Person Info
Name: | Denny J |
Description: | kurt & mike's neighbor |
Know From: | Friend Of A Friend |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 12 |
Making Quotes From: | Thursday, August 22, 2013 - Sunday, August 21, 2016 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 0.3 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 4.0 |
Last 10 Quotes
"It was empty." "No. It really wasn't." - Mike O & Denny J (08/21/2016)
donald's bed is wet now
"No more chips. You're going to turn into a chip." - Denny J (07/19/2015)
her grandson kept eating chips
"That's cringe worthy." - Denny J (03/28/2014)
"Oh. That kinda head..." - Denny J (03/28/2014)
"That may have explained the Boccaccio." - Denny J (03/28/2014)
"That's kinda funny... in a weird way." - Denny J (03/28/2014)
"Especially in the bad weather. They're like, 'no, I'll melt'." - Denny J (12/31/2013)
her dogs don't like going outside in the rain
"I'm pretty sure I did that in college." - Denny J (12/31/2013)
a card in cards against humanity
"She's got good arms." - Denny J (12/31/2013)
michelle obama's arms card in cah
"How many does she got over there?" "I'm not telling." - Cindy O & Denny J (12/31/2013)
denny was really good at cah