Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

David Ga's Quotes

David Ga has made 146 quotes!

"You guys are not funny at all." "Oops." - Janny M & David Ga (05/30/2016)

"So what happens if the bunnies go on the balcony?" - David Ga (05/30/2016)

"Before that I was just a fetus outside the womb." - David Ga (05/05/2016)

"After your third birthday you really need to buckle down..." "Yeah and chip in..." - David Ga & Jeff S (05/05/2016)

"I mean I don't know. It's a crazy world so..." - David Ga (04/30/2016)

"Just cough in it..." - David Ga (04/30/2016)

"Cause they live by a slippery mountain?" - David Ga (04/30/2016)

"He was like taking too much acid." - David Ga (04/30/2016)

"Now I have the taste of bunny rabbits in my mouth." - David Ga (04/30/2016)

"Jungle justice." - David Ga (04/30/2016)

"That was a good magic trick but it was on top." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (04/30/2016)

"Vagina artificial." - David Ga (04/30/2016)
what a fleshlight is in spanish

"It's a problem with your balls." - David Ga (04/30/2016)

"When Jarold sleeps on the couch, that's what he wears." - David Ga (04/30/2016)
a banana hammic

"It's like when air leaves the vagina." - David Ga (04/30/2016)

"If you need a reference, I'm your man." - David Ga (04/25/2016)
to mat who is leaving

"Boobs for Bernie?" "Umm... maybe some coconuts?" - Janny M & David Ga (04/14/2016)

"If someone wants to go to Pluto, just go to Virginia and drive around." - David Ga (03/25/2016)

"It's like American s**ty selection room." - David Ga (03/25/2016)
american tap room doesn't have a good beer selection

"No, I'm with you. I'm against frozen food." - David Ga (03/25/2016)

"Well let me paint a picture..." - David Ga (03/25/2016)

"I support Bernie Sanders. I'm attractive." - David Ga (03/25/2016)
anyone who supports bernie is attractive!

"Do you want a sign?" "You mean a limp sign?" - David Ga & Alex B (03/19/2016)
for the bernie march

"If only my phone wasn't made out of toothpicks." - David Ga (03/19/2016)

"What did you have? Uncontrollable diarrhea?" - David Ga (03/19/2016)

"If the next song is at least fifty percent danceable, I'm gonna do it." - David Ga (03/19/2016)
good live music but none of it danceable

"There's only one way to find out." - David Ga (03/03/2016)
smoking something special at the bar

"That's a big head." "That's what she said." - Janny M & David Ga (03/03/2016)

"Well I don't want blood on my hands." - David Ga (01/29/2016)
why he's voting for BERNIE

"There's no good way to talk about that, really." "What? Nazis?" - Janny M & David Ga (12/09/2015)

"So here's my version of the story..." - David Ga (12/09/2015)
i told a story then david told his version

"Mrs. K's whorehouse?" - David Ga (12/09/2015)

"And there were whoredourves..." - David Ga (12/09/2015)

"It was a bubble but now it's filled with super glue." - David Ga (10/29/2015)

"It's rock hard." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (10/29/2015)

"It's Portuguese food so it's Portugal." - David Ga (09/11/2015)

"I'll just keep on making mistakes in life." - David Ga (09/11/2015)

"I guess I'll rate it like I rate a beer... how it looks, how it smells, and how it tastes." - David Ga (09/11/2015)
a movie

"I think Lee Camp heard you." - David Ga (09/11/2015)
my wooing from in the back of the concert

"Just don't pour it where the sun don't shine." - David Ga (09/11/2015)

"Sarah has a weenie?" - David Ga (09/11/2015)
at this point he was gone

"I didn't think you were going to talk about boobs tonight." - David Ga (09/11/2015)

"These are all of Elana's nephews." - David Ga (08/20/2015)
he showed me a picture of two girls and one guy

"He's probably trying to get out of debt right now." - David Ga (08/20/2015)
lee camp

"When you do this, you get love handles." - David Ga (08/20/2015)
drinking every night

"Today's a new day. Vote for Ronald Reagan." - David Ga (08/19/2015)

"They went to college and everything so they're smart." - David Ga (08/19/2015)
a show he watches on youtube

"A girl that likes sex... everyone likes sex." - David Ga (08/07/2015)

"Hickies equals money." - David Ga (08/07/2015)

"It's that damn slippery tip." - David Ga (07/23/2015)

"Well I like low hanging fruit." - David Ga (07/23/2015)

"Well if Brian's the better pool player than f**k me sideways." - David Ga (07/23/2015)

"Jeff, will you beat my drums tonight?" - David Ga (07/23/2015)
they did do that

"Alright. Fine. I win." - David Ga (07/23/2015)
even bri lost on a technicality in pool, david wouldn't give up

"And you got it near the hole, that's good." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & David Ga (07/23/2015)

"Has anyone sunk anything?" "No, just our dignity." - David Ga & Jeff D (07/23/2015)
we all sucked!

