Person Info
Name: | Tiny S |
Description: | eric from like everything i took my first 2 years of college, big guy |
Know From: | College |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 21 |
Making Quotes From: | Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - Monday, May 3, 2004 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 1.5 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 18.0 |
Last 10 Quotes
"If you were to put a dollar amount on a letter grade..." - Tiny S (05/03/2004)
"What is a class? ...I don't remember!" - Tiny S (12/11/2003)
"Ah, a victim of your own cruelty." - Tiny S (12/09/2003)
"Hah. F in. Where's my F in input?" - Tiny S (12/09/2003)
"I came for a quiz, no more, no less." - Tiny S (11/06/2003)
"Here's the 'as such' tally for today." - Tiny S (11/06/2003)
he was counting the times crall said as such
"It's my desktop, I swear." - Tiny S (11/04/2003)
making fun of me playing freecell
"We need times!" - Tiny S (10/30/2003)
slammed hand on table
"The final five." - Tiny S (10/30/2003)
"There's always a catch." - Tiny S (10/30/2003)