Person Info
Name: | Jessica A |
Description: | marc's co worker, friend |
Know From: | Neighbor |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 30 |
Making Quotes From: | Friday, August 1, 2008 - Monday, May 11, 2009 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 3.2 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 38.7 |
Last 10 Quotes
"I guess we're supposed to eat with our fingers." - Jessica A (05/11/2009)
"I hope I never get that big." - Jessica A (01/27/2009)
people on the biggest loser
"He always grabs his ass right as he kicks the ball... every time." - Jessica A (09/28/2008)
making an observation about kickers
"Well, then..." - Jessica A (09/27/2008)
forgot what she was doing but it was funny the way she said it
"Do you want me to go ask if she has any diseases?" - Jessica A (09/21/2008)
asking someone out 4 marc
"Did you just get done picking tomatoes?" - Jessica A (09/17/2008)
marc's drivers licence
"Stop f**king with it so I know where I'm going." - Jessica A (09/05/2008)
rick was playing w/ her gps
"I got like six quotes during the game last night. It was awesome." "I don't care." - Jessica A & Rick M (09/05/2008)
"I'm gonna s**t my pants." - Jessica A (09/04/2008)
"Maybe it's Gods way of saying there's not supposed to be a city there." - Jessica A (09/04/2008)
why new orleans keeps getting hit with bad weather