Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

Kim Mo's Quotes

Kim Mo has made 159 quotes!

"So I'm gonna bring my bass guitar when I come to Portugal..." "You don't have a bass guitar!" - Uncle George & Kim Mo (09/12/2023)

"No, we didn't stalk him. We followed him back to his hotel." - Kim Mo (09/12/2023)

"I tried to nail a whats-sha-ma-jigger... a nail..." - Kim Mo (10/19/2022)

"Your chimney needs a flue shot... Get it? Flue?" "Yeah, I got it." - Janny M & Kim Mo (10/19/2022)

"I was telling George, I wish I was a witch." "You are." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (05/30/2022)

"Haven't you tasted your own blood before?" "Sure. I mean I don't make a cocktail out of it." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (05/30/2022)

"I don't think I'd make it in jail. I talk a lot of s**t but I don't think I'd make it." - Kim Mo (05/30/2022)

"Try saying search for coffee makers." - Kim Mo (05/01/2022)
bri's phone when you say ok google

"Now you can talk." - Kim Mo (04/30/2022)

"No, I already entered. I'm inside." - Kim Mo (03/19/2022)

"He doesn't get it from me." "We know that." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (01/23/2022)
patrick's metabolism

"See. Now I done forgot." - Kim Mo (01/23/2022)
what she was going to say

"Just imagine what people are going to say at your eulogy." "They can't cause you won't let them." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (01/23/2022)
she'll keep talking

"And I was like, 'George?'" "Yeah?" "'George.'" "What?" - Kim Mo & Uncle George (01/23/2022)
she was telling a story & uncle george was outside & not realizing she wasn't calling him

"We always talk about s**t at dinner." - Kim Mo (01/22/2022)
literal s**t

"This isn't their style." - Kim Mo (01/22/2022)
having the celebration of life for james over their place

"Yeah, I remember but it was just modified..." - Kim Mo (01/22/2022)
her memory

"I have a fork!" - Kim Mo (01/22/2022)
playing games on her

"I'm pickled out." - Kim Mo (01/22/2022)
tired of eating pickles

"What is this wet dream s**t?" - Kim Mo (08/07/2021)
in rummy

"I'm gonna do it in the back room. I'm around all these drunks." - Kim Mo (08/07/2021)
ordering pizza

"Only thing we don't have is a plumber... damn Billy..." - Kim Mo (07/10/2021)

"That's ten more calories that I don't need." - Kim Mo (05/30/2021)
michelob light is 10 less calories than keystone

"Yes, honey, could you just hold on a minute?" - Kim Mo (05/30/2021)

"He doesn't want to get with the times..." - Kim Mo (08/21/2020)
uncle george doesn't want to get a smart phone

"We were having a sexual thing..." - Kim Mo (08/24/2019)
how uncle george got scratched

"I won't be that bad. I'll be dead by then." - Kim Mo (08/24/2019)
making cole's blanket by hand & taking a long long time

"Walmart is a social experience." - Kim Mo (08/24/2019)

"Can we talk about something else?" "We weren't talking to you." - Uncle George & Kim Mo (05/18/2019)
uncle george's health

"See, if you lived over here, you could take me to the gym with you." "Wouldn't that be a bonus?" - Kim Mo & Uncle George (05/18/2019)

"I get it closed then he gets f**king with it..." - Kim Mo (05/18/2019)
the plyers i had in my car

"I ain't scared. I got a knife in my purse." - Kim Mo (05/18/2019)

"It was funny when you weren't here." - Kim Mo (12/14/2018)

"This is too much to fit in my mouth." - Kim Mo (09/29/2018)
a big salad

"I'm old enough to be his father." - Kim Mo (07/28/2018)

"Just turn it off, baby doll." - Kim Mo (07/28/2018)

"Don't move!" - Kim Mo (07/28/2018)
there was a cord...?

