Person Info
Name: | Gi C |
Description: | portuguese teacher |
Know From: | Portugal |
Top Person?: | Yes |
Active?: | Yes |
Number Of Quotes: | 30 |
Making Quotes From: | Thursday, February 9, 2023 - Thursday, October 3, 2024 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 1.5 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 18.2 |
Last 10 Quotes
"Nurse, pass me the black and decker..." - Gi C (10/03/2024)
surgery for richard
"I have a student who plays every day." "Wow. That's expensive." - Gi C & Sam Sm (09/26/2024)
"So that's how you buy houses?" - Gi C (07/18/2024)
richard could be a criminal
"We should advertise other places of Portugal like Spain." - Gi C (06/06/2024)
"If it's white just put it in bags and sell it." - Gi C (05/09/2024)
what to do with dust
"They're gathering around for a campfire or something." "Or drugs. We'll never know." - Janny M & Gi C (03/14/2024)
what the lyrics for roundabout by yes are about
"It's probably not university cause they spend their money on beer." - Gi C (02/22/2024)
"You're going to Stockholm to see the pope?" - Gi C (02/08/2024)
"There's many things to see here. Mostly fishes." - Gi C (01/18/2024)
"I saw them when I was twenty... so eight years ago." - Gi C (12/14/2023)