"That thing is going in." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (07/23/2015)

"The tip is a lot less slippery." "Cause you cheese graded it?" - David Ga & Jeff D (07/23/2015)
it's true, he did

"I'll probably get bored with them." - David Ga (07/17/2015)
his parents were coming in so he left then came back out

"My mom's not lame." - David Ga (07/17/2015)

"It's not too eww but whatever." - David Ga (07/17/2015)

"I wanna see a woman with a hairy chest." - David Ga (07/17/2015)
at the strip club?

"I think all Asian people s***d d*e." - David Ga (07/17/2015)
probably the worst quote ever

"Yeah, that'll do it." "That'll do it." - Janny M & David Ga (07/16/2015)

"The tip of that thing just slides right off the balls... That's what she said." - David Ga (07/16/2015)

"You don't know that. She could have natural blue hair." - David Ga (07/16/2015)
blue hair, we call her

"The bordu pasu... oh hoh." - David Ga (07/16/2015)
what french people say

"I'm not gonna sing it but she was cool." - David Ga (06/25/2015)

"I'm gonna make sure my house is well wrapped in house wrapping paper." - David Ga (06/25/2015)

"Second time's the charm." - David Ga (06/25/2015)
downloading the twitter app

"You'll be depressed for ages." - David Ga (04/23/2015)
watching fox news

"I believe in separation of church and cards against humanity." - David Ga (04/05/2015)

"And... um... I guess that's it." - David Ga (04/05/2015)
he was done telling a story

"They're like the N Sync of the eighties." - David Ga (04/03/2015)
the band who sings the right stuff

"Women aren't into whitey tighties." "Men aren't either." - Janny M & David Ga (04/03/2015)

"You can play with it." "Alright, I'm gonna play with it." - Janny M & David Ga (03/31/2015)
the coaster... he tore it up into tiny pieces

"Mackintosh's suck. And I have the right to say so cause I own one." - David Ga (03/25/2015)

"It smells really good here in America cause I have all this incense." - David Ga (03/22/2015)

"Yeah the blue hair girl. That was the highlight." - David Ga (03/21/2015)
of the night before

"Janis, look at this thing on top of this building. Doesn't it look like a lint roller?" - David Ga (03/21/2015)
i wish i had the picture

"I'm just sipping on this beer." - David Ga (03/20/2015)
what he told the waitress when she came by asking if we wanted food

"I think everybody's parents go down there." - David Ga (03/20/2015)

"I like to watch treadmill videos, yeah." - David Ga (03/20/2015)

"I f**king love this Caribbean s**t." - David Ga (03/20/2015)

"That movie will get you laid." - David Ga (03/20/2015)
the sandlot

"If I was going to write a three page essay..." "Three page?" - David Ga & Jeff D (03/20/2015)

"She's like I hate my job, what?" - David Ga (03/20/2015)

"So I'm not going to die after all?" - David Ga (03/15/2015)
our final night of our first game of civilization

"Oh I really hope he has a cool hat." - David Ga (03/15/2015)
his great person

"A floating Stone Henge? That makes no sense." - David Ga (03/12/2015)

"You could put it on a boat, I guess." - David Ga (03/12/2015)
stone henge

"It goes better on top." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (03/12/2015)

"You guys are a bunch of women." "With cleavage; showing cleavage." - Janny M & David Ga (03/11/2015)
i picked their race in civilization

"Maybe they're too big." "That's what she said." - David Ga & Janny M (03/07/2015)

"Hitler was like 'oh that's so cool'." - David Ga (03/06/2015)

"It would have been easy just to throw some bombs over there..." - David Ga (03/06/2015)
on great britain during wwii

"I don't wanna play with myself." - David Ga (03/06/2015)
playing pool at the bar

"Well that's how I felt." - David Ga (03/06/2015)
his running story

"Bathrooms are cool." - David Ga (03/06/2015)