"They have good taste buds cause they don't smoke." - Kim Mo (03/24/2018)
we like kim's food

"No, let me tell the real story..." - Kim Mo (03/24/2018)

"And I'm like this when I'm drinking... yack, yack, yack..." "You're like that now!" - Kim Mo & Uncle George (03/24/2018)

"See, Janis Ellen's writing it down!" - Kim Mo (11/25/2017)

"His a*s is getting in the way!" - Kim Mo (11/25/2017)
bri was carving the turkey

"It's called having kids... You just get stronger." - Kim Mo (09/03/2017)

"Make sure it hasn't gotten dry." "That's what she said." - Kim Mo & Janny M (06/18/2017)
her pasta salad

"Well he went a little crazy. But he's out now..." - Kim Mo (05/20/2017)
cat williams

"They should call this a truck show." - Kim Mo (05/19/2017)
all trucks

"I said please don't lean against my car. I said it's my car and it's a very expensive car. That was my son who was driving it." - Kim Mo (05/19/2017)
some girls were leaning against the tesla & kim told them not to

"See how nice I am to you?" - Kim Mo (05/18/2017)
moving her beer so he could sit

"That's a seven dollar lid!" - Kim Mo (05/18/2017)
the lid for the cooler started to blow away

"She's got balls. She did it right in front of us." - Kim Mo (11/26/2016)
shelby, their dog, took an entire pie from the table

"I had a lot of Bloody Mary's." - Kim Mo (10/08/2016)

"Then I started drinking Bloody Mary's... Pounding those Bloody Mary's." - Kim Mo (10/08/2016)

"Well I get wet?" "That's what she said." - Kim Mo & Janny M (10/08/2016)
she went to get a soda

"That was before we had kids." - Kim Mo (10/07/2016)
she kicked a car while riding the back of uncle george's bike

"Uncle James is awesome and sexy now." - Kim Mo (09/17/2016)
sentences in kings

"Don't... stop..." - Kim Mo (09/17/2016)
faking sex noises

"You know what would be cool?" "Your go?" "That would be cool." - Kim Mo & Brian C (09/17/2016)
it was her go

"I'm tired of Patrick saying, 'I'm tired of your s**t.' Well f**k you." - Kim Mo (09/17/2016)

"There are birds in there." "Were." - Kim Mo & Brian C (07/03/2016)
in her bird house; shooting off fireworks

"She was the same age as me." "So one hundred forty seven?" "One hundred five. F**k you." - Kim Mo & Janny M (07/03/2016)

"Don't forget to not forget your tomatoes." - Kim Mo (07/03/2016)

"Don't write that down!" - Kim Mo (05/21/2016)

"You lush!" - Kim Mo (05/21/2016)
talking to bri

"Aww, you're drinking cheap s**t." "It's still ten percent!" - Kim Mo & Brian C (05/21/2016)
cheap wine

"I'm old." "I'm young." - Kim Mo & Patrick M (05/20/2016)

"You know who drive past?" "Elvis?" - Kim Mo & Uncle George (08/23/2015)
who drove past their driveway

"I'm not driving that through Severna Park. I have standards." - Kim Mo (08/23/2015)
a hoopdie

"You're f**king in a tent." - Kim Mo (07/04/2015)
a joke

"See, now that's stupid." - Kim Mo (05/16/2015)
girls running across the street before fast cars

"Well since the Camaro got sick..." - Kim Mo (05/15/2015)

"It got bronchitis real bad." - Kim Mo (05/15/2015)
the camaro

"We're like five blocks away." "He won't make it." - Janny M & Kim Mo (05/15/2015)
brian was a bit drunk

"I ain't no God damn Indian. I'm f**king royalty." - Kim Mo (05/15/2015)

"I'm not going to hell." - Kim Mo (02/07/2015)
she said it so confidently

"Why doesn't anyone ever ask me what I want." "Cause you can't drive." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (02/07/2015)
what kind of car we want

"They're fake." - Kim Mo (12/13/2014)
boobs in wedding crashers

"Are you gonna have him stripping again?" - Kim Mo (10/19/2014)
leeann had her boyfriend stripping at the last party

