Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

Dr Weimer's Quotes

Dr Weimer has made 18 quotes!

"What's C squared? ...Am I in the right classroom?" - Dr Weimer (05/06/2003) Janny Favorite

"You have any better ideas for making money?" "Prostitution." - Dr Weimer & Janny M (05/06/2003) Janny Favorite

"I'm not going into business with you people." - Dr Weimer (05/06/2003)
class wasn't answering his questions about ellipses

"Think it has an X formula? It'd be kinda messy." - Dr Weimer (05/06/2003)

"I don't have time." "No, no you don't." - Dr Weimer & Janny M (04/22/2003)

"Do I have the half angle formula? No. I guess I erased it." - Dr Weimer (04/17/2003)
i think everything's funny today

"You would go back to that formula and let A be B." - Dr Weimer (04/17/2003)
just the way he said it was funny

"It looks like a nice expression, there, let's see if we can salvage it." - Dr Weimer (04/15/2003)

"Somebody was sitting there, weren't they? Or did they jump?" - Dr Weimer (04/15/2003)
the window was open by the seat

"Her jaw just wouldn't shut. Can you imagine?" - Dr Weimer (04/10/2003)

"Say it's grass... how much do I have to mow?" - Dr Weimer (04/08/2003)

"It's downhill from here. This is the highlight." - Dr Weimer (04/03/2003)

"Yeah, it is cute. This is an ugly one." - Dr Weimer (04/03/2003)
talking about acute angles

"Square root three over two, that's sorta not nice." - Dr Weimer (04/01/2003)

"Say we had a big circle... really big." - Dr Weimer (04/01/2003)

"Remember the day I gave you all those problems... you got all excited." - Dr Weimer (03/04/2003)

"And X is the base, base." "Base." - Dr Weimer & Janny M (02/25/2003)

"If they called it something like a peach... something non scary." - Dr Weimer (02/25/2003)
talking about logorithims... sooo easy