Patrick M's Quotes
Patrick M has made 39 quotes!
"That's as thin as a condom." - Patrick M (04/30/2022)
"It's a Montgomery thing." - Patrick M (01/22/2022)
"Patrick, it's your fault if I lose." "No, it's not!" - Janny M & Patrick M (09/03/2019)
"I'm better looking!" - Patrick M (12/24/2017)
he was singing
"I was the first one but second boy." - Patrick M (12/24/2017)
"It's actually not that bad. It's pretty soft." "That's what she said." - Patrick M & Janny M (10/01/2017)
a cake thing they had at the buffet place
"Fricken druggie." - Patrick M (12/24/2016)
"My cat is gay and a dork when it sleeps." - Patrick M (09/17/2016)
"There's a lot of money in there." - Patrick M (07/03/2016)
in uncle george's garage
"I'm old." "I'm young." - Kim Mo & Patrick M (05/20/2016)
"She's calling all the plays now." - Patrick M (12/26/2015)
his mom, kim
"Mom, why are you so cheesy?" - Patrick M (12/26/2015)
"We got a lot... just not a girl." - Patrick M (05/16/2015)
"I've been scouting, too." - Patrick M (08/23/2014)
in preseason
"I kept A P. He ain't going no where." - Patrick M (08/23/2014)
"Dude somebody get me some bread." - Patrick M (01/18/2014)
soak up the alcohol
"Guys. I spelled beer pong wrong." - Patrick M (01/18/2014)
he was a little gone
"It's elbow. No elrow." - Patrick M (01/18/2014)
"No. I'll look like a Mexican." - Patrick M (11/29/2013)
"I got smoked... literally." - Patrick M (08/24/2013)
his car was behind a polluting truck
"I look like Berry Bonds when I'm swatting these flies." - Patrick M (08/24/2013)
"What the hell is this?" "It's a napkin." - Patrick M & Brian C (05/31/2013)
"Colts boxers!" - Patrick M (12/24/2011)
what he wants for christmas
"I don't like Cheetos." - Patrick M (12/24/2011)
bri was saying how he'd be living in his parents basement eating cheetos when he's older
"It's all good. We still got you." - Patrick M (11/25/2011)
uncle george wants to get rid of his kids on us
"No because you dropped me." - Patrick M (11/25/2011)
when james picked him up
"How many have you had?" "One." "Don't lie." "Three..." - Kim Mo & Patrick M (10/15/2011)
vodka shooters
"Haha we all looked at Alan." - Patrick M (08/19/2011)
talking about telling ghost stories
"Yeah, I can smell good for E J's girlfriend!" - Patrick M (12/24/2010)
i got him axe
"Since I had to stop the motion, it messed me all up." "That's what she said." - Patrick M & Janny M (11/26/2010)
his dice roll
"I don't like so much milk." "You're a baby." - Patrick M & James M (03/02/2010)
"Don't speak, woman." "I know. I shouldn't." - Patrick M & Kim Mo (12/13/2009)
she said something then it happened
"You don't see anything swollen now except the score board." - Patrick M (12/13/2009)
"Hey, Pat, get a life." "I do have a life. You see it right now." - James M & Patrick M (11/15/2009)
"How many friends is that? One?" - Patrick M (11/01/2009)
"I don't want you to watch M T V, Pat..." "It's not really my fault." "Wait, what band is this?" - Kim Mo & Patrick M (06/06/2009)
"Mini social!" - Patrick M (06/06/2009)
"I can make myself disappear." "I wish you would." - Patrick M & Uncle George (12/24/2008)
"Come on, chew it..." - Patrick M (12/24/2008)
waiting for james to finish eating b4 a joke