"My generation?" - Kim Mo (09/20/2014)
the cuban embargo happened a few years before she was born

"That's when I conceived Patrick." "That's when I lost my hair." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (06/29/2014)

"I'm not ticklish. I'm too fat." - Kim Mo (06/07/2014)

"Your dogs are nicer than you." - Kim Mo (04/05/2014)

"They drink a lot..." - Kim Mo (01/18/2014)
me and bri; asking about drinking games

"I only had two wine coolers." - Kim Mo (01/18/2014)
she counted to 3 instead of 4

"Don't instagram it." - Kim Mo (01/18/2014)
patrick passed out

"I love this island." - Kim Mo (11/10/2013)
kept her away from uncle george

"I like my island. It adds humor to our relationship." - Kim Mo (11/10/2013)

"How can an egg turn into a hen?" - Kim Mo (11/10/2013)

"I hate that big fat tongue." "That's what she said." - Kim Mo & Janny M (11/10/2013)

"I made it to the trash can..." - Kim Mo (11/09/2013)

"I woke up throwing up." - Kim Mo (11/09/2013)

"Ya know... I'll make the dip." - Kim Mo (11/09/2013)
bad roll in clr

"I was taller than that hand thing." - Kim Mo (11/09/2013)

"You like to hear that girl screaming." "I know I do." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (09/21/2013)

"Oh! Guess what happened to Patrick... He went to Hershey Park!" "Woah, that's not normal or anything." - Kim Mo & James M (08/24/2013)

"James' bed is empty." - Kim Mo (08/03/2013)
i kissed bri & they said get a room

"I think my laugh scared her." "It scares me." - Kim Mo & James M (07/27/2013)
a baby started to cry

"It's too early for you to start drinking." - Kim Mo (07/21/2013)
grizzly, their dog

"What? Would we charge twenty dollars a spot?" "No... ten." - Uncle George & Kim Mo (07/21/2013)
to camp at their new house

"She got totally drunk last Saturday." - Kim Mo (02/16/2013)
grizzly, their dog

"I'm like 'Y'all are done. You can't hold your liquor.'" - Kim Mo (02/16/2013)
their dogs

"I don't have any underwear that's why I have to do laundry." - Kim Mo (12/24/2012)

"How can you confuse the scooter with Stacy's car?" - Kim Mo (11/17/2012)
uncle george did

"His little, tiny butt gets cold." - Kim Mo (11/17/2012)

"Are you going to watch my fire?" "We didn't start the fire." - Kim Mo & Janny M (09/15/2012)

"My twenties? I did everything..." - Kim Mo (09/15/2012)

"He doesn't like... phones..." - Kim Mo (07/04/2012)
uncle george said don't text him cause he doesn't know how to get it

"...And she full mooned..." - Kim Mo (06/22/2012)

"I was touching it all this morning." "That's what she said." - Kim Mo & Janny M (06/22/2012)

"Our alcohol bill is like huge..." "Then turn off B G and E." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (06/02/2012)

"Don't hit the pizza guy." - Kim Mo (06/02/2012)

"Don't ask me to pick up dog s**t." "You don't pick up dog s**t anyway." - Uncle George & Kim Mo (03/02/2012)

"That's too much for her. She'll get drunk." - Kim Mo (11/25/2011)
giving grizly some beer

"How many have you had?" "One." "Don't lie." "Three..." - Kim Mo & Patrick M (10/15/2011)
vodka shooters

"Should have brought a raccoon." - Kim Mo (10/01/2011)

"No cheerleaders." "No beer." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (10/01/2011)
at james' football game

"I had a weird dream that a shark came and ate all my fish." - Kim Mo (10/01/2011)

"Ew! It's all hot and sweaty." "Like we were this morning." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (07/01/2011)

"I want a green emerald tennis bracelet." "You don't play tennis." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (06/11/2011)

"I have a tennis racket." "Having a tennis racket and playing tennis are two different things." - Kim Mo & Brian C (06/11/2011)

