Damion _'s Quotes
Damion _ has made 111 quotes!
"You don't have to explain anything to me." - Damion _ (08/21/2022)
why his friend wanted to take a selfie with his nieces
"It kicked my ass, dude." - Damion _ (08/21/2022)
strong stuff
"I had to think about what you were saying." - Damion _ (08/21/2022)
bri said he had to think
"No, I'm gonna do some drugs right now." - Damion _ (08/21/2022)
"You want some drugs?" - Damion _ (08/21/2022)
"I don't have that many people in my life..." - Damion _ (08/21/2022)
there was a long drawl afterwards
"Uh, my insurance doesn't cover it..." - Damion _ (07/20/2022)
moving furniture for us
"S**t is going down." - Damion _ (02/05/2022)
"Have you ever been?" "Naw. F**k that." - Janny M & Damion _ (02/05/2022)
to portugal
"Well metaphorically speaking but literal would work, too." - Damion _ (02/05/2022)
"No. You're fine. I'm just a lunatic." - Damion _ (02/05/2022)
"We're missing a black cube." "That's racist." - Phil Ho & Damion _ (02/05/2022)
"Is this the best popcorn you've ever had?" Not the best popcorn I've ever had." "You can't have anymore." - Damion _ & Brian C (02/05/2022)
"That's a big pay day. Especially this early in the game. We've only been playing for an hour." - Damion _ (02/05/2022)
"Oh no. She dropped my weiner." - Damion _ (12/18/2021)
when i was putting beer in his fridge
"Pissing in my yard." - Damion _ (12/18/2021)
where phil was
"I'm either gonna fight someone or fuck someone." - Damion _ (12/18/2021)
when he drinks
"I'm trying to take my turn and not interpret the song." - Damion _ (12/18/2021)
"What's wrong with cum stains?" - Damion _ (12/18/2021)
"This might be too small. That's what she said." - Damion _ (12/18/2021)
one of the game pieces
"I just gave whoever comic gold." "Did you now?" - Janny M & Damion _ (01/29/2021)
"I can't lose!" - Damion _ (01/29/2021)
we were all damion's
"With a rainbow..." - Damion _ (09/18/2020)
"Don't believe the lies!" - Damion _ (09/18/2020)
"I was so busy having a conversation... I look down and there are all these buttons..." - Damion _ (09/18/2020)
jackbox games lol
"One man's toilet..." - Damion _ (09/18/2020)
"Wait. What?" - Damion _ (09/18/2020)
"Look. My character is a penis." - Damion _ (08/21/2020)
"That would be really hard to do." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _ (07/26/2020)
record the time in my quotes
"I'm gonna call you up... twelve O one. Say some dumb s**t." - Damion _ (07/26/2020)
so he can get the first quote of the year
"I was in a hurry." - Damion _ (07/26/2020)
he spelled your wrong
"I like that. Someone's not from America." "Bonjour." - Diana W & Damion _ (07/26/2020)
i spelled color colour
"Yeah, guys I'm at a sausage fest right now." - Damion _ (07/26/2020)
he was eating a sausage
"You big ass?" "That's me!" - Damion _ & Diana W (07/26/2020)
we all use sexual names in jackbox
"Is dat ass and poopies friends?" "Now we are." - Damion _ & Diana W (07/15/2020)
"That kiddy never had a chance." - Damion _ (07/15/2020)
one of his answers
"I think there's room for one more." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _ (07/15/2020)
in the jackbox room
"Don't over think it, Janny." - Damion _ (07/15/2020)
if the nra would live if i fell and landed on them
"My Dawson's Creek." "That's the vibe I was getting, too." - Damion _ & Paul H (07/02/2020)
"These eye balls are really creepy." "Don't look at them." - Janny M & Damion _ (07/02/2020)
"I got like five bucks." - Damion _ (07/02/2020)
"Ouu. Love dick!" - Damion _ (06/26/2020)
"You go, Love Dick!" - Damion _ (06/26/2020)
"Been there." - Damion _ (06/14/2020)
ayn ran vs confederate conference
"These are so hard." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _ (06/14/2020)
"I was like, 'oh, she's drunker than I thought.'" - Damion _ (10/19/2019)
"Where'd you grow up?" "Anne Arundel County." "That ain't Maryland." - Damion _ & Janny M (10/19/2019)
"Yeah, she's not drunk..." - Damion _ (10/19/2019)
made sure his mom got home okay
"Keep ti classy, guys. Classy." - Damion _ (10/19/2019)
"There's no trade route." "Trade route!" - Damion _ & Janny M (03/22/2019)
damion started the trade route! chant
"I'm not half the woman you are." - Damion _ (03/22/2019)
talkling about me
"I knew I'd get it." - Damion _ (03/22/2019)
"Well, I kinda have to. Number one, you're slower than I am and number two, you're dumber than I am." - Damion _ (02/16/2019)
"If you don't wanna do something, do it poorly." - Damion _ (02/16/2019)
"Why doesn't this thing stay up?" "That's what she said." - Steve Gr & Damion _ (02/16/2019)
