Nancy M's Quotes
Nancy M has made 7 quotes!
"Pretty soon she'll have lemonade." - Nancy M (08/25/2004)
"Are those his shorts?" "No, he tore them off a guy." - Mrs Harich & Nancy M (08/16/2003)
"Kangaroo burgers..." "Yeah, but they have regular food, too." - Nancy M & Mrs Harich (08/15/2003)
"I was observing the young lady shaking her dressing and she became paranoid." - Nancy M (08/15/2003)
"She know how to get the answer." "Well, he wouldn't tell an old lady where he's from." - Mrs Harich & Nancy M (08/15/2003)
"Oh, thank God. That'll help everybody." - Nancy M (08/14/2003)
about the black out, our president making a speach
"There's one in every crowd... has to have his way." - Nancy M (08/12/2003)