"Where was Dash?" "Uh, lifting weights? I don't know." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (02/18/2011)

"At least the sink's clean." - Kim Mo (02/18/2011)
the toilet wasn't

"She said she found a few pictures of Ronnie... Well, where's Ronnie?" - Kim Mo (12/24/2010)
mom sent them pictures but ronnie wasn't in them

"I already fingered it." - Kim Mo (12/24/2010)
i was too slow for a that's what he said

"It doesn't have to be for your neck... That sounds dirty." - Kim Mo (12/24/2010)
i got her a neck massager

"You had to say something." - Kim Mo (11/26/2010)
she lost because of a jinx

"You smell like beer!" - Kim Mo (09/05/2010)

"I'll be glad when this is over." "What?" "Getting old." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (08/15/2010)

"I was raised a redneck. I grew up in Elkridge." "That's nothing to be proud of." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (07/24/2010)

"Guess what I saw?" "Elvis." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (07/24/2010)

"So let me get back to me..." - Kim Mo (07/24/2010)

"We can get Stacy but she's gone." - Kim Mo (07/04/2010)
to be a cheer leader

"You better come early and don't come hungover." - Kim Mo (07/04/2010)
bri was hungover sunday morning

"You don't dob, you dab." - Kim Mo (06/26/2010)

"These dogs are all gonna be constipated." - Kim Mo (06/06/2010)
we fed them cheese

"My feet are here." "Yeah, and the table moves." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (06/06/2010)

"I took these because they're actually working." - Kim Mo (03/02/2010)
patrick & james were shoveling, she took a picture

"Where did you find this?" "The store." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (12/25/2009)
a match box car she wanted

"Don't speak, woman." "I know. I shouldn't." - Patrick M & Kim Mo (12/13/2009)
she said something then it happened

"I guess I'll have to keep it in there... That's so tacky." - Kim Mo (11/27/2009)
she didn't have another nice dish to put food in so she had to keep it in the cooking pan

"I fell out of my chair." "Yeah, I heard." - Uncle George & Kim Mo (11/27/2009)
he did

"Everybody knows it's our kids." - Kim Mo (11/27/2009)
ding dong ditching

"Why did you mess up my nice pyramid?" - Kim Mo (11/07/2009)

""He's not getting rid of my ass." "I don't have a tow truck big enough." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (11/07/2009)

"Eating green food?" "It does look like green food." - James M & Kim Mo (09/15/2009)

"That went over my head." "It doesn't take much to do that." - Kim Mo & Janny M (09/10/2009)

"He's gonna take out my cable!" - Kim Mo (07/04/2009)

"E for idiot." "That's I." - Uncle George & Kim Mo (07/04/2009)

"It is fun... until someone gets hurt." - Kim Mo (07/04/2009)

"How's it looking for my sixty seven?" "You might have a headlight." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (06/20/2009)
kim wants a 67 nova

"She was probably from Annapolis." - Kim Mo (06/07/2009)
the lady who passed us on the shoulder

"I don't want you to watch M T V, Pat..." "It's not really my fault." "Wait, what band is this?" - Kim Mo & Patrick M (06/06/2009)

"It just kinda came out." - Kim Mo (06/06/2009)
the above quote

"Chomper get up here. She's gonna smell like dog." - Kim Mo (06/03/2009)
she is a dog

"He was born to pitch." "Yeah, and I was born to pay." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (04/02/2009)

"Is that what seventeen years does to you?" - Kim Mo (04/02/2009)
looking back at her wedding photos

"This picture's awful." "That's perfect, it's my life." - Kim Mo & Uncle George (04/02/2009)

"I don't know, what base is boobs?" - Kim Mo (04/02/2009)

"I'm allergic to a lot of stuff... Uh, mold, spores, George..." - Kim Mo (01/17/2009)

"I'm not going to email him, that's just tacky." - Kim Mo (06/04/2008)
email a friend to get his car out of their garage