Person Info
Name: | Allison B |
Description: | old friend, don't talk to her anymore |
Know From: | High school |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 21 |
Making Quotes From: | Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - Friday, September 17, 2010 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 0.2 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 2.5 |
Last 10 Quotes
"I don't even have a man." - Allison B (09/17/2010)
"We were like 'Farmville? The Facebook game?' 'No, Farmville the place'." - Allison B (09/17/2010)
"It's Annapolis. It's rich ghetto." - Allison B (09/17/2010)
why the lights weren't on for the restaurant
"I turned my car on, right?" - Allison B (09/17/2010)
"I would have hit the curb." "It wouldn't have been the first time tonight." - Allison B & Janny M (09/17/2010)
she hit another curb before that
"Watch where you're going with that thing, Allison." "I'm just running it down her leg." - Max B & Allison B (01/02/2004)
"Well, it was s**ty without me, right?" "Of course." - Janny M & Allison B (10/10/2003)
on how her bday was
"If you ever die on me again, I'll kill ya." - Allison B (09/27/2003)
"Oh, she finds guys, she just doesn't keep them." - Allison B (09/27/2003)
talking about me, lol
"Somebody's gotta do it with me." - Allison B (09/27/2003)