Person Info
Name: | Jay Lu |
Description: | met him at a digital nomad meetup in lagos |
Know From: | Portugal |
Top Person?: | Yes |
Active?: | Yes |
Number Of Quotes: | 10 |
Making Quotes From: | Tuesday, January 17, 2023 - Wednesday, December 18, 2024 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 0.4 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 5.2 |
Last 10 Quotes
"Radio edits." - Jay Lu (12/18/2024)
the christmas carols at collab were shorter than the original songs
"Thank you, Lando. Could I sit down before we make love?" - Jay Lu (03/14/2024)
"You're gonna wake up one morning without a liver!" - Jay Lu (02/03/2024)
one of the meetups i attend
"A week? That's plenty!" - Jay Lu (01/25/2024)
how long his mother in law is in town
"Well we were talking politics but there were bikini's..." - Jay Lu (12/21/2023)
"I wasn't drinking that night." - Jay Lu (01/17/2023)
he was telling us a story
"I don't know what they're catching. They're pretty high." - Jay Lu (01/17/2023)
the fishermen off of cliffs at the beaches in portugal
"Yeah. Which is short. It's only two weeks." - Jay Lu (01/17/2023)
summers in england
"You don't want to rush. It's not very nice there now." - Jay Lu (01/17/2023)
going to england in the winter
"I feel like we're slumming it." - Jay Lu (01/17/2023)
they are going to move into an apartment and won't be by the marina anymore