Dr Moore's Quotes
Dr Moore has made 32 quotes!
"You have no physical chocolate... but you're called 'Chocolate'?" - Dr Moore (12/05/2005)
"If you get the chance, you should watch the evening news from Canada!" - Dr Moore (11/21/2005)
"Oh, only a small group... Do you wanna go home?" - Dr Moore (11/18/2005)
"Was it bad?... You're not smiling." - Dr Moore (10/25/2005)
"Was that bad?... Was it sexist?" - Dr Moore (10/25/2005)
"I mean, given the nature of the class... the book is called 'White Privilege', why would you say true?" - Dr Moore (10/24/2005)
"People of the O word." "Orgy?" - Dr Moore & Ben M (10/10/2005)
"Any of you prostitutes in here? ...It sounded funny." - Dr Moore (09/30/2005)
of course he raised his hand while saying this
"Are you going to have more kids?" "No, she's going to get a hysterectomy." - Dr Moore & James P (09/28/2005)
"If you don't have a partner, than I guess you'll have to have a threesome." - Dr Moore (09/28/2005)
"I sometimes ask... Well, who's vagina are we talking about?" - Dr Moore (09/09/2005)
vagina monologues
"If you wanna talk after class... there's a counseling center..." - Dr Moore (05/10/2005)
"You'll be here, and we'll be gone... we'll be out playing with our kids." - Dr Moore (05/10/2005)
"Why is there conversation back there? I'm so excited!" - Dr Moore (05/04/2005)
"You are not getting that recommendation." - Dr Moore (04/28/2005)
someone in the class, we were talking about outsourcing, this was a REALLY good discussion!
"I have bi racial kids to feed." - Dr Moore (04/28/2005)
"Haising is bad..." - Dr Moore (04/28/2005)
frostburg was on CNN for haising, yay
"I don't know... maybe it's just me." - Dr Moore (04/26/2005)
the morning class did better than us
"That is so cruel..." - Dr Moore (04/26/2005)
someone killing a bee
"You can have a threesome." - Dr Moore (04/07/2005)
"Has anyone been murdered lately?" - Dr Moore (03/31/2005)
he stud up & raised his hand
"I met the guy in the bathroom..." - Dr Moore (03/31/2005)
"You wanna drink this weekend, Bob?" "No." - Person In Sociology & Dr Moore (03/31/2005)
"That's a good beat." - Dr Moore (03/10/2005)
someones cell was ringing
"How old do you think I am?" - Dr Moore (03/08/2005)
"Charles... sorry... Who's Brent?" - Dr Moore (03/03/2005)
"Did you go to first grade?" - Dr Moore (03/03/2005)
somebody couldn't count off
"Oh, no body invites me. I feel left out." - Dr Moore (03/03/2005)
frat parties
"I wanna feel your pain." - Dr Moore (02/22/2005)
"Why do you wanna be white?" - Dr Moore (02/15/2005)
"Okay, good luck to you, don't drown." - Dr Moore (02/10/2005)
"I am a female." - Dr Moore (02/08/2005)
dr BOB moore lol