Suzanne B's Quotes
Suzanne B has made 7 quotes!
"The only R I know." - Suzanne B (03/29/2014)
rotadendrum flower
"I don't even want to touch these." - Suzanne B (03/29/2014)
"These pedestrian tiles..." - Suzanne B (03/29/2014)
our trionimos set is ghetto
"Something was wrong then." - Suzanne B (03/29/2014)
1/4 hour in the bathroom on your timesheet
"Ew. gross?" "She's thinking about old food." - Suzanne B & Brie Be (03/29/2014)
"Tea bags!" - Suzanne B (03/29/2014)
"Walked to get certificate..." - Suzanne B (03/29/2014)
details in our timesheet