Person Info
Name: | Daria F |
Description: | 2nd roommate rummy semester, college |
Know From: | College |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 49 |
Making Quotes From: | Sunday, February 23, 2003 - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 17.4 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 208.2 |
Last 10 Quotes
"And it's not even my fault. They would use my duct tape for the most useless things." - Daria F (05/20/2003)
"Like, I'll be on these candy kicks..." - Daria F (05/19/2003)
just kinda funny when she said it
"I'm never going to make love on the side of the road." "Seriously." - Janny M & Daria F (05/13/2003)
"Are you f**king up, again? You better fix yourself. Thank you." - Daria F (05/12/2003)
"And what gets me is that this guy has his own house." - Daria F (05/12/2003)
uhhhh, yea
"Yeah, they just got big all of a sudden." - Daria F (05/12/2003)
"They might be done by now, I'm not sure how far they were into it." - Daria F (05/12/2003)
"This song goes out to Janis." - Daria F (05/08/2003)
played that put it in ur mouth song, lol
"Is your name Heather, by any chance?" "Nope." - Janny M & Daria F (05/06/2003)
some weird girl called asking for heather
"They were like 'ou, Mexico, lets go invade Mexico'." - Daria F (05/05/2003)