Person Info
Name: | John Zz |
Description: | dude with a tiki bar, uncle george's friend |
Know From: | Friend Of A Friend |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 4 |
Making Quotes From: | Saturday, March 28, 2015 - Sunday, September 6, 2015 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 0.8 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 9.0 |
Last 10 Quotes
"I'm gonna do a shot so I can see better." - John Zz (09/06/2015)
"I'd help you but I can't bend over. I'd spill my beer." - John Zz (04/19/2015)
"They ain't got teeth, they don't got insurance." - John Zz (03/28/2015)
"I bet the I R S and workman's comp company are smiling..." - John Zz (03/28/2015)
car restoration show where people are doing really dumb things