Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

Sara G's Quotes

Sara G has made 14 quotes!

"Oh, she lost all her teeth. She fits in Dundalk." - Sara G (09/23/2014)

"I have the bra one." - Sara G (09/23/2014)
fit bit

"I didn't shower but I at least changed my shirt." - Sara G (09/23/2014)

"And I couldn't find my pants..." - Sara G (09/23/2014)
telling a story

"I don't know why I had to many health problems." - Sara G (09/23/2014)
all she ate back in high school was cold ravioli

"I'm stupid." - Sara G (12/31/2008)

"I don't know, are there fried apricots?" - Sara G (12/31/2008)

"Napkin?" "Na, that's what pants are for." - Janny M & Sara G (05/27/2003)

"It's nothing about me." "Uh huh." - Janny M & Sara G (05/27/2003)

"Procrastination is the key to sucess." - Sara G (05/27/2003)

"If it wasn't for the last minute, things wouldn't get done." - Sara G (05/27/2003)
she's a big procrastinator... and she's 9th in her class!

"Never put off till tomorrow, what you can put off until the day after that." - Sara G (05/27/2003)
her philosophy

"What if they towed a visitor? They could get sued." - Sara G (05/27/2003)

"Hey no turn signal?" "I don't have a free hand." - Janny M & Sara G (05/27/2003)