"Last weekend was girls weekend." "Did you have fun?" - Steve Gr & Damion _ (02/16/2019)
"Dude, I gained ten pounds on that cruise." - Damion _ (02/16/2019)
"You see that pizza floating away in the ocean..." - Damion _ (02/16/2019)
"I go where the money is green." - Damion _ (02/16/2019)
"Please put that down." - Damion _ (02/02/2019)
bri holding a sharp knife
"It's stepping stones, dawg." "Yeah, dawg." - Janny M & Damion _ (02/02/2019)
in dominion
"Get it together, Heidi." - Damion _ (02/02/2019)
"I like your instincts though. It's Bill's turn. Everyone gets curses." - Damion _ (02/02/2019)
"They usually frown on that." - Damion _ (02/02/2019)
calling someone tits in the office
"I don't go to poundtown. I live in poundtown." - Damion _ (02/02/2019)
"It's four out of one hundred people." "That's four percent!" "She's got the math. Even without a calculator." - Heidi C & Janny M & Damion _ (02/02/2019)
"What I do in the bedroom is none of your business." - Damion _ (10/20/2018)
"I don't know. I've never jerked off to child porn." "...I'm glad to hear that." - Damion _ & Tamea U (10/20/2018)
"That guy has a huge penis!" - Damion _ (10/20/2018)
"You know I'm gonna say something stupid." - Damion _ (10/20/2018)
he usually does
"You can't tickle me. I'm too old." - Damion _ (10/20/2018)
"That thing moves pretty quick." "That's what she said." - Damion _ & Janny M (10/20/2018)
"You have to touch it though." "That's what she said." - Damion _ & Janny M (10/20/2018)
"What are you gonna do so Marylander's can get a good job at Starbucks?" - Damion _ (05/13/2018)
"Balls out, you gotta do it." - Damion _ (03/11/2018)
be brave in politics
"That probably won't come up either. We don't have any Mexicans." - Damion _ (03/11/2018)
"Isn't that dangerous though?" "Yeah. I like it." - Janny M & Damion _ (03/11/2018)
"Whatever's left we'll just ship down to North Carolina or some s**thole." - Damion _ (03/11/2018)
close the incinerator & recycle & ship the rest of our trash elsewhere
"F**k you, f**k your face..." - Damion _ (03/11/2018)
bri is for privatizing booze in moco
"F**king lunches..." - Damion _ (01/21/2018)
"It's just like M S N B C but it's real life." - Damion _ (01/21/2018)
"I like dogs. I like parks." - Damion _ (01/21/2018)
"I'd jerk him off for that." - Damion _ (01/21/2018)
a list
"Yeah but I know I said this s**t." - Damion _ (01/21/2018)
"Poop is funny." - Damion _ (01/21/2018)
i know bri agrees
"She's a closeted Jew." "It happens." - Janny M & Damion _ (01/21/2018)
"She's a dick, too." - Damion _ (12/03/2017)
"It's a good one. It'll piss you off." - Damion _ (12/03/2017)
13... documentary
"I swallowed that down the wrong pipe... That's what she said." - Damion _ (11/18/2017)
his coffee
"Wouldn't you wanna get it straight from the source?" "I would." - Brian C & Damion _ (11/12/2017)
breast milk... learned a new term: wet nurse
"We pretty much end up being gay..." - Damion _ (10/21/2017)
gay chicken
"Kerri, I don't know how to tell you this... you're wearing a fireman's hat." - Damion _ (10/21/2017)
"She's really attached to you." "She has good taste." - Janny M & Damion _ (10/21/2017)
his niece
"Has it been that long? I should kill..." - Damion _ (06/03/2017)
"God damn it. These things are expensive." - Damion _ (05/06/2017)
when people literally do a mic drop & it breaks
"If you're a good redneck..." - Damion _ (05/06/2017)
"She doesn't have great breasts..." - Damion _ (05/06/2017)
"Get out of my house." - Damion _ (05/02/2017)
bri criticizing his mac
"Click. Alright. See ya." - Damion _ (05/02/2017)
his wedding photographer business
"I think you're going to dinner with republicans." - Damion _ (03/26/2017)
heidi's friends don't want college for all
"There was so many white people there..." - Damion _ (03/26/2017)
at a meeting they went to earlier
"I totally love lesbians." - Damion _ (03/26/2017)
heidi wasn't sure bill wanted to come to her party
"There was a journey they took us on..." "Were you doing drugs?" - Heidi C & Damion _ (03/26/2017)
in her spin class she took
"There's gotta be a better way to word that..." - Damion _ (03/26/2017)
that some children should be left behind
"Some kids, f**k 'em." - Damion _ (03/26/2017)
"You started a pyramid scheme?" - Damion _ (12/23/2016)
heidi and her wine
"We're talking about... balding..." - Damion _ (11/16/2016)
"It just looks like a big... penis..." - Damion _ (11/16/2016)
"...Cool..." - Damion _ (10/05/2016)
brian talking about bathroom stuff
"I talk about poop sometimes." - Damion _ (10/05/2016)
"I always talk about poop a lot." - Damion _ (10/05/2016)