Rachael A's Quotes
Rachael A has made 7 quotes!
"Yeah I used to do that when I was thirteen too." - Rachael A (06/26/2010)
"Your armpits smell like coconuts." - Rachael A (10/24/2009)
"Guess who I hit today... the Speaker of the House." - Rachael A (01/17/2005)
"Yeah, she can shut up, she's just jealous that she can't sing like me." - Rachael A (08/01/2003)
"Tell me you're not watching that movie." - Rachael A (07/27/2003)
titanic song was playing on the radio, lol
"Yeah, I want that one and that one... does that one come in blue?" - Rachael A (07/06/2003)
talking about the guys hanging around the gb mall
"That's kinda not near here... let's eat food." - Rachael A (06/30/2003)