Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

Jess W's Quotes

Jess W has made 6 quotes!

"I've had more fun watching paint dry." - Jess W (10/16/2002) Janny Favorite
talking about reading capter 11 (the wrong chapter) in intro to world politics

"Why have they developed? Because they can!" - Jess W (10/16/2002)

"Do you know why more Americans read U S A Today?" "Horoscopes?" - Prof Sarafin & Jess W (10/16/2002)

"If I wrote anymore, I'd be writting a booklet." - Jess W (10/14/2002)

"They could do without the cow bell... and think... someone got famous off of ringing a cow bell." - Jess W (10/07/2002)
don't feel the reaper

"No way, you break danced? Well show me some of your moves!" "Hell no, there isn't enough room!" - Janny M & Jess W (10/07/2002)