"There's no rule that you can't do pushups on the metro." - David Ga (03/06/2015)
he was exercizing on the metro

"Vegetables can still be run over." - David Ga (02/27/2015)
eating road kill

"I think a bear lives there." - David Ga (02/27/2015)
in the woods where he jogs

"I have nothing but money." - David Ga (02/22/2015)

"Yeah. I'd do sexy witches." - David Ga (02/22/2015)

"Maybe it wants me to crash and die." - David Ga (02/13/2015)
his car blows cold air to defrost

"Not Austria... down under..." - David Ga (02/13/2015)

"They get like dollar signs in their beards." - David Ga (02/13/2015)

"Even the most beautiful people are pretty ugly..." - David Ga (02/13/2015)
it's true

"There were hunters and gatherers and like monkey people." - David Ga (02/13/2015)

"Yeah I mean Catholic girls are easy and it's all about the hoes." - David Ga (02/13/2015)

"Maybe their boobs shake." - David Ga (02/13/2015)

"I don't recommend getting drunk with this game cause then everything will fall apart." - David Ga (02/06/2015)
walking dead game

"Now I can drive around and talk to people." - David Ga (02/06/2015)
he got the motorcycle and radio

"I don't know why there's a smiley face." "Eh, I had extra time." - David Ga & Paul H (02/06/2015)

"I'm into being nine years old..." - David Ga (02/06/2015)

"What are you?" "Like white wise?" - Megan Wi & David Ga (02/06/2015)

"I'm sure there's variations..." - David Ga (02/06/2015)
to a game?

"It could be just the whiteness of the area." - David Ga (02/06/2015)

"I thought I was just really tired." - David Ga (02/02/2015)
the halftime show we were talking about

"They could like fly to this table and drop off a smoothie. Just as a stupid example." - David Ga (02/01/2015)
intellegent drones

"I'm not going to root for the Patriots even though I'm drinking a Boston beer." - David Ga (02/01/2015)

"Sometimes I watch T V and I wonder what the hell is going on. This is one of those moments." - David Ga (02/01/2015)
katie perry's halftime show

"I think a bunch of people just pit out their food right now." - David Ga (02/01/2015)
toe fungus commercial during the superbowl

"That looks awesome. I want to do it. But I'd have to drink Bud Light to do it." "That's the only downside." - Janny M & David Ga (02/01/2015)
real life pacman

"I'm pro life in video games." - David Ga (01/23/2015)

"They have this brew... Double D..." - David Ga (01/23/2015)
talking about beer

"Maybe a Candi bomb or something." - David Ga (01/23/2015)
he wanted to try another drink that requires a shot

"Where'd you get that rule from?" "Um, the rule book." - David Ga & Paul H (01/23/2015)

"I didn't know you could get raped in this game." - David Ga (01/23/2015)
in catan

"Well because I like pouring larger vessels into smaller vessels." - David Ga (01/23/2015)
he was drinking his drink from a shot glass that he kept pouring

"Is this is a conversation we really want to have before dinner?" "Yes cause it's important." - Brian C & David Ga (01/16/2015)
talking about discentary?

"You have to make kids happy, you know?" - David Ga (01/16/2015)
he listens to kids channels in his car sometimes

"You know what? Screw these queens. I was trying to make a pair but they can go to hell." - David Ga (01/16/2015)
playing 3 to 13

"And a conservative dildo company is..." - David Ga (01/16/2015)

"Sorry, I know that wasn't a sexual fantasy." - David Ga (01/16/2015)

"Facebook doesn't have thumbs down." - David Ga (01/13/2015)

"A non Egyptian name..." - David Ga (01/13/2015)
another dude at irockville we forgot his name but was from egypt

"When my dad was forty he looked forty." - David Ga (12/12/2014)

"I think a windmill full of corpses smells worse than man meat." - David Ga (12/12/2014)

"That's more appropriate." - David Ga (12/12/2014)
seeing things from hitler's prospective

"That's not mine, though." - David Ga (12/12/2014)
mike didn't pick his card

"That's another sad one..." - David Ga (12/12/2014)
another white card that was bad

"I'm not sure if my dad did that." - David Ga (12/12/2014)
literally eating shit during his midlife crisis

"You can't trade glory holes." - David Ga (12/12/2014)

"...Now feast your eyes upon... my boyfriend's stupid penis..." - David Ga (12/12/2014)

"And another one since her hair cut looks fabulous." - David Ga (12/09/2014)
we kept clapping for random things