Allan B's Quotes
Allan B has made 69 quotes!
"That was the only reason I won that match." - Allan B (09/05/2019)
still talking about butt girl
"Going down the road, I see Briggs, Cheney, Elrich... all these Republican highways." - Allan B (09/05/2019)
"Some might consider her a terrorist..." - Allan B (07/18/2019)
"I'll drink to that." - Allan B (07/18/2019)
his love life... not in a good way
"Yes! We need to keep talking about my sister." - Allan B (07/18/2019)
he bowled a strike
"For two weeks I got to tell people to say, 'ah.'" - Allan B (07/18/2019)
he was a dental hygienist for a few weeks
"That was not silky smooth." - Allan B (04/27/2013)
"I had some questionable pursuits..." - Allan B (04/27/2013)
before fanchon
"Ping pong is like truth syrum to you?" - Allan B (04/27/2013)
"This definitely doesn't ride like a Kia..." - Allan B (04/27/2013)
the camaro
"I know several male sluts." "Haha, you should put that on a shirt." - Brian C & Allan B (12/30/2012)
"He could pull a Cundiff." - Allan B (12/30/2012)
the vikings kicker could miss a 29 yarder
"He was on Dancing With The Stars so you know he's pushing retirement." - Allan B (07/28/2012)
donald driver
"That was week..." "Yeah, I'll give it to you, that was week." - Janny M & Allan B (07/28/2012)
weeks stole second base, o's vs a's
"It's very befitting of you.. and I mean that in the most masculine way..." - Allan B (07/28/2012)
allan's comment about bri's hair
"At least he didn't keep going." - Allan B (01/13/2012)
their dog was humping wiki
"It's not wise to start reality T V shows." - Allan B (10/02/2011)
t o
"I haven't heard of Patriots and crap in a long time." - Allan B (10/02/2011)
"It's platinum blonde..." - Allan B (10/02/2011)
logan's new hair do
"God bless him." - Allan B (10/02/2011)
strahan picked baltimore to win
"Oh what the hell? Chiefs!" - Allan B (10/02/2011)
winning over mcnabb
"Show his face!" - Allan B (10/02/2011)
on who dropped the ball to cause a fumble
"Put in the back up." - Allan B (10/02/2011)
grossmen threw an interception
"Start Tebow. It's time." - Allan B (10/02/2011)
orton didn't look good out there
"Quarterback draw..." - Allan B (12/26/2010)
qb ran on 3rd & 27
"That's how Buick drivers look." - Allan B (12/26/2010)
big orange dude on TV at Browns game
"And that's why you're the Browns." - Allan B (12/26/2010)
they had to settle for a fieldgoal
"Yeah! He's a Raven!" - Allan B (10/03/2010)
vampire commercial
"Kolb has always thrown the ball well." "Yeah, now fumble the snap again." - Brian C & Allan B (10/03/2010)
eagles game
"He's got somebody... not that person..." - Allan B (10/03/2010)
"Burgundy makes the room look bigger and gold is just prestigious." - Allan B (10/02/2010)
they painted their rooms burgundy & gold (redskins colors)
"All you have to do is go straight. Try it." - Allan B (04/17/2010)
lol, we have video of alan trying it
"Tuba players are very popular." - Allan B (04/17/2010)
uh... sure...
"Watch it, man. These aren't as thick as they look." - Allan B (04/17/2010)
his pants
"I wonder what he's like in person." "Crazy." - Loreal B & Allan B (04/17/2010)
tom cruise
"It's not as easy as it looks, Loriel." - Allan B (04/17/2010)
riding the scooter
"I almost hit the target." - Allan B (04/17/2010)
going for bri's stomach
"Intercept! Intercept! Intercept! ...Aww!" - Brian C & Allan B & Janny M (12/28/2009)
rooting for cutler to throw an interception
"He's gonna have to throw it eventually." - Allan B (12/28/2009)
wishing cutler would throw an interception
"Eminem's a white man." "Yeah, you're right. He is white." - Brian C & Allan B (12/28/2009)
"I'm sick of that diva, man." - Allan B (12/27/2009)
michael ohre
"You can say Hines but don't say Ward. There's Hines ketchup..." - Allan B (12/20/2008)
"Yeah, Ed!" - Allan B (12/20/2008)
ravens catch!!!
"Flaco, you gotta hit that... Oh, that didn't sound right." - Allan B (12/20/2008)
"That's weird, man... we're like twenty five looking at Laura Croft." - Allan B (03/02/2008)
"You're saying dudes can't smell like strawberries, Loriel?" - Allan B (03/02/2008)
"You are hating on Jack, man." - Allan B (03/02/2008)
jack from titanic
"All my manhood's ready to go out the window." - Allan B (03/01/2008)
"This song's still on?" - Allan B (02/29/2008)
was a long song on tv
"Where there's lights, there's liquor stores!" - Allan B (02/29/2008)
"Check the dictionary, samp, short for sample." - Allan B (02/29/2008)
circle of death, things that rhyme with lamp
"Show some love for the chickens." - Allan B (02/29/2008)
"Come on, man. Corona Extra, Bud Light Extra..." - Allan B (02/29/2008)
"My God, you're molesting the pile!" - Allan B (02/29/2008)
"The humping's pretty good." - Allan B (02/29/2008)
"Alright, here's a good one." "Why are you looking at me?" - Loreal B & Allan B (02/29/2008)
"All this stripping stuff going on." - Allan B (02/29/2008)
"You would say that." - Allan B (01/12/2008)
"No, to hell with Emmit Smith!" - Allan B (01/12/2008)
"What are you talking about? You need to molest the Pats to win?" - Allan B (01/12/2008)
molest the patriots to win a game
"We are a team... We're a dysfunctional team." - Allan B (01/12/2008)
"Get up there!" - Allan B (01/12/2008)
missed a high catch
"It's Maxum." "That's a good magazine!" - Marc G & Allan B (01/12/2008)
"Maybe after... I'll see if I can stand up." - Allan B (01/12/2008)
see if he's 2 drunk 2 have another drink
"I'm trying to hold back a smile." "Does anyone have a portable mirror?" - Allan B & Brian C (01/12/2008)
"This is good!" - Allan B (01/12/2008)
tried shawn's f**k u up
"I was happy... not for the heart attack but..." - Allan B (02/05/2006)
"Atkins stuff..." "You bastard." - Janny M & Allan B (12/02/2004)
what bri wanted to get allan for christmas