Person Info
Name: | Kavita T |
Description: | pretty cool girl i met in frostburg through paul |
Know From: | College |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 9 |
Making Quotes From: | Friday, May 4, 2007 - Friday, October 25, 2019 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 0.1 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 0.7 |
Last 10 Quotes
"I don't keep track of the times. That's why I married some sort of scientist." - Kavita T (10/25/2019)
"How do you know?" "Stalking..." - Kavita T & Megan Wi (09/10/2016)
"Classic Walt." - Kavita T (08/12/2015)
accidently bumped the table
"Brian's dad's root beer?" - Kavita T (08/12/2015)
she misheard not your dad's root beer
"I guess I'm seeing him the wrong way..." - Kavita T (06/05/2015)
ryan gosling
"Boo Arizona." - Kavita T (06/05/2015)
doug is from arizona
"They didn't give him a lot of words." - Kavita T (06/05/2015)
ben affleck in gone girl
"But if you neglect your kids, the party's not over." - Kavita T (05/31/2015)
"I'll be your cust..." - Kavita T (05/04/2007)
kinda funny, not really, in reference to seth's job as a male prostitute