Person Info
Name: | Rene Q |
Description: | beer friend in portugal |
Know From: | Portugal |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | Yes |
Number Of Quotes: | 19 |
Making Quotes From: | Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - Friday, November 1, 2024 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 0.9 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 11.2 |
Last 10 Quotes
"I don't want my guests in their own room drinking all my beer..." - Rene Q (11/01/2024)
"I can feel the wind in my hair." - Rene Q (07/17/2024)
when biking; he doesn't have much hair
"Well I also have an analog bike..." - Rene Q (03/22/2024)
a non-electric bike
"I never saw so many walkers in my life outside a hospice." - Rene Q (10/20/2023)
"I'm kind of playing with that cause rules are bulls**t." - Rene Q (07/26/2023)
"So that lady... I removed the 'old.'" - Rene Q (07/26/2023)
"For a Canadian, it doesn't matter." - Rene Q (07/26/2023)
every season is a heavy drink (like whisky) season
"Oh you could die." - Rene Q (07/26/2023)
canada has maple syrup festivals
"Is it that wonderful?" - Rene Q (04/22/2023)
making your own hours when you're retired
"I had an extended warranty..." - Rene Q (04/22/2023)
he had eye surgery