Patrick D's Quotes
Patrick D has made 45 quotes!
"I can't see the hole." "That's what he said." - Patrick D & Shawn R (08/10/2019)
"Acorn f**k." - Patrick D (08/10/2019)
someone drew a tree ejaculating acorns
"We gotta use that dining room table more often!" - Patrick D (08/10/2019)
for extra curricular activities
"This just looks like a girl with two dicks." - Patrick D (08/10/2019)
the picture
"There's a van and... some people..." - Patrick D (08/10/2019)
explaining the picture
"At least you have a full set of hair." - Patrick D (08/10/2019)
"That's a chemical burn. I don't want that anywhere near my balls." - Patrick D (08/10/2019)
"They can bet it later." - Patrick D (08/10/2019)
the chair since it'll be red
"We'll just have a red headed chair, too." - Patrick D (08/10/2019)
jen was having her hair dyed red
"I thought that was gonna give me more." "That's what she said." - Patrick D & Janny M (04/12/2019)
"It doesn't make sense for bars to close in the mornings." - Patrick D (04/12/2019)
people get off work from working the night shift
"I realize now the s**ty cards suck." - Patrick D (04/12/2019)
in dominion; he was a fast learner
"Throw a coin on that junk..." - Patrick D (04/12/2019)
"How many people look at your website?" - Patrick D (04/12/2019)
"My dad had the same kind of style of chair!" "Didn't everyone's parents?" - Janny M & Patrick D (09/01/2018) (pic)
"Every time I grabbed a double." "That's what she said." - Patrick D & Janny M (08/11/2018)
"Who had lactation?" "I had lactation." - Patrick D & Arlene A (08/11/2018)
"I don't think that was ever a problem for Detroit." - Patrick D (08/11/2018)
"You have to use another nut to open it." - Patrick D (08/11/2018)
"It's hot, so I sleep and then..." - Patrick D (05/25/2018)
what he does most of his days
"Just pour it on the next wound I get." - Patrick D (05/25/2018)
"Stand up and let it reach... never mind." - Patrick D (05/25/2018)
"That's... a shirt?" - Patrick D (05/25/2018)
"Sometimes I have to gag her." - Patrick D (05/25/2018)
"The battery used to last longer than ten minutes." - Patrick D (04/14/2018)
"I did a chore!" - Patrick D (04/14/2018)
"Why did you wait? Dumb." - Patrick D (01/01/2018)
on the way home; another car didn't go
"It's like, 'Okay. We're going clubbing now.'" - Patrick D (12/31/2017)
to get becky's parents out of their house
"I'm invested now. Don't stop." - Patrick D (12/23/2017)
midway through a lube review
"After drinking this hot chocolate, this story is starting to hurt me." - Patrick D (12/23/2017)
"They were like, 'Patrick, check that out,' I was like, no thanks." - Patrick D (12/23/2017)
"I don't think I'm gonna remember it in my current state." - Patrick D (08/04/2017)
"It pretty much has given us good coverage." - Patrick D (08/04/2017)
"I'm not trying to go to jail." - Patrick D (09/10/2016)
"I mean when we're out in public..." - Patrick D (09/10/2016)
"I almost don't want to hear them..." - Patrick D (09/10/2016)
becky's stories
"It meows like she's a smoker." - Patrick D (07/04/2016)
becky's mom's cat
"Doesn't sound like a bad plague." - Patrick D (08/15/2015)
cah adenol
"It's deceptively boney." - Patrick D (08/15/2015)
becky's butt
"It's a little early for Jen to get violent." - Patrick D (06/13/2015)
"It was like, 'who is getting yelled at? Oh, it's them.'" - Patrick D (06/13/2015)
"Walmart has some really good sex games." - Patrick D (08/15/2009)