hundred twenty five plus sixty five?" "A lot." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/11/2003)
"Giant tear... as opposed to tiny tear." - Tricia B (03/11/2003)
"I can play all your men and your boys." - Tricia B (03/11/2003)
"Janis has good taste in men." - Tricia B (03/11/2003)
i know it!
"Did you just call me woman?" "Sorry, I should have called you man." - Tricia B & Chris Sm (03/10/2003)
"You like that didn't you?" - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"That does look good." "Yeah, it does." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"Stop saying that... it's such a sexual reference." - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"Me, I get all these tiny scrupples." - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"That'll tempt your cookies." "Oh, that does tempt my cookies." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"I have so many points that it's not despirate. That sounds so vain." - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"I can count cards a little bit." - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"A writo?" - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"Of course she's going to take it." "Well I need some points." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"Oh, I like this hand, Tricia." - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"So make it look good. Not that way." - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"You got two jacks... that's priceless... Well... It might be pricey." - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"This one's stray... it doesn't have a home yet." "Oh... well... it will." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"You stupid male!" - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"Bomp! Unless that's part cheesy." - Tricia B (03/10/2003)
"Janis, she's touching my ass." "I didn't, the cards did, which is kinda gross." - Chris Sm & Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"Thank you, Janis, for not picking her up." - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"Ya, no." - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"Justinism." - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"He's hording the queens!" - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"I only got seventy five on my basehand." - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"What is this a coffee house?" - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"You're such a dork!" "I know... don't remind me." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"He drove you on a hike?" - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"Those are two sexy women out." - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"There's no use for the men anymore." "Yes, there is." - Janny M & Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"Hello, you forgot me!" "No, I didn't." "Yes, you did, how could you?" - Janny M & Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"I'm sitting on the crack, that's my problem." - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"Wow, everyone got cards this time!" - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"Take it, take it, take it!" - Tricia B (03/06/2003)
"Two's look so attractive." - Tricia B (03/01/2003)
"Why do I never get any good things?" - Tricia B (03/01/2003)
"I'm not sand bagging. I just can't get a match... bingo!" - Tricia B (03/01/2003)
"She is one sexy woman." - Tricia B (03/01/2003)
"Whatever. I'm going to take a chance... oh, good chance." - Tricia B (03/01/2003)
"Man." "Women." - Tricia B & Chris Sm (02/28/2003)
"Math majors can't add." - Tricia B (02/28/2003)
"I don't know where that goes." "It doesn't go." - Jackie F & Tricia B (02/28/2003)
"This game really sucks... until you did that." - Tricia B (02/28/2003)
"Can you rummy your own card?" - Tricia B (02/28/2003)
"Would you just put your thing down and stop reasoning?" - Tricia B (02/28/2003)
"She's got a man." - Tricia B (02/28/2003)
talking to me w/ my king (i strangely got kings all the time)