Person Info
Name: | Brian W |
Description: | coworker, really nice guy |
Know From: | Work |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 12 |
Making Quotes From: | Thursday, August 22, 2013 - Saturday, November 9, 2013 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 4.6 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 55.5 |
Last 10 Quotes
"That is a real drag." - Brian W (11/09/2013)
"Yeah, uh huh, I love you too." - Brian W (11/06/2013)
something that kept poping up on the screen
"Once I say it, it's gone." - Brian W (11/04/2013)
"Case matters. Tell him that tomorrow." - Brian W (11/04/2013)
our coworker qais
"Did it take a picture?" - Brian W (10/30/2013)
the projector made a clicking noise
"You don't want the user experience that." "Why not? Microsoft does it all the time." - Brian W & Janny M (10/23/2013)
programs that crash
"Let's pick a name... other than Bob." - Brian W (10/23/2013)
"We could talk about this for an entire semester and, believe me, I have." - Brian W (10/16/2013)
"Bou, ch... I'm here all week. Really." - Brian W (10/16/2013)
he made a joke in class
"Who cares about the world? Hi, world." - Brian W (10/14/2013)
your first program is always hello world