Quotes At Long Live The Monkey


Janny has been writing down and posting quotes for a long time now. Any time someone says something funny or ironic or catchy in front of Janny and she writes it down, they go here.

This website has quotes from Tuesday, April 30, 2002 to Thursday, August 8, 2024.

Currently displaying 14 quotes from the past month:

Thursday, August 8, 2024 -- my thursdays... though without class :(

"My knee is gone, my hair is gone... Anything could be gone..." - Glenn H

"They weren't Americans." - Glenn H
how he taught kids & they understood things

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 -- roman ruins w/ stacy & matt; walking around lisbon; food

"Well I wouldn't wear a toga anyway." - Stacy M
she had problems trying to put on a toga at the museum

"It looked like Central Park but without the park." - Matt An
where he was in lisbon the other night

"Let me fact check myself..." - Stacy M
two year cruise with two deaths and nine divorces

Monday, August 5, 2024 -- lisbon stuff w/ stacy & matt; boat cruise

"You can't listen to religion if you want the truth." - Matt An

"I feel like I probably ate a whole stick of butter." - Matt An
portuguese food does have a lot of butter

Saturday, August 3, 2024 -- catamaran & walking around & food & drinks; good times

"Well it is safe for my work." - Made K
she's a bartender; our game nights

"This town looks like it's on a post card." - Stacy M
luz view from the boat

Friday, August 2, 2024 -- shopping & the sardine fest with glenn!

"It'll go down soon." "That's what she said." - Stacy M & Janny M
the drawbridge was making us late!

Thursday, August 1, 2024 -- beach; happy hours; food; good first day in lagos for stacy & crew

"Ugh, the one that got away." - Made K
she had some cabbage thing as left overs but left it somewhere

"Fifty one possibilities." - Michael H
he thought there were 52 states; 51 states you can cheat in & it's not cheating

"Where did that go?" - Stacy M

"I'm plotting." - Made K