Donald OW's Quotes
Donald OW has made 7 quotes!
"He's a nightmare!" - Donald OW (02/02/2018)
one of mike's coworkers
"I can't get it in." "That's what she said." - Donald OW & Janny M & Mike O (01/05/2018)
his seatbelt; twss said by me & mike at the same time
"Oh, Detroit." "Colder." - Donald OW & Kurt W (12/22/2017)
where karate kid took place
"How old do you think Brian is?" "Eighty nine." - Mike O & Donald OW (02/17/2017)
"I saw that when I went on my walk." "What walk?" - Brian C & Donald OW (12/10/2016)
apparently this was a diss
"I don't have a zipper on my mouth." - Donald OW (12/10/2016)
"I need to go back to math school." "That's what she said." "Is that what you said?" - Donald OW & Mike O (07/30/2016)
donald was talking to me at the end