Person Info
Name: | Sars R |
Description: | hs friend, don't know her too well |
Know From: | High school |
Top Person?: | No |
Active?: | No |
Number Of Quotes: | 6 |
Making Quotes From: | Saturday, July 6, 2002 - Saturday, July 5, 2003 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Month: | 0.5 |
Average Number Of Quotes Per Year: | 6.0 |
Last 10 Quotes
"With our powers combined, we are captin D R." - Sars R (07/05/2003)
"We should avoid organization all together, and have people scamper about randomly." - Sars R (07/05/2003)
"Yes, it's like a boat." - Sars R (06/21/2003)
her movie theature tshirt
"Is Mike showing off? Make him stop." - Sars R (06/21/2003)
"They're talking in third person over there... okay." - Sars R (06/21/2003)
"Do taxi drivers wear hats with floofs?" - Sars R (07/06/2002)