James M's Quotes
James M has made 74 quotes!
"They were like, 'can you go under a hundred?' I'm like, 'yeah, I don't know what that means.'" - James M (05/30/2022)
in golf; he volunteered for something
"Why are we listening to such depressing music? I feel like we're at a funeral." - James M (11/25/2017)
"He's got the hair; I've got the body..." - James M (09/03/2017)
"Riggs, man, your butt looks really good from over here..." - James M (09/03/2017)
"I can't parallel park in the condition I'm in." "You can't parallel park anyway." - James M & Ryan Mo (09/03/2017)
"I'm not gonna drink to that... I'm just thirsty." - James M (12/24/2016)
we were talking about naked beaches
"Well they're not gonna say old woman..." "I would." - Janny M & James M (12/24/2016)
if kim was mentioned in a newspaper
"Can you chug that drink?" - James M (12/24/2016)
kim's eggnog and armoredo
"Wow. I'm gonna be sober." - James M (12/24/2016)
patrick was his partner
"Alright there's a lot of big words on here..." - James M (12/24/2016)
stacy's present
"The first female woman..." - James M (11/26/2016)
"This is just the heart speaking now, not the booze." - James M (07/03/2016)
"I feel gay." - James M (07/04/2014)
"I work... out." - James M (06/29/2014)
"I'm a great driver when I'm drunk." - James M (06/07/2014)
"No, you have to laugh and then say are you alright." - James M (06/07/2014)
"I'd rather stick to my protein shakes." - James M (06/07/2014)
"Nobody knows what the rest of the song is." - James M (06/07/2014)
"No joke he's probably going to masturbate tonight." - James M (06/07/2014)
"I can hold my beer." "That's a quality I'd look forward to." - James M & Uncle George (05/24/2014)
"I didn't wreck no Honda." - James M (05/17/2014)
"We just assumed you were a dumb teenager." "So, yeah, I was." - Brian C & James M (03/15/2014)
"He was like s**t I need a big favor from you and I was like, 'dude I'm not going gay for you'." - James M (03/15/2014)
"It tastes like apple juice." "She used to pee on me." - James M & Uncle George (03/15/2014)
"Shut up, blonde." - James M (01/18/2014)
"I don't want to hear about your all sex life." - James M (01/18/2014)
"Dad, can I get on your shoulders?" - James M (11/30/2013)
the cat was on uncle george
"And how country girls are the best... I don't know. I haven't seen any." - James M (11/30/2013)
country music out where they live
"This is why we're not going to a casino when you're twenty one." - James M (11/29/2013)
pat doesn't know how to play poker
"With me driving, it'll only take a half hour." - James M (10/13/2013)
from our place to their place
"Oh! Guess what happened to Patrick... He went to Hershey Park!" "Woah, that's not normal or anything." - Kim Mo & James M (08/24/2013)
"I think my laugh scared her." "It scares me." - Kim Mo & James M (07/27/2013)
a baby started to cry
"I thought I was boss." - James M (05/31/2013)
the waiter called everyone boss
"I bet they can't run as fast as me." - James M (09/03/2012)
"It would look old." "Just like you." - Janny M & James M (06/22/2012)
talking about uncle george
"So you spent every Saturday night playing Frisbee?" - James M (06/22/2012)
when uncle george was little
"You were like 'Snookie is hot'." - James M (12/31/2011)
"No one's going to laugh at you besides me." - James M (12/24/2011)
"I'm going to go pee now." "Do you want someone to go with you?" - James M & Janny M (12/24/2011)
some kid was after him
"Everyday I love you." - James M (12/24/2011)
to patrick, yeah
"She's got a voice that could break glass." - James M (11/25/2011)
"I would fall for it." - James M (11/25/2011)
tell stacy that grizly was wiki
"If she poops on me..." - James M (10/01/2011) (pic)
their new dog, grizzly
"That was worth it. I got a cool scar." - James M (10/01/2011)
when he fell from a tree
"I'd rather drink liquor." - James M (08/20/2011)
how he puts up with all that country
"They rehearse during the day?" "Yeah, that's why I leave." - Janny M & James M (08/20/2011)
they do karaoke during the day, eh
"I'll be happy with a mini van." - James M (08/20/2011)
his first car
"There's a bug in my Martguerita." "Good. Maybe you'll choke." - Uncle George & James M (08/20/2011)
"Maybe there's a car broke down in heaven..." - James M (06/25/2011)
what uncle george would be good at in heaven
"You sure? Cause I can make my Dad get up." - James M (06/25/2011)
asking stacy if she wanted a chair
"Mom, you gotta be coordinated to do that song." - James M (06/11/2011)
the electric slide
"Kim?" "Yeah?" - Uncle George & James M (05/06/2011)
"So anyway, about your testes and everything..." - James M (09/05/2010)
"The toilet doesn't even like to see your butt." - James M (04/10/2010)
patrick's butt
"Look at that, she's like evil." - James M (03/02/2010)
patrick's cat
"I don't like so much milk." "You're a baby." - Patrick M & James M (03/02/2010)
"Great. Another box." - James M (12/25/2009)
i think they're tramatized by boxes now
"Yes you can. You'll squeeze." - James M (12/25/2009)
he bought his mom pajamas that are too small
"Pat, that hammer's not going to work." - James M (12/24/2009) (pic)
trying to break into the box!
"Hey, Pat, get a life." "I do have a life. You see it right now." - James M & Patrick M (11/15/2009)
"Pat, I peed on it. Don't get it." - James M (11/15/2009)
pats colts bean bag chair
"Mom, where's my beer?" - James M (11/01/2009)
"Cough, it sucks." - James M (11/01/2009)
coughing it sucks... pats scateboarding video
"I can't wait to have all my friends over for Sponge Bob... So awesome." - James M (11/01/2009)
"Eating green food?" "It does look like green food." - James M & Kim Mo (09/15/2009)
"Brian, I need you... Wait, that's gay... Mom, I need you." - James M (09/10/2009)
"Yes!" - James M (06/20/2009)
part of the plane we were flying fell from the roof
"That's why you don't go on drugs." - James M (06/20/2009) (pic)
what uncle george looks like
"I'm going, I gotta big deck." - James M (06/06/2009)
playing bs
"Well... he's different." "Be nice, James." "Well, Dad, look." - James M & Uncle George (06/03/2009)
pictures of dimitri on my phone
"Here's a dumb blonde joke... Mom, I think you should leave." - James M (05/16/2009)
"I love to do that. You tell me to shut up then you give me some beer." - James M (05/15/2009)
"This kid on his team runs like a butterfly." - James M (02/21/2009)
"There's a skinny woman and a fat woman." "You shouldn't talk about your mama like that." - James M & Uncle George (12/24/2008)
telling jokes