Drew T's Quotes
Drew T has made 18 quotes!
"I feel like a girly girl drinking a Miller Light." "You are a girly girl drinking a Miller Light." - Janny M & Drew T (03/22/2011)
"She has... that much humor... I don't think we got it in there." - Drew T (01/12/2011)
our team name
"Do you know what really sucks balls?" "Yes... I haven't met her yet..." - Nichole T & Drew T (01/12/2011)
"I have a small pox vaccination..." "Vaccination..." - Drew T & Nichole T (01/12/2011)
i moved away when drew said that
"I made a mess." "That's what she said." "Twice." - Drew T & Janny M (01/12/2011)
"Just put it on the rim and taste it." "That's what she said." - Drew T & Nichole T (01/12/2011)
"I think she likes you." "She damn well better!" - Nichole T & Drew T (01/12/2011)
the trivia lady
"It could be Roy Orbisson." - Drew T (01/12/2011)
a dummy answer, got some laughs though
"How the hell do you know all this s**t?" "That's why Tim called me." - Janny M & Drew T (01/12/2011)
he knew a lot of the answers
"Palin's peaceful army." - Drew T (01/12/2011)
what our team name should be
"It has a big dangle blue dick!" - Drew T (09/06/2010)
"Way to kill a party, Tim." - Drew T (09/06/2010)
after his story, everyone went scilent
"Yankee's don't play football very well, though." - Drew T (09/06/2010)
"I like that name." "Not as much as I do." - Janny M & Drew T (08/12/2010)
suffering bastard drink
"Glazed and confused." - Drew T (08/12/2010)
"No, they didn't think it was a bomb. They thought it was something that would make the plane blow up." - Drew T (08/12/2010)
uh, a bomb?
"No... Change the channel... Where's the Care Bears Movie?" - Drew T (08/12/2010)
he said he hates friday the 13th
"Damn it. Now I forgot a good joke..." "You'll get it back." - Drew T & Tim C (08/12/2010)