Person Info
Name: | Ashley H |
Description: | first roommate at frostburg |
Know From: | College |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 15 |
Making Quotes From: | Monday, September 2, 2002 - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 4.3 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 51.2 |
Last 10 Quotes
"Wow, I found tampons!" - Ashley H (12/18/2002)
"Janis, where's this mouth coming from? Shut up!" - Ashley H (12/18/2002)
"She talks through the whole kiss... shut up!" - Ashley H (11/20/2002)
"Why is my desk wobbling?" - Ashley H (09/30/2002)
"How do you make sure they're off when you're away? We turn them off." - Ashley H (09/28/2002)
talking about a boogus question on our roomie questionaire, it's about alarmclocks
"We're not noisy people... what's that noise?" - Ashley H (09/28/2002)
"Oh, there's the window. Look at that." - Ashley H (09/23/2002)
"So that's why I was sleeping on tacks all night." - Ashley H (09/20/2002)
in the morning she woke up & her rug thingy on her wall fell down
"Dude, my f***king boobs itch!" - Ashley H (09/13/2002)
"Do you even know who Uncle Sam is?" "Yeah, he's the guy who steals all your money." - Janny M & Ashley H (09/13/2002)