Person Info
Name: | Mi G |
Description: | |
Know From: | Annonymous |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 7 |
Making Quotes From: | Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - Friday, July 1, 2016 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 7.1 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 85.2 |
Last 10 Quotes
"Like we planted the rat..." - Mi G (07/01/2016)
"He's not mentally stable. The best thing we can hope for is death." - Mi G (07/01/2016)
"It's a gentlemanly cactus." - Mi G (06/09/2016)
a sign
"I like my tea poisoned." - Mi G (06/05/2016)
she likes sugar in her tea
"It's blueberry so there's fruit." - Mi G (06/05/2016)
in the dunkin donut
"H***a's not allowed to date until we're dead." - Mi G (06/05/2016)
"Well his snook-a-poo over there..." - Mi G (06/01/2016)